

单词 burn


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they burn
he / she / it burns
past simple burnt
past participle burnt
past simple burned
past participle burned
-ing form burning
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [intransitive] to produce flames and heat燃烧;烧
    • A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace.壁炉里燃烧着暖融融的炉火。
    • Fires were burning all over the city.全城处处燃烧着大火。
    • A small candle burned brightly.一根小蜡烛燃烧得很明亮。
    Extra Examples
    • Fresh leaves will burn slowly with billows of smoke.新鲜树叶燃烧缓慢,并会散发出浓烟。
    • The fire was still burning fiercely.大火仍在熊熊燃烧。
    • The flame in the oil lamp burned steadily.油灯里的火焰稳定地燃烧着。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fiercely
    • steadily
    • slowly
    • burn out of control
    [intransitive] (used especially in the progressive tenses) to be on fire着火;烧着
    • By nightfall the whole city was burning.到黄昏时,全城已是一片火海。
    • The girl ran from the burning building.女孩逃离了着火的大楼。
    • Two children were rescued from the burning car.两名儿童从燃烧着的车中被救了出来。
    • They called us to tell us that my aunt's house was burning.他们打电话告诉我们姑妈的房子着火了。
    • The smell of burning rubber filled the air.空气中弥漫着橡胶燃烧的气味。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fiercely
    • steadily
    • slowly
    • burn out of control
    [transitive, intransitive] to destroy, damage, injure or kill somebody/something by fire; to be destroyed, etc. by fire(使)烧毁,烧坏,烧伤,烧死
    • Six million acres have burned this year in the United States.美国今年已烧毁 600 万英亩土地。
    • The house burned to the ground.房子被大火夷为平地。
    • Ten people burned to death in the hotel fire.旅馆火灾中有十人被烧死。
    • burn somebody/something to burn waste paper/dead leaves焚烧废纸/枯树叶
    • All his belongings were burnt in the fire.他所有的财物都在大火中付之一炬。
    • The house was burnt to the ground (= completely destroyed).那座房子彻底焚毁了。
    • The survivors burned the bodies of the victims of the plague.幸存者焚烧了瘟疫受害者的尸体。
    • Several protesters burned American flags.几名抗议者焚烧了美国国旗。
    • The cigarette burned a hole in the carpet.香烟把地毯烧了个洞。
    • Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.圣女贞德在火刑柱上被烧死了。
    • burn somebody/something + adj. His greatest fear is of being burnt alive.他最怕的是被活活烧死。
    • burn + adj. Many were left with no choice but to burn alive or leap to their deaths from the upper floors.许多人别无选择,只能被活活烧死或从楼上跳下身亡。
    Extra Examples
    • Several people were burned to death.有几个人被烧死了。
    • The building was burned to the ground.这幢楼被烧成了一片焦土。
    • Bishop Tunstall preached a sermon against the book, after which copies were ceremonially burnt.滕斯托尔主教讲道抨击这本书,随后举行了烧书仪式。
    • She burned all his letters.她把他的信全部付之一炬。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • badly
    • seriously
    • severely
    • be burned alive
    • be burned at the stake
    • be burned to ashes
  4. fuel

    [transitive, intransitive] if you burn a fuel, or a fuel burns, it produces heat, light or energy(使燃料)燃烧
    • Which fuel burns most efficiently?哪种燃料燃烧效果最佳?
    • burn something a furnace that burns gas/oil/coke煤气/燃油/焦炭熔炉
    • (figurative) Some people burn calories (= use food to produce energy) faster than others.有些人热量消耗得比其他人快。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • brightly
  6. food

    [intransitive, transitive] if food burns, or if you burn it, it is damaged by too much heat(使)烧焦,烤煳
    • I can smell something burning in the kitchen.我闻到厨房里有东西烧焦了。
    • burn something Sorry—I burnt the toast.抱歉,我把面包烤煳了。
  8. sun/heat

