

单词 fast


(comparative faster, superlative fastest)


    moving or able to move quickly快的;迅速的;敏捷的
    • a fast car/horse速度快的汽车/马
    • He's just become the world's fastest runner.他刚刚成为世界上跑得最快的运动员。
    Extra Examples
    • Her pulse seemed very fast.她的脉搏好像跳动很快。
    • She loves driving fast cars.她喜欢开快车。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    happening in a short time or without delay迅速发生的;立即发生的
    • We've recorded the fastest rate of increase for several years.我们创下了几年来最高的增长率。
    • We can guarantee a fast response time.我们保证能作出及时迅即的反应。
    • Technology was expanding at a fast pace. 那时科技发展得很快。
    • a period of fast economic growth 经济快速增长时期
    Which Word? fast / quick / rapidfast / quick / rapidThese adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns:
    fast ~quick ~rapid ~
    • Fast is used especially to describe a person or thing that moves or is able to move at great speed.
    • Quick is more often used to describe something that is done in a short time or without delay.
    • Rapid, swift and speedy are more formal words.
    • Rapid is most commonly used to describe the speed at which something changes. It is not used to describe the speed at which something moves or is done:
      • a rapid train
      • We had a rapid coffee.
    • Swift usually describes something that happens or is done quickly and immediately:
      • a swift decision迅即作出的决定
      • The government took swift action.政府立即采取了行动。
    • Speedy has a similar meaning:
      • a speedy recovery迅速康复
      . It is used less often to talk about the speed at which something moves:
      • a speedy car.
    • For the use of fast and quick as adverbs, note at quick.
    Extra Examples
    • I should make a very fast profit on these.我应该从中快速获利。
    • Viktor set the fastest lap time of the weekend.维克托创造了周末最快圈速。
    • I suppose delivery in two days is pretty fast, really.我认为两天内送到确实是相当快了。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    able to do something quickly动作迅速的;头脑灵活的
    • a fast learner领悟快的学习者
    • Are you a fast reader with the ability to retain the key points?你能不能在速读的同时记住要点?
    • These are complex programs needing very large and fast computers.这些程序很复杂,需要运行速度快的大型计算机。
    • a fast internet connection 高速网络连接
  4. surface

  5. producing or allowing quick movement可供快速运动的
    • It's a very fast road and people do not realize what speed they are doing.这是条快车道,人们没有意识到自己的速度有多快。
    see also fast lane
  6. watch/clock

  7. [not before noun] showing a time later than the true time走得快
    • I'm early—my watch must be fast.我早了,我的表肯定快了。
    • That clock's ten minutes fast.那座钟快十分钟。
  8. photographic film

  9. (specialist) very sensitive to light, and therefore useful when taking photographs in poor light or of something that is moving very quickly感光快的
  10. fixed

  11. (of a boat, etc.) safely fixed in position系牢的;停靠稳妥的
    • He made the boat fast.他把船系牢了。
  12. colours in clothes

  13. not likely to change or to come out when washed不褪色的 see also colour fast
  14. There is no noun related to fast. Use speed in connection with vehicles, actions, etc.; quickness is used about thinking.
    Word Originadjective Old English fæst ‘firmly fixed, steadfast’ and fæste ‘firmly’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vast and German fest ‘firm, solid’ and fast ‘almost’. In Middle English the adverb developed the senses ‘strongly, vigorously’ (compare with run hard), and ‘close, immediate’ (just surviving in the archaic fast by; compare with hard by), hence ‘closely, immediately’ and ‘quickly’; the idea of rapid movement was then reflected in adjectival use.
be fast/quick on the draw
  1. (informal) to be quick to understand or react in a new situation领悟敏捷;反应迅速
    • You can't fool him—he's always fast on the draw.你骗不了他——他的抽牌速度总是很快。
  2. to be quick at pulling out a gun in order to shoot it拔枪迅速
be quick/fast on the draw
  1. (informal) to be quick to understand or react in a new situation领悟敏捷;反应迅速
    • You can't fool him—he's always quick on the draw.你骗不了他,他脑筋一向很快。
  2. to be quick at pulling out a gun in order to shoot it拔枪迅速
fast and furious
  1. (of films/movies, shows, etc.) full of rapid action and sudden changes情节发展快且曲折
    • In his latest movie, the action is fast and furious.在他的最新电影中,情节起伏跌宕。
    More Like This Alliteration in idiomsAlliteration in idioms
    • belt and braces
    • black and blue
    • born and bred
    • chalk and cheese
    • chop and change
    • done and dusted
    • down and dirty
    • in dribs and drabs
    • eat somebody out of house and home
    • facts and figures
    • fast and furious
    • first and foremost
    • forgive and forget
    • hale and hearty
    • hem and haw
    • kith and kin
    • mix and match
    • part and parcel
    • puff and pant
    • to rack and ruin
    • rant and rave
    • risk life and limb
    • short and sweet
    • signed and sealed
    • spic and span
    • through thick and thin
    • this and that
    • top and tail
    • tried and tested
    • wax and wane
a fast talker
  1. a person who can talk very quickly and easily, but who cannot always be trusted快嘴快舌但不可信赖的人
    • As a politician, she had the reputation for being a real fast talker.作为一名政治家,她以说话很快而闻名。
a fast worker
  1. (informal) a person who knows how to get what they want quickly, especially when beginning a sexual relationship with somebody善于迅速达到目的的人;(尤指恋爱方面)善于一下子获得青睐的人
hard and fast
  1. (especially after a negative) that cannot be changed in any circumstances板上钉钉;不容更改
    • There are no hard and fast rules about this.这事没有什么硬性的规定。
    • This situation isn’t hard and fast.这种情况并不是一成不变的。
make a fast/quick buck
  1. (informal, often disapproving) to earn money quickly and easily轻易地赚钱
    • This is a long-term project. We are not out to make a quick buck.这是一个长期项目。我们不是为了赚快钱。
pull a fast one (on somebody)
  1. (slang) to trick somebody欺骗;愚弄


