

单词 either
either ★★★
  Either can be used in the following ways:
either 有以下用法
  in the expression either...or 用于表达法either…or中: Students could choose either French or Spanish. 学生们可以选择法语或者西班牙语。 You can either come by bus or take a taxi. 你要么坐公共汽车来,要么坐出租车。
  as a determiner (followed by a singular countable noun)用作限定词(后接可数名词的单数形式): a long room with a door at either end 两头各有一扇门的长房间。
  as a pronoun 用作代词: Olive oil and corn oil are both suitable, so you could use either. 橄榄油和玉米油都适合,所以你用哪一种都行。( (followed by ‘of’ )后接of: Does either of you speak Chinese? 你们两人中有会讲汉语的吗?
  as an adverb (in negative sentences)用作副词(用于否定句): Jerry wasn’ t there either. 杰里也不在那儿。
  When either is the subject of a sentence, it is usually used with a singular verb当either用作句子的主语时,通常与动词的单数形式连用: Is either of them at home? 他们两人中有在家的吗? But in spoken English a plural verb is sometimes used但在英语口语中,人们有时也使用动词的复数形式: Are either of them at home? 他们两人中有在家的吗?
1 one or the other of two people or things, especially when it does not matter which (两者之中)任意一个

Cheque or credit card – you can use either. 支票或信用卡你都可以用。

Applications are welcomed from people of either sex and any age. 男女老少均可申请。

+of It was a long time before either of them spoke. 很长一段时间他们两个谁都没有开口说话。

1a used for showing two or more possibilities or choices 或者…或者(表示两个或两个以上的可能性或选择)

You must answer either yes or no. 你必须回答是或者不是。

You can contact us either by phone, by email, or by letter. 你可以通过电话、电子邮件或者信函来联系我们。

When there’ s a crisis, they either do nothing or do something totally useless. 发生危机时,他们或者什么也不做,或者做些无用功。

1b used for saying that one of two things has to happen or be true 要么…要么(表示两件事中必然有一件要发生或是真的)

Either you come with us, or you stay at home with your mother. 要么你和我们一起去,要么你呆在家里陪妈妈。

Either he forgot about the meeting or he deliberately stayed away – I don’ t know which. 要么是他忘了要开会,要么是他故意躲开,我不清楚是哪一种情况。

1c used for saying that it does not matter which of two things happens or is true , because the result will be the same 不管是(两者中的)哪种情况

Perhaps the boy was really ill, or perhaps he was just exhausted – either way they would have to stop. 也许这个男孩是真的病了,也许他只是太累了,不管是哪种情况,他们都不能再这样下去了。

2 used in negative statements referring to both of two people or things (用于否定句)两者都(不)

Jackie could play the piano and sing, whereas I couldn’ t do either. 杰基会弹钢琴也会唱歌,而我两样都不会。

Most of the troublemakers were not supporters of either team. 大多数的捣乱者并不是双方球队的支持者。

+of I didn’ t like either of the candidates. 两个候选人我都不喜欢。

2a used for adding that a negative statement is also true of another person or thing 也(不)

We tried another method, but that didn’ t work either. 我们又试了一种方法,但也没有用。

It’ s a problem I can’ t solve, and I don’ t think anyone else can either. 这是个我无法解决的问题,而且我认为其他任何人也解决不了

2b used for adding a negative statement that emphasizes how good , bad , impressive etc something is 而且(用于否定句或否定词组后加强语气)

He did a superb job, and he didn’ t have any help either. 他干得好极了,而且还没有人帮助他。

2c used when someone else has made a negative statement and you mean it is also true of you . This is considered to be incorrect by speakers of British English who would say me neither 我也不

‘I don’ t like horror films.’ ‘Me either.’ “我不喜欢恐怖片。”“我也不喜欢。”

-   either side/end/hand etc
each of two sidesendshands etc

Her parents were sitting on either side of her. 她的父母坐在她的两边。

There were stairs at either end of the hall. 大厅的两头都有楼梯。

Pelham entered the room carrying a briefcase in either hand. 佩勒姆走进房间,两只手里都提着公文包。





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