- a member of the group of people who were the original people living in a country
居住在一个国家的原住民群体的成员 - Aboriginea member of the group of people who were the original people living in Australia before Europeans arrived
Using the noun Aborigine to refer to a person can be offensive, so it is better to use the adjective Aboriginal: Aboriginal people • an Aboriginal man/woman You can also use the adjective indigenous: indigenous Australians/people or, if you know it, the specific name of the person's tribe or group. see also Koori, Torres Strait Islander欧洲人到达之前居住在澳大利亚的原住民群体的成员
Word Originmid 19th cent.: back-formation from the 16th-cent. plural aborigines ‘original inhabitants’ (in classical times referring to those of Italy and Greece), from the Latin phrase ab origine ‘from the beginning’.