释义 |
- Academy Award™noun
c2 - (a case of) dog eat dogidiom
c2 - accedeverb
c2 - accessionnoun
c2 - acclaimverb
c2 - acclaimnoun
c2 - accoladenoun
c2 - accreditverb
c2 - accreditationnoun
c2 - accreditedadjective
c2 - acenoun
c2 - aceverb
c2 - acid testnoun
c2 - a close thingidiom
c2 - adaptabilitynoun
c2 - a fighting chanceidiom
c2 - a flash in the panidiom
c2 - a hard/tough act to followidiom
c2 - A-listadjective
c2 - A-listernoun
c2 - a near thingidiom
c2 - any luck?idiom
c2 - a/one step ahead (of somebody/something)idiom
c2 - aplombnoun
c2 - apogeenoun
c2 - a resounding successidiom
c2 - a roaring successidiom
c2 - aspirantnoun
c2 - aspirationaladjective
c2 - a sporting chanceidiom
c2 - ass-kickingadjective
c2 - attainableadjective
c2 - augurverb
c2 - auspiciousadjective
c2 - auspiciouslyadverb
c2 - back on trackidiom
c2 - banner yearnoun
c2 - bat a thousandidiom
c2 - batting averagenoun
c2 - bear fruitidiom
c2 - be coming up rosesidiom
c2 - be cooking with gasidiom
c2 - beginner’s lucknoun
c2 - be going great gunsidiom
c2 - be going placesidiom
c2 - be goldenidiom
c2 - be home and dryidiom
c2 - belong tophrasal verb
c2 - belt and bracesidiom
c2 - be on a rollidiom
c2 - be on a tearidiom
c2 - be on trackidiom
c2 - be riding highidiom
c2 - bestverb
c2 - be still/back in the gameidiom
c2 - be the making of somebodyidiom
c2 - be well on the way to something/doing somethingidiom
c2 - bhadraloknoun
c2 - big hitternoun
c2 - big leaguenoun
c2 - big-leagueadjective
c2 - Big Man on Campusnoun
c2 - B-listadjective
c2 - blockbustingadjective
c2 - blow your own trumpetidiom
c2 - blueprintnoun
c2 - bluff your way inphrasal verb
c2 - bluff your way intophrasal verb
c2 - bluff your way outphrasal verb
c2 - bluff your way out ofphrasal verb
c2 - bluff your way throughphrasal verb
c2 - BMOCabbreviation
c2 - boastnoun
c2 - boffoadjective
c2 - bonanzanoun
c2 - boom townnoun
c2 - bouncebackabilitynoun
c2 - bragging rightsnoun
c2 - breaknoun
c2 - break intophrasal verb
c2 - breakoutadjective
c2 - break throughphrasal verb
c2 - breakthroughadjective
c2 - breeze throughphrasal verb
c2 - bright young thingnoun
c2 - bring home the baconidiom
c2 - bring offphrasal verb
c2 - bring something to bear (on somebody/something)idiom
c2 - bubble underphrasal verb
c2 - buccaneernoun
c2 - buddingadjective
c2 - bust a gut (doing something/to do something)idiom
c2 - bust your ass (doing something/to do something)idiom
c2 - bust your butt/chops/hump (doing something/to do something)idiom
c2 - bust your chops/butt/hump (doing something/to do something)idiom
c2 - bust your hump/butt/chops (doing something/to do something)idiom
c2 - can-doadjective
c2 - capstonenoun
c2 - carry all/everything before youidiom
c2 - carry offphrasal verb
c2 - carry throughphrasal verb
c2 - carry/win the dayidiom
c2 - carveverb
c2 - cast-ironadjective
c2 - CBEnoun
c2 - certnoun
c2 - chalk upphrasal verb
c2 - circumventverb
c2 - claw your way back, into something, out of something, to something, etc.idiom
c2 - climb/jump on the bandwagonidiom
c2 - clinchverb
c2 - coastverb
c2 - come back inphrasal verb
c2 - come/go down/up in the worldidiom
c2 - come offphrasal verb
