

单词 fall


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they fall
he / she / it falls
past simple fell
past participle fallen
-ing form falling
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    drop down

    [intransitive] to drop down from a higher level to a lower level落下;下落;掉落;跌落
    • The rain was falling steadily.雨不停地下着。
    • They were injured by falling rocks.他们被落石砸伤了。
    • fall + adv./prep. Several of the books had fallen onto the floor.这些书有几本掉到了地上。
    • The label must have fallen off.标签肯定脱落了。
    • The leaves were falling from the trees.树叶从树上掉下来。
    • The seeds fall to the ground and germinate.种子落到地上并发芽。
    • One of the kids fell into the river.小孩中有一个掉进了河里。
    • + noun He fell 20 metres onto the rocks below.他掉到下面 20 米处的岩石上。
    Extra Examples
    • It was September and the leaves were starting to fall.时值九月,树叶开始飘落。
    • A tile fell off the roof.一片瓦从房檐上落下。
    • 70 millimetres of rain fell in just a few hours.仅几个小时降雨量便达到了70毫米。
    • Snow had fallen during the night.夜间下了雪。
    • the snow falling on the fields落在田野中的雪
    • I've lost my necklace—it must have fallen off.我的项链丢了——肯定是掉下来了。
    • A cup fell off the shelf and broke.一个杯子从架子上掉下来摔碎了。
    • He was walking by the canal and he fell in.他在运河边行走,结果掉进了河里。
    • A leaf fell into my drink.一片叶子掉进了我的饮料里。
    • The plate fell to the floor.盘子掉在了地板上。
    • Part of a satellite fell to earth.一颗卫星的一部分坠落到地球上。
    • Tears fell freely from her eyes.她任由泪水夺眶而出。
    • She lifted her arm, but then let it fall.她抬起手臂,然后又放了下来。
    • Loose bricks were falling down onto the ground.松脱的砖块正往地上掉。
    • Her hands fell limply to her sides.她双手无力地垂在身旁。
    • He fell overboard in heavy seas.他从船上掉进了波涛汹涌的大海中。
    • He fell from the fourth floor.他从四层楼上摔了下来。
    • He fell on some broken glass.他跌倒在一些碎玻璃上。
    • Careful, or you'll fall!小心,不然你会摔倒的!
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • heavily
    • steadily
    • freely
    verb + fall
    • be about to
    • let somebody/​something
    • from
    • into
    • on
  2. stop standing

    [intransitive] to suddenly stop standing突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌
    • She slipped on the ice and fell.她在冰上滑了一跤。
    • A tree fell, just missing his car.一棵树倒下了,正好砸中了他的车。
    • fall + adv./prep. I fell over and cut my knee.我摔倒了,划破了膝盖。
    • The house looked as if it was about to fall down.房子看起来好像就要倒塌似的。
    see also fallen
    Extra Examples
    • She fell heavily to the ground.她重重地摔倒在地。
    • She fell headlong, with a cry of alarm.她惊叫一声,一头栽了下去。
    • One of the children fell over.其中一个孩子跌倒了。
    • He stumbled and almost fell.他绊了一下,几乎摔倒。
    • I nearly fell on the ice, but recovered.我差点摔倒在冰上,但又恢复了。
    • She tripped and fell going downstairs.她下楼时绊了一下,摔倒了。
    • A shot rings out, and he falls backwards.一声枪响,他向后倒去。
    • He fell through a glass door.他从玻璃门掉下来。
    • She fell forward and hit her head on the table.她向前摔倒,头撞到了桌子上。
    • I fell back onto the bed.我又倒回床上。
    • When a tree falls, it is cut up for firewood.当一棵树倒下时,它会被砍下来当柴火。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • almost
    • nearly
    • headlong
    verb + fall
    • be about to
    • stumble and fall
    • trip and fall
  4. decrease

