释义 |
- a bone of contentionidiom
c2 - about-turnnoun
c2 - accord withphrasal verb
c2 - a chink in somebody’s armouridiom
c2 - ad hominemadjective
c2 - adversarynoun
c2 - agnosticadjective
c2 - agreeverb
a1 - airverb
c2 - airingnoun
c2 - align yourself withphrasal verb
c2 - a link in the chainidiom
c2 - all hell broke looseidiom
c2 - altercationnoun
c2 - a man/woman after your own heartidiom
c2 - ammunitionnoun
c2 - a moot point/questionidiom
c2 - anodyneadjective
c2 - answer forphrasal verb
c2 - apologianoun
c2 - aporianoun
c2 - approbationnoun
c2 - argue the tossidiom
c2 - argue withphrasal verb
c2 - argumentationnoun
c2 - argy-bargynoun
c2 - a rod/stick to beat somebody withidiom
c2 - assentnoun
c2 - assentverb
c2 - associateverb
c2 - at bestidiom
c2 - athwartpreposition
c2 - at loggerheads (with somebody) (over something)idiom
c2 - at variance (with somebody/something)idiom
c2 - avowverb
c2 - avowalnoun
c2 - avowedadjective
c2 - a war of wordsidiom
c2 - back-pedalverb
c2 - backtrackverb
c2 - bad/ill feelingidiom
c2 - ballsexclamation
c2 - bandy words (with somebody)idiom
c2 - bang/knock your/their heads togetheridiom
c2 - barneynoun
c2 - battlegroundnoun
c2 - be asking for troubleidiom
c2 - be at each other’s throatsidiom
c2 - be at odds (with somebody) (over/on something)idiom
c2 - be having a momentidiom
c2 - be in a minority of oneidiom
c2 - be in/out of tune (with somebody/something)idiom
c2 - belabour the pointidiom
c2 - bellicoseadjective
c2 - bellicositynoun
c2 - be of one/the same mind (about somebody/something)idiom
c2 - be on a collision course (with somebody/something)idiom
c2 - be on firm/solid groundidiom
c2 - be on somebody’s sideidiom
c2 - be set in your waysidiom
c2 - be worlds apartidiom
c2 - bickerverb
c2 - bickeringnoun
c2 - bite your tongueidiom
c2 - blow hot and cold (about something)idiom
c2 - bollocksexclamation
c2 - bolshieadjective
c2 - budgeverb
c2 - bumptiousadjective
c2 - bunfightnoun
c2 - bust-upnoun
c2 - bust upphrasal verb
c2 - by extensionidiom
c2 - call a spade a spadeidiom
c2 - can’t be badidiom
c2 - carryverb
c2 - carry onphrasal verb
c2 - casuistrynoun
c2 - chameleonnoun
c2 - change your tuneidiom
c2 - checkexclamation
c2 - chime withphrasal verb
c2 - circularadjective
c2 - circularitynoun
c2 - clashverb
c2 - climb downphrasal verb
c2 - climbdownnoun
c2 - clinchernoun
c2 - collideverb
c2 - collisionnoun
c2 - combativeadjective
c2 - come aroundphrasal verb
c2 - come off itphrasal verb
c2 - come outphrasal verb
c2 - come out on topidiom
c2 - come overphrasal verb
c2 - come roundphrasal verb
c2 - compliantadjective
c2 - concurverb
c2 - concurrencenoun
c2 - conformabilitynoun
c2 - conformableadjective
c2 - conformancenoun
c2 - confrontationaladjective
c2 - confuteverb
c2 - conjecturenoun
c2 - conjectureverb
c2 - consonancenoun
c2 - consonantadjective
c2 - contentiousadjective
c1 - contrariannoun
c2 - contretempsnoun
c2 - corollarynoun
c2 - countnoun
c2 - counter-attackverb
c2 - counter-attacknoun
c2 - counterexamplenoun
c2 - cross swords (with somebody)idiom
c2 - currentnoun
c2 - deadlocknoun
c2 - deadlockedadjective
c2 - decidedadjective
c2 - declamationnoun
c2 - declamatoryadjective
c2 - deepadjective
c2 - deep-dyedadjective
c2 - defensibleadjective
c2 - deludeverb
c2 - delusionnoun
c2 - demurverb
c2 - deplatformverb
c2 - devil’s advocatenoun
c2 - dialecticnoun
c2 - dialecticaladjective
