

单词 crew



    on ships and planes

    [countable + singular or plural verb] all the people working on a ship, plane, etc.(轮船、飞机等上面的)全体工作人员
    • crew members全体机组人员
    • in a crew all the men and women in the crew全体船员
    • None of the passengers and crew were injured.没有一个乘客和机组人员受伤。
    • The crew of the plane instructed everyone to remain seated.机组人员指示所有人留在座位上。
    • a change of crew in Frankfurt法兰克福船员换班
    see also aircrew, cabin crew, flight crewTopics Transport by waterb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • experienced
    • inexperienced
    • novice
    verb + crew
    • join
    • lead
    • assemble
    crew + noun
    • member
    • in a/​the crew
    • cast and crew
    • a member of the crew
    [countable + singular or plural verb] all the people working on a ship, plane etc. except the officers who are in charge(轮船、飞机等上面不包括高级职员的)全体船员,全体乘务员
    • the officers and crew负责人员和全体乘务员
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • experienced
    • inexperienced
    • novice
    verb + crew
    • join
    • lead
    • assemble
    crew + noun
    • member
    • in a/​the crew
    • cast and crew
    • a member of the crew
  3. skilled people

    [countable + singular or plural verb] a group of people with special skills working together技术人员团队;专业团队
    • a film/camera/TV crew电影摄制组;摄制组;电视摄制组
    • a fire/an emergency/a rescue crew火灾/紧急情况/救援人员
    • It took ambulance crews more than an hour to free them.救护人员花了一个多小时才将他们救出。
    • (North American English) Ten people answer to the crew chief.十个人向机组长负责。
    see also ground crew
    Homophones crews | cruisecrews   cruise
    • crews noun (plural of crew)
      • Fire crews were called to the scene.消防队接警赶到现场。
    • crews verb (third person of crew)
      • He crews for a billionaire on his yacht.他在一位亿万富翁的游艇上担任船员。
    • cruise noun
      • We're taking a cruise around the Mediterranean.我们要乘游轮环游地中海。
    • cruise verb
      • I'd love to cruise down the Nile.我很想乘船沿着尼罗河航行。
    Extra Examples
    • Fire crews were called to the scene.消防队接警赶到现场。
    • The cast and crew of the movie are giving it their all.这部电影的全体演职人员都尽了全力。
    • Fire crews were called to the house at around 5 o'clock.5点左右,消防人员被叫到了这所房子。
    • Maintenance crews have been working 18-hours shifts to repair the damage.维修人员轮班工作 18 小时来修复损坏的地方。
    • The film crew and the actors had all left the studio by then.此时摄制组和演员们已经全部离开了片场。
    • Our support crew followed behind in two Land Rovers.我们的支援人员开着两辆路虎跟在后面。
    • The house was soon besieged by TV crews and photographers.房子很快就被电视台工作人员和摄影师包围了。
    • Two crews of six men carried out the work in shifts.有两组六人团队轮班工作。
    • We have camera crews from ABC, CBS and NBC coming.ABC、CBS 和 NBC 的摄制组都来了。
    • a maintenance/​support crew维修/支援人员
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • experienced
    • inexperienced
    • novice
    verb + crew
    • join
    • lead
    • assemble
    crew + noun
    • member
    • in a/​the crew
    • cast and crew
    • a member of the crew
  5. group

  6. [singular] (usually disapproving) a group of people一群(或一帮、一伙)人
    • The people she invited were a pretty motley crew (= a strange mix of types of people).她邀请的人相当杂。
    Extra Examples
    • Let's get a crew together and go to the pub.我们召集一队人一起去酒吧吧。
    • We found him in the canteen with a crew of assorted computer geeks.我们在食堂里发现了他和一群形形色色的电脑极客。
  7. rowing and sailing

  8. [countable + singular or plural verb] a team of people who row boats in races(赛艇的)划船队员,划船队
    • a member of the Cambridge crew剑桥大学划船队的队员
  9. [uncountable] (North American English) the sport of rowing with other people in a boat赛艇运动
    • I’m thinking of going out for crew this semester (= joining the rowing team).这学期我打算参加赛艇队。
    Topics Sports: water sportsc1
  10. [countable + singular or plural verb] a person or team of people who sail boats in races or for pleasure (usually not including the captain)帆船船员,帆船运动队队员(通常不包含船长)
  11. Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French creue ‘augmentation, increase’, feminine past participle of croistre ‘grow’, from Latin crescere. The original sense was ‘band of soldiers serving as reinforcements’; hence it came to denote any organized armed band or, generally, a company of people (late 16th cent.).


[transitive, intransitive]
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they crew
he / she / it crews
past simple crewed
past participle crewed
-ing form crewing
  1. to be part of a crew, especially on a ship当(尤指船上的)工作人员
    • crew (something) Normally the boat is crewed by five people.通常这条船配有五名船员。
    • crew (for somebody) I crewed for him on his yacht last summer.去年夏天我在他的游艇上当船员。
    Homophones crews | cruisecrews   cruise
    • crews noun (plural of crew)
      • Fire crews were called to the scene.消防队接警赶到现场。
    • crews verb (third person of crew)
      • He crews for a billionaire on his yacht.他在一位亿万富翁的游艇上担任船员。
    • cruise noun
      • We're taking a cruise around the Mediterranean.我们要乘游轮环游地中海。
    • cruise verb
      • I'd love to cruise down the Nile.我很想乘船沿着尼罗河航行。
    Topics Sports: water sportsc1
    Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French creue ‘augmentation, increase’, feminine past participle of croistre ‘grow’, from Latin crescere. The original sense was ‘band of soldiers serving as reinforcements’; hence it came to denote any organized armed band or, generally, a company of people (late 16th cent.).




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