    [intransitive] to decrease in amount, number or strength(数量)减少,下降;(强度)减小
    • Prices continued to fall on the stock market today.今天股票市场价格继续下跌。
    • The temperature fell sharply in the night.夜间温度陡降。
    • Falling birth rates could have an impact on future economic growth.下降的出生率可能会对未来的经济增长产生影响。
    • Reputations rise and fall for a variety of reasons.声誉的上升和下降有多种原因。
    • fall by something Their profits have fallen by 30 per cent.他们的利润减少了 30%。
    • fall + noun Share prices fell 30p.股价下跌了 30 便士。
    • Petroleum sales fell almost 11 per cent. 石油销量下降近 11%。
    • fall against something The dollar fell slightly against the yen.美元兑日元小幅下跌。
    • fall to something Her voice fell to a whisper.她的声音变小,成了耳语。
    • Unemployment fell to its lowest level in 30 years.失业率降至30年来的最低水平。
    opposite rise
    Extra Examples
    • The price of coal fell sharply.煤炭价格急剧下跌。
    • Profits were falling and so was the stock price.利润下降,股价也下降。
    • With falling ad revenues, the magazine was in trouble.由于广告收入下降,该杂志陷入了困境。
    • TV ratings have fallen dramatically.电视收视率急剧下降。
    • The country's birth rate has fallen to 1.8 children per family.该国的出生率已降至每户1.8个孩子。
    • Winter temperatures never fall below 10°C.冬天气温从来没有低于 10 摄氏度。
    • Real hourly wages have fallen significantly over the past 25 years.过去 25 年来,实际时薪大幅下降。
    • The number of people unemployed has fallen from two million to just over one and a half million.失业人数已从 200 万下降到 150 多一点儿。
    • The company's shares fell 19 per cent following the announcement.消息公布后,该公司股价下跌 19%。
    • Demand is likely to fall by some 15 per cent.需求可能会下降约 15%。
    • Expenditure on education fell by 10 per cent last year.去年教育支出下降了10%。
    • During that period, visitor numbers fell by half.在此期间,游客人数下降了一半。
    Topics Change, cause and effecta2, Moneya2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • dramatically
    • rapidly
    • sharply
    verb + fall
    • be expected to
    • be likely to
    • continue to
    • below
    • by
    • from
  6. become

    [intransitive] to pass into a particular state; to begin to be something进入(某状态);开始变成(某事物)
    • fall + adj. He had fallen asleep on the sofa.他在沙发上睡着了。
    • She fell ill soon after and did not recover.不久后她就病倒了,而且未能痊愈。
    • The room had fallen silent.整个房间都变得静悄悄的。
    • When the rent fell due, she couldn't pay.房租到期时,她付不起了。
    • The book fell open at a page of illustrations.书翻开在有插图的那一页。
    • fall into something I had fallen into conversation with a man on the train.在火车上我和一个男人攀谈起来。
    • The house had fallen into disrepair.这栋房子已年久失修。
    Extra Examples
    • Partway through the expedition, he fell sick and had to give up. 探险途中,他生病了,不得不放弃。
    • When the post fell vacant, she applied.当这个职位空缺时,她提出了申请。
    • His mouth fell open in astonishment.他惊讶地张大了嘴。
    • They had been married for just a few weeks when she fell pregnant.他们结婚才几周,她就怀孕了。
    • At last the house fell quiet and everyone slept.屋子里终于安静下来,大家都睡了。
    • They met when they were students, and fell in love.他们在学生时代相识,并相恋。
    • By that time the building had fallen into disuse.那时该建筑已废弃。
    • words and phrases that have fallen into disuse已不再使用的单词和短语
    • He fell into a coma from which he never recovered.他陷入昏迷,再也没有恢复过来。
    • She fell into a daydream.她陷入了白日梦。
    • We fell into the habit of walking to work together every day.我们养成了每天一起走路去上班的习惯。
  8. of hair/material

  9. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to hang down下垂;低垂
    • Her hair fell over her shoulders in a mass of curls.她的鬈发披肩。
  10. slope downwards

  11. [intransitive] fall (away/off) to slope downwards倾斜;成斜坡
    • The land falls away sharply towards the river.地势向河边陡然倾斜。
  12. be defeated

  13. [intransitive] to be defeated or captured被打败;沦陷;失守
    • The coup failed but the government fell shortly afterwards.政变虽然流产,但是不久以后政府便垮台了。
    • fall to somebody Troy finally fell to the Greeks.特洛伊城最终被希腊人攻陷。
    Topics War and conflictc2
  14. die in battle

  15. [intransitive] (literary) to die in battle; to be shot阵亡;被击毙
    • a memorial to those who fell in the two world wars两次世界大战阵亡将士纪念碑
  16. happen/occur

  17. [intransitive] (literary) to come quickly and suddenly突然来到;突然出现 synonym descend
    • A sudden silence fell.突然一片鸦雀无声。
    • Darkness falls quickly in the tropics.在热带地区夜幕降临迅速。
    • fall on somebody/something An expectant hush fell on the guests.客人们即时安静了下来,期待着将要发生的事。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • almost
    • nearly
    • headlong
    verb + fall
    • be about to
    • stumble and fall
    • trip and fall
  18. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to happen or take place发生
    • My birthday falls on a Monday this year.今年我的生日适逢星期一。
  19. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move in a particular direction or come in a particular position(向某方向)移动;落(在某位置上)
    • My eye fell on (= I suddenly saw) a curious object.我突然见到了一样奇怪的东西。
    • Which syllable does the stress fall on?重音在哪个音节?
    • A shadow fell across her face.一片阴影掠过她的脸庞。
  20. belong to group

