释义 |
- ancestrynoun
c1 - anthropologicaladjective
c1 - anthropologistnoun
c1 - anthropologynoun
c1 - aristocracynoun
c1 - aristocratnoun
c1 - baronnoun
c1 - belongingnoun
c1 - biracialadjective
c1 - bisexualadjective
c1 - bisexualnoun
c1 - Black Lives Matternoun
c1 - citizenshipnoun
c1 - civicadjective
c1 - collectiveadjective
c1 - communitynoun
a2 - countnoun
c1 - countessnoun
c1 - demographicnoun
c1 - demographicadjective
c1 - duchessnoun
c1 - earlnoun
c1 - ethnicitynoun
c1 - ethnic minoritynoun
c1 - feminineadjective
c1 - gaynoun
c1 - gender gapnoun
c1 - gender identitynoun
c1 - genderlessadjective
c1 - gender-neutraladjective
c1 - gender-specificadjective
c1 - heterosexualadjective
c1 - homosexualadjective
c1 - homosexualnoun
c1 - indigenousadjective
c1 - integrateverb
c1 - integrationnoun
c1 - lesbianadjective
c1 - lesbiannoun
c1 - LGBTabbreviation
c1 - LGBTQabbreviation
c1 - lived experiencenoun
c1 - masculineadjective
c1 - military servicenoun
c1 - mixed-raceadjective
c1 - multiculturaladjective
c1 - multi-ethnicadjective
c1 - nobleadjective
c1 - noblenoun
c1 - peernoun
c1 - preferred pronounnoun
c1 - princenoun
b1 - racenoun
b1 - representationnoun
c1 - segregationnoun
c1 - seniornoun
c1 - senior citizennoun
c1 - sexualitynoun
c1 - sociologicaladjective
c1 - the lower middle classnoun
c1 - the upper middle classnoun
c1 - straightadjective
c1 - sultannoun
c1 - superioradjective
c1 - town meetingnoun
c1 - transadjective
c1 - transgenderadjective
c1 |