

单词 divide


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they divide
he / she / it divides
past simple divided
past participle divided
-ing form dividing


    [intransitive, transitive] to separate into parts; to make something separate into parts(使)分开,分散,分割,分成 synonym split up
    • The cells began to divide rapidly.细胞开始迅速分裂。
    • divide into something The questions divide into two categories: easy and hard.问题分为两类:容易的和难的。
    • divide up After lunch we divided up for group discussions.午饭后我们分头进行小组讨论。
    • divide something (into something) I divided the class into four groups.我把全班分成四个组。
    • Divide the dough into four pieces.将面团分成四块。
    • The book is divided into 11 sections.本书分为11部分。
    • divide something up (into something) A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments.一个句子可以划分成有意义的若干部分。
    Extra Examples
    • Railway enthusiasts divide neatly into two groups.铁路爱好者简单地分成两类。
    • We have divided the topics into three categories.我们将主题分为三类。
    • The study divided consumers into five groups.该研究将消费者分为五组。
    • Films tend to divide into two categories: ‘art-house’ and ‘commercial’.电影通常分为两类:“艺术电影”和“商业电影”。
    • The performance is divided into six parts.演出分为六个部分。
    • The children divided into three teams.孩子们分为 3 个队。
    • The country is divided up into nine regions.该国划分为9 个区域。
    • They were randomly divided into three groups.他们被随机分成三组。
    • This report is divided broadly into two parts.这份报告大致分为两部分。
    • First, divide the class into two groups.首先,将全班分成两组。
    • The city was divided into four sectors.这座城市被划分成四个区。
    • Flimsy partitions divided up the gallery into claustrophobic rooms.脆弱的隔断将画廊分成幽闭恐怖的房间。
    • We decided to divide the space with screens.我们决定用屏风来划分空间。
    Topics Biologyb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • broadly
    • roughly
    • exactly
    • into
    • divide in two
    [transitive] divide something to separate something into parts and give a share to each of a number of different people, etc.分配;分享;分担 synonym share (3)
    • They could not agree on how to divide the land. 他们无法就如何分割土地达成一致。
    • divide something up Jack divided up the rest of the cash.杰克把余下的现金分了。
    • divide something (up) between somebody We divided the work between us.我们共同分担这项工作。
    • divide something (up) among somebody Profits were divided up among the staff.利润在员工之间分配。
    • The money was divided equally among his sons.这笔钱由他的儿子们平分了。
    Extra Examples
    • The story is about a father who divides his property among his sons.这个故事讲的是一个父亲给儿子们分配财产的事。
    • Space is divided according to the needs of individual departments.空间根据各个部门的需要进行划分。
    • Most of the collection was divided among the city's museums.大部分藏品均分配给该市的博物馆。
    • They carefully divided up the cost of the vacations they took together.他们仔细地分摊了一起度假的费用。
    • The exhibition features the work of 60 artists, evenly divided between well-known and less-familiar figures.展览展出了 60 名艺术家的作品,其中既有知名艺术家,也有不太熟悉的艺术家。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • equally
    • among
    • between
    [transitive] to use different parts of your time, energy, etc. for different activities, etc.把(时间、精力等)分别用于
    • divide something As working parents we think carefully about how we divide our time.作为职业父母,我们会仔细考虑如何分配时间。
    • divide something between A and B He divides his energies between politics and business.他把精力一部分用在政治上,一部分用在生意上。
    Extra Examples
    • They divided their time between London and Boston.他们一部份时间在伦敦,一部份时间在波士顿。
    • They divide their time between New York and their ranch in New Mexico.他们将时间分配在纽约和新墨西哥州的牧场之间。
    • Her mentor advised her to divide her efforts 80–20, with 80% going to research, and 20% to teaching.她的导师建议她将自己的精力分成 80-20 部分,其中 80% 用于研究,20% 用于教学。
    • The children of divorced parents may divide their loyalties between them.离婚父母的孩子可能会分割他们的忠诚度。
    • He divides his year between the University of Houston and Florida State University.他在休斯顿大学和佛罗里达州立大学学习。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • equally
    • among
    • between
    [intransitive] (of a road or river) to separate into two or more parts that lead in different directions分岔
    • Where the path divides, keep right.来到岔口就靠右行。
    • divide into something The river divides into several channels.这条河分成几条河道。
    Extra Examples
    • Just past the bridge by a new forestry block, the paths divide.过了桥,经过一个新的林业街区,小路就分开了。
    • There's a signpost where the road divides.路的分岔处有一个路标。
    • The nearest restaurant is located opposite, just before the road divides.最近的餐厅位于对面,就在道路分叉处。
    • He overtook at the point where the road divides into two lanes.他在道路分成两条车道的地方超车。
    • Here the river divides into about four separate streams.在这里,河流分成大约四个独立的溪流。
    • Streams divide and unite across the plain.溪流在平原上分流又汇合。
    Topics Transport by car or lorryb1
  5. [transitive] divide A from B (formal) to separate two people or things使分离;使分开
    • Can it ever be right to divide a mother from her child?让母子分离难道还有对的时候?
    • The landowners were divided from the mass of poor peasants who lived in the surrounding area.地主与居住在周边地区的广大贫农分开。
  6. [transitive] to be the real or imaginary line or barrier that separates two people or things是…的分界线;分隔;把…隔开 synonym separate
    • divide something (off) A fence divides off the western side of the grounds.一道篱笆把庭院的西面隔开。
    • divide A from B The English Channel divides England from France.英吉利海峡把英法两国分隔开来。
    Extra Examples
    • A low wall divides the patio from the rest of the garden.一堵矮墙将庭院与花园的其他部分隔开。
    • Britain is divided from the rest of Europe by the English Channel.英国被英吉利海峡与欧洲其他国家分开。
    • the mountains which divide Europe from Asia将欧洲与亚洲分开的山脉
  7. mathematics

    [transitive, intransitive] to find out how many times one number is contained in another除以
    • divide something by something 30 divided by 6 is 5 (= 30 ÷ 6 = 5).30 除以 6 等于 5。
    • divide by something It's easy to divide by ten.除以十很容易。
    • The children are learning how to multiply and divide.孩子们正在学习如何乘法和除法。
    Topics Maths and measurementb1
  9. [intransitive, transitive] divide (something) into something to be able to be multiplied to give another number
    • 5 divides into 30 6 times.5 除 30 等于 6。
    Topics Maths and measurementb1
  10. disagreement

    [transitive] to make people disagree使产生分歧;使意见不一 synonym split (3)
    • divide somebody/something to divide the nation/country分裂国家
    • This issue has bitterly divided the community.这个问题造成社会严重分化。
    • The building divides opinion (= some people like it and some do not).对这栋楼的看法存在分歧。
    • be divided on/over something The party is deeply divided on this question.该党在这个问题上意见严重分歧。
    • to be evenly/sharply divided over the issue在这个问题上意见分歧
    Extra Examples
    • The issue has divided the government.这个问题引起了政府的分歧。
    • The presidential elections divided the nation.总统选举使国家分裂。
    • a country divided by war因战争而分裂的国家
    • The case divided the New York art world at the time.此案在当时的纽约艺术界引起了分歧。
    • a society that was divided along sectarian lines一个按宗派划分的社会
    • an issue that threatens to divide society一个威胁社会分裂的问题
    • I will not allow this to divide our family.我不会允许这件事分裂我们的家庭。
    • Scholarly opinion is evenly divided on whether the portrait is of a Hellenistic prince or a Roman general.对于这幅肖像是希腊化王子还是罗马将军,学术界意见不一。
    Topics Opinion and argumentb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • bitterly
    • deeply
    • seriously
    • be divided about something
    • be divided on something
    • be divided over something
  12. [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) (of two or more people) to disagree持不同意见;有分歧
    • Communities frequently divided along religious lines.社区经常因宗教信仰而分裂。
  13. Word OriginMiddle English (as a verb): from Latin dividere ‘force apart, remove’. The noun dates from the mid 17th cent.
divide and rule
  1. to keep control over people by making them disagree with and fight each other, therefore not giving them the chance to join together and oppose you 分而治之
    • a policy of divide and rule分而治之的政策
    Topics Opinion and argumentc2
split/divide (something) down the middle
  1. to divide something into two equal parts; to divide into two equal parts平分;分成相等的两半
    • The country was split down the middle over the strike (= half supported it, half did not).国内支持和反对罢工的人势均力敌。
    • Divide the cake down the middle.将蛋糕从中间分开。
    • It would seem the community has divided down the middle, with some favouring expansion and some dead set against it.社区似乎分成了两派,一些人支持扩张,一些人坚决反对。


[usually singular]
Word Family
  • divide verb noun
  • division noun
  • divisive adjective


    a difference between two groups of people or two things that separates them from each other不同;差异;分歧
    • He offered advice on bridging cultural divides.他就如何弥合文化鸿沟发表了意见。
    • to straddle/cross a divide跨越/跨越鸿沟
    • The referendum revealed a deep urban-rural divide.公投揭示了城乡之间深刻的鸿沟。
    • divide between A and B Will this deepen the divide between the country's rich and poor?这会加大这个国家的贫富差距吗?
    see also digital divide, North-South Divide
    Extra Examples
    • The leader's speech aimed to close the embarrassing divide in party ranks.领导人的讲话旨在缩小党内各派令人尴尬的分歧。
    • a style which straddles the divide between classic and modern跨越古典与现代界限的一种风格
    • The show's appeal crosses the gender divide.该剧的吸引力跨越了性别鸿沟。
    • the sharp divides in society that help account for the rise of fascism社会上的尖锐分歧有助于解释法西斯主义的崛起
    • a divide separating those who have access to computers and those who don't有电脑使用的人和无电脑使用的人之间的一条分界线
    • People continue to derive their identity from their church—which works well in some ways, but also reinforces sectarian divides.人们继续从教会中获得自己的身份——这在某些方面运作良好,但也加剧了宗派分歧。
    • There is a real generational divide in attitudes towards intellectual property and copyright.对知识产权和版权的态度确实存在代际差异。
    • The film's subject matter will be controversial on both sides of the ideological divide.这部电影的主题在意识形态分歧的双方都会引起争议。
    • attempts to address the racial divide in this country处理这个国家中种族差异的尝试
    • The danger is that the internet will simply widen the divide between the information rich and the information poor.危险在于,互联网只会扩大信息丰富者和信息匮乏者之间的鸿沟。
    • the digital divide between people with access to technology and those without有途径获得技术的人与接触不到技术的人之间的数字鸿沟
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • deep
    • great
    verb + divide
    • create
    • widen
    • close
    divide + verb
    • widen
    • narrow
    • open
    • divide between
    • divide in
  2. between rivers

  3. (especially North American English) a line of high land that separates two systems of rivers分水岭;分水线 synonym watershed
  4. Word OriginMiddle English (as a verb): from Latin dividere ‘force apart, remove’. The noun dates from the mid 17th cent.
bridge the gap/gulf/divide (between A and B)
  1. to reduce or get rid of the differences that exist between two things or groups of people消除(甲、乙间的)隔阂/鸿沟/分歧
    • The new degree course aims to bridge the gulf between education and industry.新的学位课程旨在弥合教育和实业之间的脱节。




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