    [intransitive, transitive] to be damaged or injured by the sun, heat, acid, etc.; to damage or injure somebody/something in this way(使)晒伤,烫伤,烧伤
    • My skin burns easily (= in the sun).我的皮肤容易晒伤。
    • fair skin that burns easily容易晒黑的白晰皮肤
    • burn somebody I got badly burned by the sun yesterday.我昨天严重晒伤。
    • burn something I burnt my tongue trying to eat a hot meat pie.我想吃热肉饼,结果烫了舌头。
    • The soup's hot. Don't burn your mouth.汤很热,别烫了嘴。
    • His face had been horrifically burnt by acid.他的脸被酸严重烧伤。
    • burn yourself I burned myself on the stove.我被炉子烫了。
    Synonyms burnburnchar scald scorch singeThese words all mean to damage, injure, destroy or kill somebody/​something with heat or fire.burn to damage, injure, destroy or kill somebody/​something with fire, heat or acid; to be damaged, etc. by fire, heat or acid:
    • She burned all his letters.她把他的信全部付之一炬。
    • The house burned down in 1995. 1995年,这所房子被烧毁。
    char [usually passive] to make something black by burning it; to become black by burning:
    • The bodies had been charred beyond recognition.这些尸体已烧焦,无法辨认。
    scald to burn part of your body with very hot liquid or steam.scorch to burn and slightly damage a surface by making it too hot:
    • I scorched my dress when I was ironing it.我把自己的连衣裙熨焦了。
    singe to burn the surface of something slightly, usually by mistake; to be burnt in this way:
    • He singed his hair as he tried to light his cigarette.他点烟时把头发给燎了。
    scorch or singe?Things are scorched by heat or fire. Things can only be singed by fire or a flame.Patterns
    • to burn/​scald yourself/​your hand
    • to burn/​scorch/​singe your hair/​clothes
    • burnt-out/​charred/​scorched remains/​ruins/​buildings
  10. of part of body

  11. [intransitive] if part of your body burns or is burning, it feels very hot and painful火辣辣地痛;发烫
    • Your forehead's burning. Have you got a fever?你的前额很烫,你发烧了吗?
    • Her cheeks burned with embarrassment.她羞得面颊发烫。
    Synonyms hurthurtache burn sting tingle itch throbThese are all words that can be used when part of your body feels painful.hurt (of part of your body) to feel painful; (of an action) to cause pain:
    • My feet hurt.我脚疼。
    • Ouch! That hurt!哎哟!好疼!
    ache to feel a continuous pain that is not severe:
    • I’m aching all over.我周身疼痛。
    burn (of part of your body) to feel very hot and painful:
    • Our eyes were burning from the chemicals in the air.空气中弥漫的化学物质熏得我们的眼睛火辣辣地痛。
    sting to make somebody feel a sharp burning pain or uncomfortable feeling in part of their body; (of part of your body) to feel this pain:
    • My eyes were stinging from the smoke.烟熏得我眼睛疼。
    tingle (of part of your body) to feel as if a lot of small sharp points are pushing into the skin there:
    • The cold air made her face tingle.冷空气冻得她的脸发痛。
    itch to have an uncomfortable feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch; to make your skin feel like this:
    • I itch all over.我浑身痒。
    • Does the rash itch?皮疹痒吗?
    throb (of part of your body) to feel pain as a series of regular beats:
    • His head throbbed painfully.他的头一抽一跳地痛。
    • your eyes hurt/​ache/​burn/​sting/​itch
    • your skin hurts/​burns/​stings/​tingles/​itches
    • your flesh hurts/​burns/​stings/​tingles
    • your head hurts/​aches/​throbs
    • your stomach hurts/​aches
    • to really hurt/​ache/​burn/​sting/​tingle/​itch/​throb
    • to hurt/​ache/​sting/​itch badly/​a lot
    • It hurts/​stings/​tingles/​itches.
    Extra Examples
    • Her skin seemed to burn at his touch.她的皮肤似乎在他的触碰下被灼烧着。
    • Our eyes were burning from the chemicals in the air.空气中弥漫的化学物质熏得我们的眼睛火辣辣地痛。
  12. of a light

  13. [intransitive] to produce light发光;发亮
    • Lights were burning upstairs, but no one answered the door.楼上亮着灯,但叫门没人回应。
    • hot sunshine burning through the windows炎热的阳光透过窗户燃烧
    • Their torches burned brightly in the dark.他们的火把在黑暗中发出明亮的光。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • brightly
  14. feel emotion/desire

  15. [intransitive, transitive] (literary) to feel or show a very strong emotion or desire有强烈的情感;渴望
    • Her eyes burned fiercely.她的眼睛燃烧着怒火。
    • burn with something to be burning with rage/ambition/love满怀强烈的仇恨/远大的抱负/炽热的爱
    • burn to do something He was burning to go climbing again.他渴望再去爬山。
    Extra Examples
    • He was burning with indignation.他义愤填膺。
    • She could sense the anger burning slowly inside him.她能感觉到怒火在他心中慢慢燃起。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • fiercely
    • slowly
    • with
  16. go fast

  17. [intransitive] + adv./prep. (informal) to move very fast in a particular direction(向某个方向)飞奔,疾驰
    • The car was burning down the road.汽车沿着公路疾驰而去。
  18. make angry

  19. [transitive] burn somebody (North American English, informal) to make somebody very angry使异常愤怒;激怒;触怒
    • So you did it just to burn me?这么说,你那样做只是为了气我?
  20. CD, DVD

