

单词 compare


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they compare
he / she / it compares
past simple compared
past participle compared
-ing form comparing
    (abbreviation cf., cp.)
    [transitive] to examine people or things to see how they are similar and how they are different比较;对比
    • compare A and B It is interesting to compare their situation and ours.把他们的状况与我们的相比很有意思。
    • We compared the two reports carefully.我们仔细地比较了两个报告。
    • The internet allows you to compare prices from a variety of companies.互联网允许您比较不同公司的价格。
    • How can you compare the two things? They are so different!你如何比较这两件事?他们是如此不同!
    • Compare and contrast the characters of Jack and Ralph.比较杰克和拉尔夫两个人物的异同。
    • compare A with/to B We compared the results of our study with those of other studies.我们把我们的研究结果与其他研究结果进行了比较。
    • My own problems seem insignificant compared with other people's.与别人的问题相比,我自己的问题算不得什么。
    • I've had some difficulties, but they were nothing compared to yours (= they were not nearly as bad as yours).我遇到了一些困难,但与你的困难比起来就算不上什么了。
    • Standards in healthcare have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago.与 40 年前相比,卫生保健的水平得到了极大提高。
    • They receive just over three years of schooling, compared to a national average of 7.3.他们只接受了三年多的学校教育,而全国平均水平为 7.3 年。
    • an increase of over 11% compared to the same period last year与去年同期相比增长超过11%
    • About a third of American adults are obese compared with 24 per cent of Britons大约三分之一的美国成年人肥胖,而英国成年人的这一比例为 24%
    Language Bank contrastcontrastHighlighting differences
      • This survey highlights a number of differences in the way that teenage boys and girls in the UK spend their free time.这项民意测验凸显出英国十几岁的男孩和女孩在打发闲暇时间上的诸多不同。
      • One of the main differences between the girls and the boys who took part in the research was the way in which they use the internet.参与了这项研究的女生和男生之间的主要差异之一在于他们使用互联网的方式。
      • Unlike the girls, who use the internet mainly to keep in touch with friends, the boys questioned in this survey tend to use the internet for playing computer games.女生使用互联网主要是和朋友联系,这一点和男生不同,参与调查的男生往往是使用互联网来玩电脑游戏。
      • The girls differ from the boys in that they tend to spend more time keeping in touch with friends on the phone or on social networking websites.女孩与男孩的不同之处在于,她们倾向于花更多时间通过电话或社交网站与朋友保持联系。
      • Compared to the boys, the girls spend much more time chatting to friends on the phone.与男孩相比,女孩花更多的时间与朋友打电话。
      • On average the girls spend four hours a week chatting to friends on the phone. In contrast, very few of the boys spend more than five minutes a day talking to their friends in this way.女生平均每周花四个小时与朋友电话聊天。相比之下,很少有男生每天以这种方式与朋友聊天五分钟以上。
      • The boys prefer competitive sports and computer games, whereas/while the girls seem to enjoy more cooperative activities, such as shopping with friends.男生更喜欢竞技性体育运动和电脑游戏,而女生似乎更喜欢合作性活动,比如与朋友一起购物。
      • When the girls go shopping, they mainly buy clothes and cosmetics. The boys, on the other hand, tend to purchase computer games or gadgets.女生购物时主要买衣服和化妆品,而男生往往会买电脑游戏或小器具。
    Language Bank illustrateillustrateReferring to a chart, graph or table
      • This bar chart illustrates how many journeys people made on public transport over a three-month period.这个柱状图显示三个月期间人们乘坐公共交通往来的次数。
      • This table compares bus, train, and taxi use between April and June.这个表比较了四月至六月公交车、火车和出租车的使用情况。
      • The results are shown in the chart below.结果显示在下面的图表中。
      • In this pie chart, the survey results are broken down by age.在这个饼分图中,调查结果按年龄划分。
      • This pie chart breaks down the survey results by age.这个饼分图按年龄对调查结果进行分类。
      • As can be seen from these results, younger people use buses more than older people.从结果可以看出,年轻人比老年人乘坐公交车的频率更高。
      • According to these figures, bus travel accounts for 60 per cent of public transport use.根据这些数字,公交车出行占公共交通出行的 60%。
      • From the data in the above graph, it is apparent that buses are the most widely used form of public transport.从上图的数据明显看出:公交车是公共交通中使用最广泛的类型。
    Extra Examples
    • We carefully compared the first report with the second.我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。
    • The study was designed to compare the performance of the two methods.该研究旨在比较两种方法的性能。
