Ellis Island
noun/ˌelɪs ˈaɪlənd/
/ˌelɪs ˈaɪlənd/
- a small island near New York City that from 1892 to 1943 was the official place of entry for people coming to live in the US from other countries
埃利斯岛(Ellis Island):纽约市附近的一个小岛,从1892年到1943年是来自其他国家/地区来美国居住的人们的正式入境地点 CultureEllis Island was in use as a place of entry between 1892 and 1943. About 20 million people entered the US there, but it was called the 'island of tears' because some were refused entry. In 1990 it became the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration.