[singular] (formal)- the diasporathe movement of the Jewish people away from their own country to live and work in other countries; Jewish people living and working in other countries
(犹太人的)大流散;散居各国的犹太人 - the movement of people from any nation or group away from their own country; people who have moved away from their own country
(任何民族或群体的)大移居 - the Russian diaspora in London
- the Russian diaspora in London
Word OriginGreek, from diaspeirein ‘disperse’, from dia ‘across’+ speirein ‘scatter’. The term originated in the Septuagint, the Bible (Deuteronomy 28:25) in the phrase esē diaspora en pasais basileias tēs gēs ‘thou shalt be a dispersion in all kingdoms of the earth’.