c2 - comernoun
c2 - come throughphrasal verb
c2 - come up/turn up trumpsidiom
c2 - creditnoun
c2 - crowverb
c2 - crownverb
c2 - cruiseverb
c2 - dial inphrasal verb
c2 - dial intophrasal verb
c2 - dip a toe in/into somethingidiom
c2 - dispose ofphrasal verb
c2 - diversificationnoun
c2 - dodge a/the bulletidiom
c2 - don’t count your chickens (before they are hatched)idiom
c2 - do the jobidiom
c2 - do the trickidiom
c2 - do/try your level best (to do something)idiom
c2 - dynamismnoun
c2 - effectualadjective
c2 - effectuallyadverb
c2 - efficaciousadjective
c2 - Emmynoun
c2 - enfant terriblenoun
c2 - enterprisingadjective
c2 - equaladjective
c2 - every dog has his/its dayidiom
c2 - fancyverb
c2 - fareverb
c2 - fast tracknoun
c2 - fast-trackadjective
c2 - Faustianadjective
c2 - favourabilitynoun
c2 - feasibilitynoun
c2 - felicitateverb
c2 - felicitousadjective
c2 - felicitouslyadverb
c2 - felicitynoun
c2 - first fruitnoun
c2 - fist pumpnoun
c2 - fist-pumpverb
c2 - fist-pumpingnoun
c2 - flatter to deceiveidiom
c2 - flowerverb
c2 - floweringnoun
c2 - foolproofadjective
c2 - fortuitousadjective
c2 - fortuitouslyadverb
c2 - fruitionnoun
c2 - furtherancenoun
c2 - gain groundidiom
c2 - game plannoun
c2 - gearedadjective
c2 - gelverb
c2 - get back on the railsidiom
c2 - get/knock/lick something into shapeidiom
c2 - get throughphrasal verb
c2 - get your act togetheridiom
c2 - gimmenoun
c2 - glitteringadjective
c2 - gloatverb
c2 - gloatingadjective
c2 - gloriouslyadverb
c2 - go-aheadadjective
c2 - go down a bombidiom
c2 - go far enoughidiom
c2 - go-getternoun
c2 - going strongidiom
c2 - golden oldienoun
c2 - golden rulenoun
c2 - good luck to somebodyidiom
c2 - go over big (with somebody)idiom
c2 - go to the ends of the earthidiom
c2 - grailnoun
c2 - Grammynoun
c2 - graspnoun
c2 - great/tall oaks from little acorns growidiom
c2 - hammer away atphrasal verb
c2 - hang (on) in thereidiom
c2 - hat-tricknoun
c2 - have a bash (at something)idiom
c2 - have (got) it madeidiom
c2 - have somebody’s interests at heartidiom
c2 - have something on your sideidiom
c2 - have something to your creditidiom
c2 - have something under your beltidiom
c2 - have the last laughidiom
c2 - have the right ideaidiom
c2 - have the world at your feetidiom
c2 - heavy hitternoun
c2 - he who laughs last laughs longestidiom
c2 - heydaynoun
c2 - highnoun
c2 - high-flyernoun
c2 - high-flyingadjective
c2 - hit (it) bigidiom
c2 - hit/miss the markidiom
c2 - hit/strike pay dirtidiom
c2 - hit the ground runningidiom
c2 - hold thumbsidiom
c2 - hope for the bestidiom
c2 - hopefulnoun
c2 - hotadjective
c2 - hot handnoun
c2 - hotshotnoun
c2 - hotshotadjective
c2 - hugeadjective
c2 - illustriousadjective
c2 - Indian summernoun
c2 - infallibilitynoun
c2 - infallibleadjective
c2 - infalliblyadverb
c2 - in/into/out of the reckoningidiom
c2 - in/out of the running (for something)idiom
c2 - inroadnoun
c2 - it’ll be all right on the nightidiom
c2 - it’ll be alright on the nightidiom
c2 - Jaiexclamation
c2 - jellverb
c2 - joynoun
c2 - jubilantadjective
c2 - jubilationnoun
c2 - jump through hoopsidiom
c2 - keep up with the Jonesesidiom
c2 - kick-assadjective