(faster, fastest)


    • Don't drive so fast!别把车开得这么快!
    • How fast were you going?当时你们走得有多快?
    • I can't go any faster.我不能走得更快了。
    • The water was rising fast.水迅猛上涨。
    • Her heart beat faster.她的心跳加快。
    • (formal) Night was fast approaching.黑夜迅速降临。
    • He came round the corner blindingly fast.他跑过拐角处,速度快得惊人。
    • By a few easy steps you can make your PC run faster. 通过几个简单的步骤,您就可以使您的电脑运行得更快。
    Which Word? quick / quickly / fastquick / quickly / fast
    • Quickly is the usual adverb from quick:
      • I quickly realized that I was on the wrong train.我很快意识到我坐错了火车。
      • My heart started to beat more quickly.我的心开始跳得快起来。
    • Quick is sometimes used as an adverb in very informal language, especially as an exclamation:
      • Come on! Quick! They’ll see us!快点吧!快!他们会看见我们的!
      Quicker is used more often:
      • My heart started to beat much quicker.我的心跳开始大大加快。
      • The quicker I get you away from here, the better.我越快送你离开此地越好。
    • Fast is more often used when you are talking about the speed that somebody or something moves at:
      • How fast can a cheetah run?猎豹奔跑的速度有多快?
      • Can’t you drive any faster?你难道不能开快点儿?
      • You’re driving too quickly.
      There is no word fastly.
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
    in a short time; without delay不久;立即
    • Children grow up so fast these days.如今孩子们长得真快。
    • Britain is fast becoming a nation of fatties.英国很快就会变成胖子国。
    • The police said that they had reacted as fast as they could.警方说他们已尽快作出了反应。
    • Ben knew he had to move fast. 本知道他必须快速行动。
    • The economy was expected to grow significantly faster than it did.预计经济增长速度将明显快于实际情况。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • seem
    • extremely
    • fairly
    • very
  3. fast-

  4. (in compound adjectives) doing the thing mentioned quickly…敏捷的;…迅速的
    • a fast-flowing stream湍急的溪流
    • fast-growing crops速生作物
    • a fast-moving detective story一个快速发展的侦探故事
  5. completely

    • Within a few minutes she was fast asleep (= sleeping deeply).几分钟后她就沉睡了。
    • The boat was stuck fast (= unable to move) in the mud.船深陷在淤泥里动弹不得。
    There is no noun related to fast. Use speed in connection with vehicles, actions, etc.; quickness is used about thinking.
  7. Word Originadverb Old English fæst ‘firmly fixed, steadfast’ and fæste ‘firmly’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vast and German fest ‘firm, solid’ and fast ‘almost’. In Middle English the adverb developed the senses ‘strongly, vigorously’ (compare with run hard), and ‘close, immediate’ (just surviving in the archaic fast by; compare with hard by), hence ‘closely, immediately’ and ‘quickly’; the idea of rapid movement was then reflected in adjectival use.
as fast as your legs can carry you
  1. as quickly as you can尽快;从速
be fading fast
  1. to be disappearing quickly快速消失
    • Hopes of a peace settlement were fading fast.和议的希望迅速破灭。
hold fast to something
  1. (formal) to continue to believe in an idea, etc. despite difficulties坚持(某种思想等)
play fast and loose (with somebody/something)
  1. (old-fashioned) to treat somebody/something in a way that shows that you feel no responsibility or respect for them反复无常;若即若离;玩弄
stand fast/firm
  1. to refuse to move back; to refuse to change your opinions坚定不移;不让步;坚持自己的观点Topics Opinion and argumentc2
thick and fast
  1. quickly and in large quantities又快又多;频频
    • Questions were coming at them thick and fast.问题铺天盖地向他们而来。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they fast
he / she / it fasts
past simple fasted
past participle fasted
-ing form fasting
  1. to eat little or no food for a period of time, especially for religious or medical reasons(尤因宗教或医疗原因)节食,禁食,斋戒
    • Muslims fast during Ramadan.伊斯兰教徒在斋月期间斋戒。
    • During Ramadan they fast from dawn to sunset.斋月期间,他们从黎明到日落禁食。
    Topics Religion and festivalsc2
    Word Originverb Old English fæstan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vasten and German fasten, also to Old Norse fasta, the source of the noun.


  1. a period during which you do not eat food, especially for religious or health reasons禁食期;斋戒期
    • to go on a fast开始禁食
    • to break (= end) your fast开斋
    Extra Examples
    • All members of the religious community keep these fasts.这个宗教团体的所有成员都守这些斋戒。
    • In the evening the people break their fast.人们晚上开斋。
    • He observes the fast of Ramadan.他遵守斋月期间的斋戒。
    • In Cyprus this soup is served on Easter morning to break the long Lenten fast.在塞浦路斯,这种汤要在复活节早上喝,给漫长的四旬斋期开斋。
    Topics Religion and festivalsc2, Cooking and eatingc2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • long
    verb + fast
    • go on
    • keep
    • observe
    Word Originnoun Old English fæstan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vasten and German fasten, also to Old Norse fasta, the source of the noun.




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