- a member of an organization formed in the 1850s in the US and Ireland in order to end British rule in Ireland
芬尼运动成员(19 世纪 50 年代在美国和爱尔兰成立组织,致力于争取爱尔兰脱离英国统治) - (taboo, offensive, slang) (especially in Northern Ireland) an offensive word for a Catholic
(尤用于北爱尔兰)芬尼亚人(对天主教徒的蔑称) CultureThe Fenians were involved in the Easter Rising in 1916, and in forming the IRA in 1919. Some people, especially Protestants in Northern Ireland, use the word 'Fenian' as an offensive way of referring to a Roman Catholic.
Word Originfrom Old Irish féne, the name of an ancient Irish people, confused with fíann, fianna (see Fianna Fáil).