- the main city and administrative centre of Cambridgeshire, England, on the River Cam. It is famous for its university, the second oldest in Britain, and is visited by many tourists.Culture OxbridgeOxbridgeOxbridge is a word made from the names Oxford and Cambridge and is used to refer to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge together.Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities in Britain. They are generally also thought to be the best universities to study at. An Oxbridge degree makes a good impression with many employers, and graduates of these universities may have an advantage when applying for jobs. Although efforts are made to attract more students from state schools, many of the undergraduates at each university have been educated at independent schools. The upper class have traditionally sent their children to Oxbridge, and many prime ministers and politicians studied there. To many people, Oxford and Cambridge seem very remote places where only the very privileged can study.Students at Oxford and Cambridge must be accepted at one of around 30 partly independent colleges. Students are chosen after an interview in the college they want to go to. The teachers are called dons. Each college has its own teaching and research staff, who are fellows of the college, and its own buildings, including hall (= where members of the college eat), a library, a chapel, and rooms for students to live in during the term. The buildings are often arranged round a quad (= square). Until the 1970s colleges were single-sex, but now all Oxford colleges and almost all Cambridge colleges are mixed. The universities provide other facilities for all students to use, including laboratories, lecture rooms and libraries.The teaching system is different from that at most other universities. Students have tutorials, called supervisions at Cambridge, at which they read their essays to their tutor, a fellow who is a specialist in what they are studying. There are usually no more than one or two students at a tutorial and tutorials are arranged by the college. Students also go to lectures that are arranged by the university and open to all students. Terms are short, and students are expected to prepare for them in the vacations. Final examinations at Oxford are called schools, and at Cambridge the tripos. Undergraduates at Oxford and Cambridge study for a BA degree, but after a period of time graduates can convert their BA to an MA (Oxon) or an MA (Cantab) without doing any further study. Oxon is short for Oxoniensis, and Cantab for Cantabrigiensis, Latin for ‘of Oxford’ and ‘of Cambridge’.At Oxford students sometimes have to wear gowns (= black robes), at dinner in hall or when they go to see the college principal (= head). When they sit examinations or go to a degree ceremony they have to wear academic dress. This is known as subfusc, and consists of black trousers or skirt, black shoes and socks or tights, a white shirt and a black or white tie. They also wear their gown and a mortar board (= a black hat with a flat, square top) and, when they graduate, a hood that shows their status. At Cambridge students only have to wear gowns when they matriculate (= become members of the university) and at graduation.The two universities are academic rivals, and also compete in debating and sport. The Boat Race, held each year around Easter, attracts national attention. Rugby and cricket teams play against each other in varsity matches, as well as against professional teams.
英国剑桥郡的主要城市和行政中心,位于康河畔。它以其英国第二古老的大学而闻名,并受到许多游客的参观。文化 牛津桥Oxbridge 牛津桥(Oxbridge)是由牛津(Oxford)和剑桥(Cambridge)这两个名字组成的词,用来指代牛津大学和剑桥大学。牛津大学和剑桥大学是英国最古老的大学。它们通常也被认为是最好的学习大学。牛津剑桥的学位给许多雇主留下了良好的印象,这些大学的毕业生在申请工作时可能具有优势。尽管努力吸引更多公立学校的学生,但每所大学的许多本科生都是在私立学校接受教育的。上层阶级传统上将孩子送到牛津剑桥,许多首相和政治家都在那里学习。对许多人来说,牛津和剑桥似乎是非常偏远的地方,只有非常有特权的人才能学习。牛津和剑桥的学生必须被大约 30 所半独立学院之一录取。学生在他们想去的大学面试后被选中。老师们被称为Dons。每个学院都有自己的教学和研究人员,他们是学院的院士,还有自己的建筑物,包括大厅(=学院成员吃饭的地方)、图书馆、教堂和供学生在学期期间居住的房间。这些建筑物通常排列成方形(=正方形)。直到 20 世纪 70 年代,学院都是单性别的,但现在所有的牛津学院和几乎所有的剑桥学院都是男女混合的。大学还提供其他设施供所有学生使用,包括实验室、报告厅和图书馆。教学系统与大多数其他大学不同。学生们有辅导课,在剑桥被称为“监督”,学生们在辅导课上向导师朗读论文,导师是他们所学领域的专家。补习班的学生通常不超过一两个,补习班由学院安排。学生还可以参加由大学安排并向所有学生开放的讲座。学期很短,学生应该在假期里做好准备。牛津的期末考试被称为“学校”,而剑桥的期末考试则被称为“Tripos”。牛津大学和剑桥大学的本科生攻读学士学位,但经过一段时间后,毕业生可以将学士学位转换为文学硕士(Oxon)或文学硕士(Cantab),而无需进行任何进一步的学习。 Oxon 是 Oxoniensis 的缩写,Cantab 是 Cantabrigiensis 的缩写,拉丁语中“牛津”和“剑桥”的意思。在牛津,学生有时必须穿礼服(= 黑袍),在大厅吃晚饭或去见大学校长时(= 头)。当他们参加考试或参加学位典礼时,必须穿着学位服。这被称为 subfusc,由黑色裤子或裙子、黑色鞋子和袜子或紧身衣、白色衬衫和黑色或白色领带组成。他们还穿着长袍和学位帽(=一顶平顶方顶的黑色帽子),毕业时还会戴上表明其身份的兜帽。在剑桥,学生只需在入学(=成为大学成员)和毕业时穿礼服。两所大学是学术竞争对手,也在辩论和体育方面展开竞争。每年复活节前后举行的划船比赛吸引了全国的关注。橄榄球队和板球队在大学比赛中相互比赛,也与职业球队比赛。 - a city in the US state of Massachusetts, across the Charles River from Boston. It is famous for its universities, Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.