Idioms - a black bird with a white forehead and beak that lives on or near water
Topics Birdsc2白骨顶,蹼鸡(黑色水鸟,额和喙为白色) - old coot (North American English, informal) a stupid person
Word OriginMiddle English: probably of Dutch or Low German origin and related to Dutch koet.
(as) bald as a coot
- (British English, informal) completely bald
光秃秃 More Like This Similes in idiomsSimiles in idioms- (as) bald as a coot
- (as) blind as a bat
- (as) bright as a button
- (as) bold as brass
- as busy as a bee
- as clean as a whistle
- (as) dead as a/the dodo
- (as) deaf as a post
- (as) dull as ditchwater
- (as) fit as a fiddle
- as flat as a pancake
- (as) good as gold
- (as) mad as a hatter/a March hare
- (as) miserable/ugly as sin
- as old as the hills
- (as) pleased/proud as Punch
- as pretty as a picture
- (as) regular as clockwork
- (as) quick as a flash
- (as) safe as houses
- (as) sound as a bell
- (as) steady as a rock
- (as) thick as two short planks
- (as) tough as old boots