释义 |
- able seamannoun
c2 - A-bombnoun
c2 - accordnoun
c2 - acting pilot officernoun
c2 - adjutantnoun
c2 - Admiral of the Fleetnoun
c2 - affraynoun
c2 - aide-de-campnoun
c2 - air chief marshalnoun
c2 - air commodorenoun
c2 - aircraft carriernoun
c2 - aircrewnoun
c2 - Air Force Onenoun
c2 - airgunnoun
c2 - air marshalnoun
c2 - air officernoun
c2 - air pistolnoun
c2 - air riflenoun
c2 - air vice-marshalnoun
c2 - ambushnoun
c2 - ambushverb
c2 - ammonoun
c2 - ammunitionnoun
c2 - anarchismnoun
c2 - anarchistnoun
c2 - appeaseverb
c2 - armamentnoun
c2 - armisticenoun
c2 - armouredadjective
c2 - arms controlnoun
c2 - assailverb
c2 - attritionnoun
c2 - automaticnoun
c2 - ballistic missilenoun
c2 - barracksnoun
c2 - battalionnoun
c2 - battle-scarredadjective
c2 - battleshipnoun
c2 - bayonetnoun
c2 - bazookanoun
c2 - belligerentadjective
c2 - belligerentnoun
c2 - blackoutnoun
c2 - blitznoun
c2 - blitzverb
c2 - blockadenoun
c2 - blockadeverb
c2 - bloodshednoun
c2 - bombardiernoun
c2 - breachnoun
c2 - breachverb
c2 - bridgeheadnoun
c2 - brigadenoun
c2 - brigadiernoun
c2 - brigadier generalnoun
c2 - broadswordnoun
c2 - captain generalnoun
c2 - cashierverb
c2 - catapultnoun
c2 - cavalrynoun
c2 - ceasefirenoun
c2 - chief master sergeantnoun
c2 - chief petty officernoun
c2 - chief techniciannoun
c2 - clandestineadjective
c2 - clashverb
c2 - cluster bombnoun
c2 - COabbreviation
c2 - colonel generalnoun
c2 - colour sergeantnoun
c2 - combativeadjective
c2 - commandnoun
b2 - commandantnoun
c2 - commander-in-chiefnoun
c2 - commandonoun
c2 - commissioned officernoun
c2 - commodorenoun
c2 - conscriptionnoun
c2 - conspireverb
c2 - contingentnoun
c2 - corporalnoun
c2 - corpsmannoun
c2 - counter-attackverb
c2 - counter-attacknoun
c2 - counter-insurgencynoun
c2 - counteroffensivenoun
c2 - counterterrorismnoun
c2 - court martialnoun
c2 - crossbownoun
c2 - cruise missilenoun
c2 - cruisernoun
c2 - crusadenoun
c2 - crusadernoun
c2 - cutlassnoun
c2 - daggernoun
c2 - detachmentnoun
c2 - detonateverb
c2 - detonationnoun
c2 - detonatornoun
c2 - dirty bombnoun
c2 - disarmverb
c2 - disarmamentnoun
c2 - disengageverb
c2 - displaced personnoun
c2 - dogfightnoun
c2 - draftnoun
c2 - draftverb
c2 - dragoonnoun
c2 - dress uniformnoun
c2 - drillnoun
c2 - ecoterrorismnoun
c2 - ecoterroristnoun
c2 - embattledadjective
c2 - engageverb
c2 - engagementnoun
c2 - enlistverb
c2 - ensignnoun
c2 - ethnic cleansingnoun
c2 - evacueenoun
c2 - exclusion zonenoun
c2 - ex-serviceadjective
c2 - fallverb
c2 - fanaticnoun
c2 - field marshalnoun
c2 - fighter-bombernoun
c2 - firebombnoun
c2 - firebombverb
c2 - firefightnoun
c2 - first lieutenantnoun
c2 - first sergeantnoun
c2 - first strikenoun
c2 - flagshipnoun
c2 - flamethrowernoun
c2 - flanknoun
c2 - Fleet Admiralnoun
c2 - flight lieutenantnoun
c2 - flight officernoun
c2 - flight sergeantnoun
c2 - flying officernoun
c2 - fomentverb
c2 - foot soldiernoun
c2 - foraynoun
c2 - freedom fighternoun
c2 - frigatenoun
c2 - frontnoun
c2 - fusiliernoun
c2 - garrisonnoun
c2 - garrisonverb
c2 - general of the air forcenoun
c2 - Geneva Conventionnoun
c2 - GInoun
c2 - grenadenoun
c2 - grenadiernoun
c2 - group captainnoun
c2 - guardnoun
b1 - guardsmannoun
c2 - gun downphrasal verb
c2 - gunnery sergeantnoun
c2 - hand grenadenoun
c2 - H-bombnoun
c2 - high commandnoun
c2 - HMSabbreviation
c2 - holocaustnoun
c2 - hydrogen bombnoun
c2 - IDPabbreviation
c2 - IEDnoun
c2 - incendiaryadjective
c2 - incendiarynoun
c2 - infantrynoun
c2 - infantrymannoun
c2 - infiltrateverb
c2 - infiltrationnoun
c2 - insurgencynoun
c2 - insurgentadjective
c2 - insurgentnoun
c2 - interceptverb
c2 - internally displaced personnoun
c2 - jehadnoun
c2 - jihadnoun
c2 - junior techniciannoun
c2 - Kalashnikovnoun
c2 - landminenoun
c2 - leading aircraftmannoun
c2 - leading aircraftwomannoun
c2 - leading seamannoun
c2 - legionaryadjective
c2 - legionarynoun
c2 - letter bombnoun
