

单词 button


  1. enlarge image
    a small round piece of metal, plastic, etc. that is sewn onto a piece of clothing and used for fastening two parts together纽扣;扣子
    • (British English) to do up/undo your buttons系上/解开扣子
    • (North American English) to button/unbutton your buttons 系上/解开扣子
    • to sew on a button缝上扣子
    • shirt buttons衬衫的纽扣
    • a row of gilt buttons一排镀金纽扣
    • One of the buttons on his jacket was missing.他夹克上的一个扣子不见了。
    Extra Examples
    • My coat has lost a button.我的外套掉了一颗扣子。
    • The top button of his shirt was undone.他衬衫最上面的纽扣开了。
    • There was a button missing from his shirt.他衬衣上有一枚钮扣不见了。
    • His fingers fumbled to do up/​button the small buttons on his shirt.他的手指笨手笨脚地扣上衬衫上的小纽扣。
    • I need to sew this button back on.我得把这颗扣子再缝上去。
    Topics Clothes and Fashiona2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • bottom
    • top
    • coat
    verb + button
    • button
    • do up
    • fasten
    button + verb
    • be missing
    • come off
  2. enlarge image
    a small part of a machine that you press to make it work(机器的)按钮
    • the start/stop/pause button开始/停止/暂停按钮
    • Adam pressed a button and waited for the lift.亚当按了一个按钮,然后等着乘坐电梯。
    • Choose ‘printer’ from the menu and click with the right mouse button.从菜单上选取 “打印机”,然后点击鼠标右键。
    • She pushed a button on the control panel.她按了控制面板上的一个按钮。
    • I hit the play button on the remote.我按了遥控器上的播放按钮。
    • The windows slide down at the touch of a button.按一下开关,窗玻璃便降下来。
    • With a push of a button, I can print out everything I need.只需按一下按钮,我就可以打印出我需要的所有内容。
    see also push-button, reset button, rewind button
    Extra Examples
    • She hit the alarm button as fast as she could.她以最快的速度按了警报器。
    • The remote control allows you to change channel at the touch of a button.遥控器让你一按键即可变换频道。
    Topics Engineeringa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • on
    • start
    • off
    verb + button
    • click
    • depress
    • hit
    • at the touch of a button
    • have your finger on
    • keep your finger on
    a small area on a computer screen that you click on to make it do something(电脑屏幕上的)按键
    • Click on the back button to go back to the previous screen.点击返回键,回到上一页。
    • Click the ‘Finish’ button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.单击屏幕右上角的“完成”按钮。
    • I hit the ‘Reply’ button in the mail toolbar.我点击了邮件工具栏中的“回复”按钮。
    Topics Computersa2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • on
    • start
    • off
    verb + button
    • click
    • depress
    • hit
    • at the touch of a button
    • have your finger on
    • keep your finger on
  4. enlarge image
    (especially North American English)
    a badge, especially one with a message printed on it(尤指印有信息的)徽章
    • He wore a button saying ‘Life begins at 40!’他戴着一枚纽扣,上面写着“人生从 40 岁开始!”
    Extra Examples
    • She wore a ‘Vote Yes’ lapel button.她在翻领上别了一枚“投赞成票”的徽章。
    • The candidates all distributed campaign buttons and bumper stickers.所有的候选人都在分发竞选徽章和保险杠贴纸。
    • They all wore buttons saying ‘Stop the war’.他们全都戴着写有“停止战争”字样的徽章。
    • He carries around an old backpack with peace buttons on it.他走到哪里都背着那个别着和平徽章的旧背包。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • lapel
    • campaign
    • peace
    verb + button
    • wear
  5. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French bouton, of Germanic origin and related to the verb butt.
(as) bright as a button
  1. (British English, informal) intelligent and quick to understand机灵的;聪颖的
    More Like This Similes in idiomsSimiles in idioms
    • (as) bald as a coot
    • (as) blind as a bat
    • (as) bright as a button
    • (as) bold as brass
    • as busy as a bee
    • as clean as a whistle
    • (as) dead as a/​the dodo
    • (as) deaf as a post
    • (as) dull as ditchwater
    • (as) fit as a fiddle
    • as flat as a pancake
    • (as) good as gold
    • (as) mad as a hatter/​a March hare
    • (as) miserable/​ugly as sin
    • as old as the hills
    • (as) pleased/​proud as Punch
    • as pretty as a picture
    • (as) regular as clockwork
    • (as) quick as a flash
    • (as) safe as houses
    • (as) sound as a bell
    • (as) steady as a rock
    • (as) thick as two short planks
    • (as) tough as old boots
on the button (informal, especially North American English)
  1. at exactly the right time or at the exact time mentioned准时;正好
    • We arrived at 4 o'clock on the button.我们在 4 点钟准时到达。
  2. exactly right完全正确;对极了
    • You're on the button there!那让你说中了!
push all the (right) buttons
(also press all the (right) buttons especially in British English)
  1. (informal) to do exactly the right things to please somebody投其所好;迎合众人/某人的喜好
    • a new satirical comedy show that pushes all the right buttons一出新的极尽搞笑之能事的讽刺喜剧
push somebody’s buttons
(also press somebody’s buttons especially in British English)
  1. (informal) to make somebody react in either a positive or a negative way使有所反应(无论是积极或消极的)
    • I've known him for years, but I still don't know what pushes his buttons.我已认识他多年,可还是摸不透他的脾气。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they button
he / she / it buttons
past simple buttoned
past participle buttoned
-ing form buttoning
  1. [transitive] to fasten something with buttons; to fasten the buttons on a piece of clothing somebody is wearing用扣子系紧;扣上扣子
    • button something (up) She hurriedly buttoned (up) her blouse.她急忙扣好衬衫。
    • button somebody into something She buttoned the child into his coat.她给孩子扣上外套。
  2. [intransitive] button (up) to be fastened with buttons用纽扣扣上
    • The dress buttons (up) at the back.这件连衣裙是从后背系扣的。
  3. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French bouton, of Germanic origin and related to the verb butt.
button it!
  1. (British English, informal) used to tell somebody rudely to be quiet闭嘴;住口




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