  21. [transitive, intransitive] burn (something) (to something) to put information onto a CD or DVD刻录(光盘或数字影碟)Topics Computersc2
  22. spend money

  23. [transitive, intransitive] (business, informal) to spend money花钱
    • burn something The project burns £2 million a year in contractor costs.这个项目每年要花掉 200 万英镑的承包商费用。
    • burn through something The state has already burned through its cash reserves.国家已经耗尽了现金储备。
    see also burn rate
  24. Word Originverb Old English birnan ‘be on fire’ and bærnan ‘consume by fire’, both from the same Germanic base; related to German brennen.
burn your bridges
(British English also burn your boats)
  1. to do something that makes it impossible to return to the previous situation later不留退路;破釜沉舟;背水而战
    • Think carefully before you resign—you don't want to burn your bridges.辞职前要三思,你得给自己留条退路。
burn the candle at both ends
  1. to become very tired by trying to do too many things and going to bed late and getting up early过度劳累;起早贪黑而疲惫不堪
burn your fingers | get your fingers burnt
  1. to suffer as a result of doing something without realizing the possible bad results, especially in business(尤指生意上)没有先见之明而蒙受损失,因不慎而吃亏
    • He got his fingers badly burnt dabbling in the stock market.他糊里糊涂地进入股票市场,结果赔了老本。
burn a hole in your pocket
  1. if money burns a hole in your pocket, you want to spend it as soon as you have it一有(钱)就想花;花钱没有节制
burn the midnight oil
  1. to study or work until late at night挑灯夜战;熬夜
burn rubber
  1. (informal) to drive very fast飞车Topics Transport by car or lorryc2
burn (something) to a cinder/crisp
  1. to become completely burnt, especially because it has been cooked for too long(尤指因烹调时间过长)烧焦,烤煳
    • By the time I got home, the cake was burnt to a cinder.等我回到家,蛋糕已经烤成炭了。
    Extra Examples
    • The tower was struck by lightning and was burned to a cinder.那座塔被闪电击中,烧成了灰烬。
    • I like my steak burnt to a cinder on the outside and blood red and juicy inside.我喜欢外面烧得很焦, 面血红多汁的牛排。
crash and burn
  1. (informal) to go wrong or to fail badly and suddenly 崩溃;垮台;瞬间惨败
    • His career crashed and burned after he threatened a journalist.自从他威胁一名记者后,事业一蹶不振。
    • The stock markets are getting ready to crash and burn.股市正准备崩盘。
    • She continued to crash and burn through personal controversies that included driving drunk.她继续因酒后驾车等个人争议而崩溃和燃烧。
somebody’s ears are burning
  1. a person thinks that other people are talking about them, especially in an unkind way(感到有人议论自己,尤指说闲话而)耳朵发热
    • ‘I bumped into your ex-wife last night.’ ‘I thought I could feel my ears burning!’“我昨天晚上偶然遇到你的前妻。”“怪不得我好像觉得耳朵发热呢!”
have money to burn
  1. to have so much money that you do not have to be careful with it钱多得花不完;有用不完的钱




    [countable] an injury or a mark caused by fire, heat or acid烧伤;烫伤;灼伤;烧(或烫、灼)的痕迹
    • to have minor/severe/third-degree burns受到轻度/重度/三度烧伤
    • She suffered serious burns but is expected to survive.她被严重烧伤,但有望活下来。
    • He was treated in the hospital for 60% burns.他烧伤面积达 60%,在医院接受治疗。
    • burn to something He is recovering from burns to his face and hands.他的脸和双手烧伤,正在康复中。
    • burn on something cigarette burns on the furniture烟头在家具上烫出的痕迹
    • a slight burn on the back of her hand她手背上的一处轻度烧伤
    • burn marks/injuries烧伤痕迹/受伤
    • burn victims烧伤受害者
    • a specialist burns unit in a hospital医院的烧伤专科
    Topics Health problemsb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • horrific
    • nasty
    • serious
    verb + burn
    • get
    • suffer
    • cause
    burn + noun
    • mark
    • wound
    • injury
    • 20%, 50%, etc. burns
    • burn on
  2. in muscles

  3. the burn
    [singular] the feeling that you get in your muscles when you have done a lot of exercise酸痛感
    • Feel the burn!感受灼烧感!
    Topics Health and Fitnessc2
  4. river

  5. [countable] (Scottish English) a small river溪;小河;小川 synonym streamTopics Geographyc2
  6. Word Originnoun senses 1 to 2 Old English birnan ‘be on fire’ and bærnan ‘consume by fire’, both from the same Germanic base; related to German brennen. noun sense 3 Old English burna, burn(e), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch bron and German Brunnen ‘well’.
do a slow burn
  1. (North American English, informal) to slowly get angry慢慢生起气来




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