c2 - lieutenantnoun
c2 - lieutenant colonelnoun
c2 - lieutenant commandernoun
c2 - lieutenant generalnoun
c2 - limpet minenoun
c2 - longbownoun
c2 - machine gunnoun
c2 - machine-gunverb
c2 - major generalnoun
c2 - maraudernoun
c2 - maraudingadjective
c2 - marinenoun
c2 - marshalnoun
c2 - Marshal of the Royal Air Forcenoun
c2 - master chief petty officernoun
c2 - master corporalnoun
c2 - master seamannoun
c2 - mercenarynoun
c2 - merchant navynoun
c2 - midshipmannoun
c2 - mine detectornoun
c2 - minefieldnoun
c2 - minesweepernoun
c2 - mobilizationnoun
c2 - Molotov cocktailnoun
c2 - mortarnoun
c2 - musketnoun
c2 - musketeernoun
c2 - mustard gasnoun
c2 - NAAFInoun
c2 - NCOnoun
c2 - nerve agentnoun
c2 - nerve gasnoun
c2 - non-commissioned officernoun
c2 - offensivenoun
c2 - olive branchnoun
c2 - onslaughtnoun
c2 - opnoun
c2 - oppressverb
c2 - oppressedadjective
c2 - oppressionnoun
c2 - oppressornoun
c2 - orderlynoun
c2 - ordinary seamannoun
c2 - outflankverb
c2 - pacifismnoun
c2 - pacifyverb
c2 - paramilitaryadjective
c2 - paramilitarynoun
c2 - partisannoun
c2 - peacemakernoun
c2 - petrol bombnoun
c2 - petty officernoun
c2 - phoney warnoun
c2 - picketnoun
c2 - pillagenoun
c2 - pillageverb
c2 - pillagernoun
c2 - pilot officernoun
c2 - pistolnoun
c2 - platoonnoun
c2 - plunderverb
c2 - plundernoun
c2 - plunderernoun
c2 - point mannoun
c2 - POWnoun
c2 - premeditatedadjective
c2 - press gangnoun
c2 - privatenoun
c2 - private soldiernoun
c2 - put somebody to the swordidiom
c2 - RAFabbreviation
c2 - rangernoun
c2 - rapiernoun
c2 - ratingnoun
c2 - rear admiralnoun
c2 - reccenoun
c2 - reconnoun
c2 - reconnaissancenoun
c2 - reinforcementnoun
c2 - renditionnoun
c2 - reparationnoun
c2 - repelverb
c2 - reprisalnoun
c2 - reservistnoun
c2 - resistancenoun
c2 - revolvernoun
c2 - riflemannoun
c2 - RNabbreviation
c2 - roar, romp, sweep, etc. to victoryidiom
c2 - saluteverb
c2 - salutenoun
c2 - sappernoun
c2 - sawn-off shotgunnoun
c2 - scoutnoun
c2 - sea powernoun
c2 - second in commandnoun
c2 - second lieutenantnoun
c2 - semi-automaticadjective
c2 - semi-automaticnoun
c2 - senior aircraftmannoun
c2 - senior aircraftwomannoun
c2 - senior chief petty officernoun
c2 - senior master sergeantnoun
c2 - sentinelnoun
c2 - sentrynoun
c2 - sergeantnoun
c2 - shellnoun
c2 - shellverb
c2 - shellingnoun
c2 - signallernoun
c2 - signalmannoun
c2 - silonoun
c2 - small armsnoun
c2 - smoke bombnoun
c2 - smokescreennoun
c2 - soldieringnoun
c2 - soldier of fortunenoun
c2 - soldierynoun
c2 - squaddienoun
c2 - squadronnoun
c2 - squadron leadernoun
c2 - staff sergeantnoun
c2 - stand-downnoun
c2 - the Admiraltynoun
c2 - the front linenoun
c2 - the Household Cavalry
c2 - the Marine Corps
c2 - the Royal Air Force
c2 - the Royal Armoured Corps
c2 - the Royal Artillery
c2 - the Royal Marines
c2 - the Royal Navy
c2 - the Security Councilnoun
c2 - the senior servicenoun
c2 - the United States Marine Corps
c2 - the United Nations Security Councilnoun
c2 - stormverb
c2 - storm troopernoun
c2 - strafeverb
c2 - sub lieutenantnoun
c2 - sub-machine gunnoun
c2 - subversivenoun
c2 - subversiveadjective
c2 - takeovernoun
c2 - tear gasnoun
c2 - technical sergeantnoun
c2 - torpedonoun
c2 - torpedoverb
c2 - tour of dutynoun
c2 - troopadjective
c2 - troopnoun
b2 - troopernoun
c2 - troopshipnoun
c2 - turn swords into ploughsharesidiom
c2 - turn swords into plowsharesidiom
c2 - undergroundadjective
c2 - undergroundadverb
c2 - undergroundnoun
c2 - USAFabbreviation
c2 - USNabbreviation
c2 - USSabbreviation
c2 - vanquishverb
c2 - vengeancenoun
c2 - vice admiralnoun
c2 - victornoun
c2 - warrant officernoun
c2 - warringadjective
c2 - war-tornadjective
c2 - war widownoun
c2 - watch listnoun
c2 - water cannonnoun
c2 - weapon of mass destructionnoun
c2 - white flagnoun
c2 - wing commandernoun
c2 - WMDabbreviation
c2 - WRAFabbreviation
c2 - yeomannoun
c2 - zealotnoun
c2 |