  21. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to belong to a particular class, group or area of responsibility属于(某类、群体、责任范围)
    • Out of over 400 staff there are just seven that fall into this category.400 多个职员中只有 7 人属于这一类。
    • This case falls outside my jurisdiction.这个案件不属于我的管辖范围。
    • This falls under the heading of scientific research.这一项属于科研类目。
    Extra Examples
    • This case falls squarely within the committee's jurisdiction.这件事情完全在该委员会的管辖范围之内。
    • That topic falls outside the scope of this thesis.那个论题偏离了这篇论文论述的范围。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • squarely
    • into
    • outside
    • under
  22. Word OriginOld English fallan, feallan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vallen and German fallen; the noun is partly from the verb, partly from Old Norse fall ‘downfall, sin’.
Language Bank fallfallDescribing a decrease
    • Car crime in Oxford fell significantly last year.去年牛津的汽车犯罪显著下降。
    • Car crime fell by about a quarter over a 12-month period.12 个月内汽车犯罪下降了约四分之一。
    • The number of stolen vehicles dropped from 1 013 to 780, a fall of 26 per cent.被盗汽车数量从 1 013 辆减少到 780 辆,下降了 26%。
    • According to this data, 780 vehicles were stolen, 26 per cent down on the previous year.数据显示,有 780 辆汽车被盗,比上年减少 26%。
    • There was an 11 per cent drop in reported thefts from motor vehicles, from 1 971 to 1 737.报告的机动车辆盗窃案下降了 11%,从 1 971 起下降到 1 737 起。
    • These figures show that, as far as car crime is concerned, the main trend is downwards.这些数据表明,就汽车犯罪而言,大趋势是下降的。
Idioms Idioms containing fall are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example fall by the wayside is at wayside. 



    act of falling

    [countable] an act of falling落下;下落;跌落;掉落
    • I had a bad fall and broke my arm.我重重地跌了一跤,摔断了手臂。
    • fall from something She was killed in a fall from a horse.她从马背上掉下来摔死了。
    Extra Examples
    • He was hurt in a fall at his home yesterday.昨天他在家摔了一跤,受伤了。
    • Luckily a bush broke his fall.幸运的是,他掉落时有灌木挡了一下。
    • She broke her neck in a fall from a horse.她从马上摔下,扭断了脖子。
    • She took a bad fall while out riding.她外出骑马时重重摔了一跤。
    • The chances of surviving a fall under a train are almost nil.掉到火车下面而幸免于难的可能性几乎为零。
    • The doctor says she's had a very nasty fall.医生说她摔得很重。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bad
    • nasty
    • terrible
    verb + fall
    • have
    • suffer
    • take
    • in a/​the fall
    • fall from
  2. of snow/rain/rocks

    [countable] fall (of something) an amount of snow, rain, rocks, etc. that falls or has fallen(雪、雨、岩石等的)降落
    • a heavy fall of snow一场大雪
    • a rock fall岩崩
    Extra Examples
    • covered by a light fall of volcanic ash被落下的一层薄薄的火山灰覆盖着
    • a fresh fall of snow新下的一场雪
    Topics Weathera2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • heavy
    • light
    • fresh
    • fall of
  4. autumn

    [countable, uncountable] (North American English)
    (also especially British English autumn)
    the season of the year between summer and winter, when leaves change colour and the weather becomes colder秋天;秋季
    • in the fall of 2019在 2019 年的秋天
    • last fall去年秋天
    • Cool, damp fall weather brings out snails.凉爽潮湿的秋季天气催生了蜗牛。
    • He returned to school a month into the fall semester.他在秋季学期开始后一个月重返校园。
    Extra Examples
    • New England's gorgeous fall foliage新英格兰绚丽的秋叶
    • The trees were on fire with vibrant fall colors.树木呈现出鲜明的秋日色彩,层林尽染,像一团火。
    Topics Timea2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • last
    • this past
    • the following
    fall + noun
    • weather
    • color
    • foliage
  6. decrease

