- (of behaviour) that is difficult to stop or control
难以制止的;难控制的 - compulsive eating/spending/gambling
Extra Examples- His family had been unaware of his compulsive gambling.
他的家人不知道他赌博成瘾。 - She went through periods of compulsive overeating.
她经历过几个阶段的强迫性暴食。 - The accused had a compulsive urge to drive at excessive speed.
- compulsive eating/spending/gambling
- (of people) not being able to control their behaviour
无法控制行为的;禁不住的 - a compulsive drinker/gambler/liar
Extra Examples- He was a compulsive gambler.
他嗜赌成癖。 - The book offers advice and help for compulsive eaters.
这本书向强迫性进食症患者提供建议和帮助。 - We are able to put compulsive spenders in touch with debt counsellors.
- a compulsive drinker/gambler/liar
- that makes you pay attention to it because it is so interesting and exciting
引人入胜的;扣人心弦的 - The programme made compulsive viewing.
- The programme made compulsive viewing.
Word Originlate 16th cent. (in the sense ‘compulsory’): from medieval Latin compulsivus, from compuls- ‘driven, forced’, from the verb compellere, from com- ‘together’ + pellere ‘drive’. Sense (1) (originally a term in psychology) dates from the early 20th cent.