c2 - kick (some) ass/buttidiom
c2 - killer instinctnoun
c2 - kill itidiom
c2 - kill or cureidiom
c2 - kill two birds with one stoneidiom
c2 - kudosnoun
c2 - landverb
c2 - last-ditchadjective
c2 - last-gaspadjective
c2 - laudableadjective
c2 - laughverb
c2 - laureatenoun
c2 - laurelnoun
c2 - Lazarusnoun
c2 - leave the field clear for somebodyidiom
c2 - lifebloodnoun
c2 - life’s worknoun
c2 - look goodidiom
c2 - look to your laurelsidiom
c2 - Machiavellianadjective
c2 - magnatenoun
c2 - mahuratnoun
c2 - mainstaynoun
c2 - makeverb
c2 - make a go of somethingidiom
c2 - make goodidiom
c2 - make itidiom
c2 - make it bigidiom
c2 - make or break somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - make something of yourselfidiom
c2 - make the cutidiom
c2 - make the gradeidiom
c2 - marvelnoun
c2 - masterstrokenoun
c2 - MBEnoun
c2 - measure upphrasal verb
c2 - meteoricadjective
c2 - me-tooadjective
c2 - mettlenoun
c2 - Midas touchnoun
c2 - mission accomplishedidiom
c2 - moral victorynoun
c2 - move heaven and earthidiom
c2 - move mountainsidiom
c2 - muddle throughphrasal verb
c2 - nailverb
c2 - never/not look backidiom
c2 - nice work if you can get itidiom
c2 - notchnoun
c2 - notchverb
c2 - (not) get/have a look-inidiom
c2 - nothing succeeds like successidiom
c2 - nurtureverb
c2 - OBEnoun
c2 - off/on the back of somethingidiom
c2 - on a knife-edgeidiom
c2 - on a wing and a prayeridiom
c2 - on course for something/to do somethingidiom
c2 - on fireidiom
c2 - on somebody’s coat-tailsidiom
c2 - on the upidiom
c2 - on the up and upidiom
c2 - open doors for somebodyidiom
c2 - open sesamenoun
c2 - opportuneadjective
c2 - outperformverb
c2 - outstripverb
c2 - overachieveverb
c2 - overachievernoun
c2 - overambitiousadjective
c2 - overdognoun
c2 - over-optimisticadjective
c2 - ownverb
c2 - parlay intophrasal verb
c2 - passportnoun
c2 - pertinaciousadjective
c2 - pertinacitynoun
c2 - phenomnoun
c2 - phenomenonnoun
c2 - pin (all) your hopes on somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - pinnaclenoun
c2 - play your cards rightidiom
c2 - power couplenoun
c2 - practicableadjective
c2 - pre-eminencenoun
c2 - pre-eminentadjective
c2 - primenoun
c2 - propitiousadjective
c2 - propose a toast (to somebody)idiom
c2 - prospectnoun
b2 - pull offphrasal verb
c2 - pull out all the stopsidiom
c2 - punch above your weightidiom
c2 - purple patchnoun
c2 - pushnoun
c2 - put all your eggs in one basketidiom
c2 - put/set/turn your mind to somethingidiom
c2 - put your money on somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - rainmakernoun
c2 - reach for the starsidiom
c2 - realizableadjective
c2 - record-breakernoun
c2 - rest/sit on your laurelsidiom
c2 - ride the crest of somethingidiom
c2 - rip-roaringadjective
c2 - rocketverb
c2 - rosyadjective
c2 - ruggedadjective
c2 - sail throughphrasal verb
c2 - save the day/situationidiom
c2 - save the day/situationidiom
c2 - scoreverb
c2 - scrape throughphrasal verb
c2 - seed cornnoun
c2 - self-madeadjective
c2 - self-realizationnoun
c2 - self-satisfactionnoun
c2 - self-satisfiedadjective
c2 - sell your soul (to the devil)idiom
c2 - set fair (to do something/for something)idiom