    [countable] a decrease in size, number, rate or level(大小)减小;(数量)减少;(比率、水平)降低
    • Share prices suffered a slight fall yesterday.股票价格昨日微幅下挫。
    • fall in something a sharp fall in prices价格的骤降
    • a steep/dramatic fall in profits利润的骤降
    • a 3 per cent fall in unemployment失业人数减少百分之三
    opposite rise
    Language Bank fallfallDescribing a decrease
      • Car crime in Oxford fell significantly last year.去年牛津的汽车犯罪显著下降。
      • Car crime fell by about a quarter over a 12-month period.12 个月内汽车犯罪下降了约四分之一。
      • The number of stolen vehicles dropped from 1 013 to 780, a fall of 26 per cent.被盗汽车数量从 1 013 辆减少到 780 辆,下降了 26%。
      • According to this data, 780 vehicles were stolen, 26 per cent down on the previous year.数据显示,有 780 辆汽车被盗,比上年减少 26%。
      • There was an 11 per cent drop in reported thefts from motor vehicles, from 1 971 to 1 737.报告的机动车辆盗窃案下降了 11%,从 1 971 起下降到 1 737 起。
      • These figures show that, as far as car crime is concerned, the main trend is downwards.这些数据表明,就汽车犯罪而言,大趋势是下降的。
    language bank at expect, illustrate, increase, proportion
    Extra Examples
    • The fall in age at first marriage occurred during the second half of the eighteenth century.初婚年龄的下降发生在十八世纪下半叶。
    • The opinion polls show a significant fall in her popularity.民意调查显示她的支持率明显降低。
    • This figure represents a fall of 21 per cent on the same period last year.这一数字比去年同期下降了 21%。
    • This triggered the recent dramatic falls on the Tokyo stock exchange.这引发了最近东京证券交易所股票的大幅度下跌。
    • a big fall in house prices房价的大幅下降
    • a large fall in share prices股票价格的大幅度下跌
    • a projected fall of 2 per cent预计下降 2%
    Topics Change, cause and effecta2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • dramatic
    • great
    verb + fall
    • bring
    • cause
    • contribute to
    fall + verb
    • occur
    • fall in
  8. defeat

  9. [singular] fall (of something) a loss of political, economic, etc. power or success; the loss or defeat of a city, country, etc. in war(政权的)垮台;(经济的)崩溃;(城市、国家等的)沦陷,灭亡
    • the fall of the Roman Empire罗马帝国的灭亡
    • the rise and fall of British industry英国工业的兴衰
    • the fall of Berlin柏林被攻陷
    Extra Examples
    • the fall of Rome to the barbarians蛮族攻陷罗马
    • The scandal undoubtedly contributed to his fall from power.这桩丑闻无疑是导致了他的下台的原因之一。
    • The novel is set in the revolutionary period in France, following the fall of Louis Philippe.小说以路易·菲利普倒台后的法国大革命时期为背景。
    • The economic crisis worsened, bringing about the fall of the government.经济危机恶化,导致政府垮台。
    • Napoleon's rise and fall拿破仑的兴亡
    • He remained determined to prevent the fall of South Vietnam to the Communists.他仍然决心阻止南越落入共产党手中。
    • the actions that led to his eventual fall from power导致他最终下台的行动
    • a book charting the rise and fall of the Habsburg Empire讲述哈布斯堡帝国兴衰的一本书
    Topics Difficulty and failurec1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + fall
    • bring about
    • cause
    • contribute to
    • fall from
    • the rise and fall of something
  10. loss of respect

  11. [singular] a situation in which a person, an organization, etc. loses the respect of other people because they have done something wrong(威信的)骤降
    • the TV preacher’s spectacular fall from grace电视布道者威信的遽降
    • His diary charts his dramatic fall from grace.他的日记记录了他如何突如其来地丧失了权力和尊崇。
  12. of water

  13. falls
    [plural] (especially in names) a large amount of water falling down from a height瀑布 synonym waterfall
    • The falls upstream are full of salmon.上游瀑布一带盛产鲑鱼。
    • Niagara Falls尼亚加拉瀑布
  14. way something falls/happens

  15. [singular] fall of something the way in which something falls or happens下落;发生
    • the fall of the dice骰子的掷出
    • the dark fall of her hair (= the way her hair hangs down)她那垂泻的黑发
  16. in Bible

  17. the Fall
    [singular] the occasion when Adam and Eve did not obey God and had to leave the Garden of Eden人类堕落(指亚当和夏娃违背上帝意旨而被迫离开伊甸园)
  18. Word OriginOld English fallan, feallan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vallen and German fallen; the noun is partly from the verb, partly from Old Norse fall ‘downfall, sin’.
be riding for a fall
  1. to be doing something that involves risks and that may end in disaster做事莽撞;做招致风险的事
break somebody’s fall
  1. to stop somebody from falling onto something hard缓和某人的跌势;防止某人跌得很重
    • Luckily, a bush broke his fall.幸亏有灌木接着,他摔得不重。
pride comes/goes before a fall
  1. (saying) if you have too high an opinion of yourself or your abilities, something will happen to make you look stupid骄傲使人失败
take the fall (for somebody/something)
  1. (especially North American English, informal) to accept responsibility or punishment for something that you did not do, or did not do alone替…承担责任;成为…的替罪羊
    • He took the fall for his boss and resigned.他成了老板的替罪羊,辞职了。
    • Who will take the fall for the scandal?谁将为丑闻承担责任?
    • Someone has to take the fall.必须有人承担这个跌倒的责任。




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