    • Before purchasing an insurance policy, be sure to compare the rates offered by the different companies.在购买保险之前,请务必比较不同公司提供的费率。
    • The clinical trial compared two groups of children aged between 8 and 10.该临床试验比较了两组 8 岁至 10 岁的儿童。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • favourably/​favorably
    • well
    • unfavourably/​unfavorably
    verb + compare
    • cannot
    • do not
    • with
    • compare and contrast
    • be nothing compared to somebody/​something
    • nothing compares to somebody/​something
    [intransitive] compare with/to somebody/something to be similar to somebody/something else, either better or worse与…类似(或相似)
    • This school compares with the best in the country (= it is as good as them).这所学校可与全国最好的学校媲美。
    • This house doesn't compare with our previous one (= it is not as good).这房子比不上我们以前的。
    • Their prices compare favourably to those of their competitors.他们的价格比竞争者的要优惠。
    • The region's wines compare well with those from elsewhere in Germany.该地区的葡萄酒与德国其他地方的葡萄酒相当。
    Extra Examples
    • Few things compare with the joy of walking on a bright spring morning.没有什么比在阳光明媚的春日早晨散步更惬意。
    • The city compares favourably with other parts of Brazil.这个城市比巴西的其它地方好。
    • These mountains do not compare with the Himalayas.这些山不能与喜马拉雅山相比。
    • Athletics just can't compare with professional sport in terms of material gain.就物质收益而言,田径运动无法与职业运动相比。
    • Nothing compares with the sight of your child swimming for the first time.没有什么比看到你的孩子第一次游泳更美妙的了。
    • Our productivity compares well with our UK competitors'.我们的生产力与英国竞争对手相当。
    • This Roman gold doesn't compare to a recent find by a local farmer, which is worth millions.这块古罗马金牌和最近一个本地农民发现的那块无法相比,后者价值数百万。
    • This government's record compares favourably with that of our predecessors.这届政府要好于上届。
    • Average speeds for the journey compare unfavourably with the rest of the rail network.与铁路网络的其他部分相比,该旅程的平均速度较差。
    • How do these results compare with last year's?这些结果和去年的相比如何?
    • Few trees can compare with our native rowan for ease of cultivation.很少有树种在易于种植方面比得上我们本土的花楸。
    • The profit of £23 million compares with a £32 million loss in the previous financial year.2 300万英镑的利润与上一财政年度3 200万英镑的损失形成对照。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • favourably/​favorably
    • well
    • unfavourably/​unfavorably
    verb + compare
    • cannot
    • do not
    • with
    • compare and contrast
    • be nothing compared to somebody/​something
    • nothing compares to somebody/​something
    [transitive] compare A to B to show or state that somebody/something is similar to somebody/something else表明…与…相似;将…比作
    • The critics compared his work to that of Martin Amis.评论家把他的作品和马丁·埃米斯的相提并论。
    • In her early career she was often compared to Ella Fitzgerald.在她早期的职业生涯中,她经常被比作艾拉·菲茨杰拉德。
    • Some observers compare the situation to that of the early 1980s.一些观察家将目前的情况与 20 世纪 80 年代初的情况进行比较。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • favourably/​favorably
    • well
    • unfavourably/​unfavorably
    verb + compare
    • cannot
    • do not
    • with
    • compare and contrast
    • be nothing compared to somebody/​something
    • nothing compares to somebody/​something
  4. Word Originlate Middle English: from Old French comparer, from Latin comparare, from compar ‘like, equal’, from com- ‘with’ + par ‘equal’.
compare notes (with somebody)
  1. if two or more people compare notes, they each say what they think about the same event, situation, etc.(与…)交换看法(或意见等)
    • We saw the play separately and compared notes afterwards.我们各自看了那出戏,后来交换了意见。
    • Let's compare notes on our experiences.让我们就各自的经历交换一下看法吧。
you can’t compare apples and oranges
  1. (North American English) it is impossible to say that one thing is better than another if the two are completely different(因两样事物完全不同)不具可比性,不能相提并论
    • They are both great but you can't compare apples and oranges.他们俩都很棒,但是截然不同,无法比较。
    • No, you’re trying to compare apples and oranges.不,你正在尝试比较苹果和橘子。


beyond/without compare
  1. (literary) better than anything else of the same kind无与伦比;举世无双
    • a diamond beyond compare无与伦比的钻石。
    • Our professional service promises you a wedding without compare.我们的专业服务保证为您打造无与伦比的婚礼。




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