Diana, Princess of Wales
/daɪˌænə ˌprɪnses əv ˈweɪlz/
/daɪˌænə ˌprɪnses əv ˈweɪlz/
(also Princess Diana
/ˌprɪnses ˈdaɪænə/
/ˌprɪnses ˈdaɪænə/
)- (1961-1997) the former wife of Prince Charles (now King Charles III) and the mother of Prince William and Prince Henry (Harry). Her name before she married was Lady Diana Spencer. The Spencer family are descended from the English kings Charles II and James II, and Diana's father was the 8th Earl Spencer. She was married to Prince Charles in 1981 and soon became the most popular member of the royal family, often referred to informally as Di. However, the marriage failed and in 1992 the prince and princess separated. Although Princess Diana gave up her public duties and was divorced in 1996, she continued some of her work with charities and she remained an object of intense interest to the press and the public. She died in a car accident in Paris while trying to escape from photographers, and her funeral, like her wedding, was watched by almost a fifth of the world's population.“I'd like to be a queen in people's hearts but I don't see myself being Queen of this country.”
(1961-1997)查尔斯王子(现为查尔斯三世国王)的前妻,威廉王子和亨利王子(哈里)的母亲。她结婚前的名字是戴安娜·斯宾塞夫人。斯宾塞家族是英国国王查理二世和詹姆斯二世的后裔,戴安娜的父亲是第八代斯宾塞伯爵。她于 1981 年与查尔斯王子结婚,很快就成为最受欢迎的王室成员,通常被非正式地称为“Di”。然而,婚姻失败,王子和公主于1992年分居。尽管戴安娜王妃放弃了她的公共职责并于 1996 年离婚,但她继续从事慈善事业,仍然是媒体和公众密切关注的对象。她在巴黎试图逃离摄影师时死于车祸,她的葬礼就像她的婚礼一样,有世界上近五分之一的人口观看。“我想成为人们心中的女王,但我不”我不认为自己是这个国家的女王。”戴安娜王妃在电视采访中,1995 年