释义 |
- gram(s)克Topics Maths and measurementa2
g symbol /dʒiː/ /dʒiː/ (specialist)- gravity or a measurement of the force with which something moves faster through space because of gravity重力;地球引力
- Spacecraft which are re-entering the earth's atmosphere are affected by g forces.重返大气层的航天器受到重力的作用。
G noun /dʒiː/ /dʒiː/ (also g) [countable, uncountable] (plural Gs, G’s, g’s /dʒiːz/ /dʒiːz/ ) - the 7th letter of the English alphabet英语字母表的第 7 个字母
- ‘Gold’ begins with (a) G/‘G’.gold 一词以字母 g 开头。
G (music) the fifth note in the scale of C majorG 音(C 大调的第 5 音或音符)Topics Musicb1 see also G and T, G-string
G abbreviation /dʒiː/ /dʒiː/ - (in the US)
general audiences (a label for a movie that is suitable for anyone, including children)G 级,老少咸宜(影片分级用语,表示适合包括儿童在内的任何人观看) compare NC-17, PG-13, R (5) - (in units of measurement)
giga- 吉(咖);千兆- a download bandwidth of 1.5 Gbits per second每秒 1.5 吉比特的下载带宽
- (North American English, informal) $1 0001 000 美元