noun/ˈsefələpɒd/, /ˈkefələpɒd/
(biology)- a type of mollusc with a combined head and body and large eyes. Cephalopods have arms and/or tentacles (= long thin parts like arms), which may have suckers (= round parts that enable them to stick to a surface) on them. Octopus and squid are cephalopods.
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一种软体动物,具有头部和身体的结合以及大眼睛。头足类动物有手臂和/或触手(=像手臂一样细长的部分),上面可能有吸盘(=使它们能够粘在表面上的圆形部分)。章鱼和鱿鱼都是头足类动物。 Word Originmodern Latin (plural), from Greek kephalē ‘head’ + pous, pod- ‘foot’.