c2 - set somebody/something on their/its feetidiom
c2 - set the world on fireidiom
c2 - shoot forphrasal verb
c2 - short-circuitverb
c2 - shotnoun
c2 - sine qua nonnoun
c2 - single-mindedlyadverb
c2 - singlenessnoun
c2 - sink or swimidiom
c2 - slam dunknoun
c2 - sleepernoun
c2 - slog/sweat/work your guts outidiom
c2 - smile onphrasal verb
c2 - smugadjective
c2 - smuglyadverb
c2 - so far, so goodidiom
c2 - somebody has arrivedidiom
c2 - spoilnoun
c2 - staturenoun
c2 - the American dreamnoun
c2 - the Holy Grailnoun
c2 - steal somebody’s thunderidiom
c2 - stepping stonenoun
c2 - stick atphrasal verb
c2 - streaknoun
c2 - strike goldidiom
c2 - strike/hit pay dirtidiom
c2 - strivingnoun
c2 - success storynoun
c2 - supermannoun
c2 - superwomannoun
c2 - sure-fireadjective
c2 - surmountverb
c2 - sweat/slog/work your guts outidiom
c2 - swingverb
c2 - swing for the fencesidiom
c2 - synergisticadjective
c2 - synergynoun
c2 - takeverb
c2 - take something/somebody by stormidiom
c2 - tall poppy syndromenoun
c2 - the brass ringidiom
c2 - the cards/odds are stacked in your favouridiom
c2 - the crest of a/the waveidiom
c2 - the law of the jungleidiom
c2 - the psychological momentidiom
c2 - there is no harm in (somebody’s) doing somethingidiom
c2 - there’s more than one way to skin a catidiom
c2 - the sky’s the limitidiom
c2 - the sweet smell of successidiom
c2 - the tide turnedidiom
c2 - the uncrowned king/queen (of something)idiom
c2 - third time luckyidiom
c2 - throw your weight about/aroundidiom
c2 - thumbs up/downidiom
c2 - tickety-booadjective
c2 - tipverb
c2 - toastnoun
c2 - toastverb
c2 - to a T/teeidiom
c2 - Tonynoun
c2 - top-flightadjective
c2 - top offphrasal verb
c2 - tour de forcenoun
c2 - track recordnoun
c2 - tried and tested/trustedidiom
c2 - tried and tested/trustedidiom
c2 - tried and trueidiom
c2 - triumphverb
c2 - triumphaladjective
c2 - triumphalismnoun
c2 - triumphalistadjective
c2 - triumphantadjective
c2 - triumphantlyadverb
c2 - try your luck (at something)idiom
c2 - turn aroundphrasal verb
c2 - turn roundphrasal verb
c2 - two heads are better than oneidiom
c2 - tycoonnoun
c2 - ugly ducklingnoun
c2 - up-and-comingadjective
c2 - vaingloriousadjective
c2 - vainglorynoun
c2 - vanitynoun
c2 - viabilitynoun
c2 - victornoun
c2 - victoriousadjective
c2 - victoriouslyadverb
c2 - vieverb
c2 - vintageadjective
c2 - walk intophrasal verb
c2 - walk itidiom
c2 - waltzverb
c2 - well triedadjective
c2 - when the going gets tough (the tough get going)idiom
c2 - white hopenoun
c2 - whizz-kidnoun
c2 - win/earn your spursidiom
c2 - win or loseidiom
c2 - win outphrasal verb
c2 - win throughphrasal verb
c2 - win-winadjective
c2 - with a bangidiom
c2 - wizardrynoun
c2 - work atphrasal verb
c2 - work like a charmidiom
c2 - work/perform miraclesidiom
c2 - work wondersidiom
c2 - wownoun
c2 - wunderkindnoun
c2 - … or bustidiom
c2 - X factornoun
c2 - (you can't) make a silk purse out of a sow’s earidiom
c2 - you can’t keep a good man downidiom
c2 - you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggsidiom
c2 - your/somebody’s luck is inidiom
c2 - zenithnoun
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