c2 - dickerverb
c2 - ding-dongnoun
c2 - disassociateverb
c2 - discordnoun
c2 - discordantadjective
c2 - disharmonynoun
c2 - disposedadjective
c2 - disputableadjective
c2 - disputationnoun
c2 - dissensionnoun
c2 - dissentnoun
c2 - dissentverb
c2 - dissenternoun
c2 - dissentingadjective
c2 - dissidencenoun
c2 - dissidentnoun
c2 - dissidentadjective
c2 - dissociateverb
c2 - dissociationnoun
c2 - dissonancenoun
c2 - dissonantadjective
c2 - disuniteverb
c2 - disunitynoun
c2 - divergeverb
c2 - divergencenoun
c2 - divergentadjective
c2 - divide and ruleidiom
c2 - divisiveadjective
c2 - divisivelyadverb
c2 - divisivenessnoun
c2 - do battle (with somebody) (over something)idiom
c2 - dogmanoun
c2 - dogmaticadjective
c2 - dogmaticallyadverb
c2 - doublethinknoun
c2 - downvoteverb
c2 - downvotenoun
c2 - duke it outidiom
c2 - dust-upnoun
c2 - dyed in the wooladjective
c2 - echonoun
c2 - editorializeverb
c2 - eloquencenoun
c2 - eloquentadjective
c2 - eloquentlyadverb
c2 - embroilverb
c2 - esteemnoun
c2 - esteemverb
c2 - estimationnoun
c2 - evangelicaladjective
c2 - evangelicalismnoun
c2 - exchangenoun
c2 - exponentnoun
c2 - expostulateverb
c2 - expostulationnoun
c2 - extrapolateverb
c2 - extrapolationnoun
c2 - face-offnoun
c2 - face offphrasal verb
c2 - factionnoun
c2 - falling-outnoun
c2 - fall in withphrasal verb
c2 - far be it from me to do something (but…)idiom
c2 - favourabilitynoun
c2 - feed backphrasal verb
c2 - feistyadjective
c2 - feudnoun
c2 - feudverb
c2 - feudingnoun
c2 - fiddlesticksexclamation
c2 - fight fire with fireidiom
c2 - fight your own battlesidiom
c2 - find your voice/tongueidiom
c2 - fist bumpnoun
c2 - fist-bumpverb
c2 - flapnoun
c2 - flatadjective
c2 - flattenverb
c2 - flatterverb
c2 - flesh outphrasal verb
c2 - flip-flopverb
c2 - flip-floppernoun
c2 - footballnoun
c2 - for a startidiom
c2 - forcefuladjective
c2 - forcefulnessnoun
c2 - force/thrust/ram something down somebody’s throatidiom
c2 - for my moneyidiom
c2 - for startersidiom
c2 - for what it’s worthidiom
c2 - fracasnoun
c2 - fraynoun
c2 - free-for-allnoun
c2 - freethinkernoun
c2 - freethinkingadjective
c2 - frenemynoun
c2 - frictionnoun
c2 - gagnoun
c2 - gagverb
c2 - gainsayverb
c2 - Gallup poll™noun
c2 - get above yourselfphrasal verb
c2 - get/be on your soapboxidiom
c2 - get/take/have the measure of somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - (give somebody) a fair hearingidiom
c2 - give somebody/something the nodidiom
c2 - give voice to somethingidiom
c2 - go-aroundnoun
c2 - go byphrasal verb
c2 - good namenoun
c2 - go onphrasal verb
c2 - go-roundnoun
c2 - go, swim, etc. with/against the tideidiom
c2 - go to lawidiom
c2 - go to the mat (with somebody) (for somebody/something)idiom
c2 - great minds think alikeidiom
c2 - gridlocknoun
c2 - haggleverb
c2 - hair-splittingnoun
c2 - hammer and tongsidiom
c2 - happenverb
c2 - harmoniousadjective
c2 - harmoniouslyadverb
c2 - harrumphnoun
c2 - harrumphverb
c2 - hasslenoun
c2 - haveverb
c2 - have a down on somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - have a mind of your ownidiom
c2 - have/exchange words (with somebody) (about something)idiom
c2 - have it your own way!idiom
c2 - have outphrasal verb
c2 - head-to-headadjective
c2 - head-to-headadverb
c2 - hear! hear!idiom
c2 - hearingnoun
c2 - hedge your betsidiom
c2 - heresynoun
c2 - hereticaladjective
c2 - heterodoxadjective
c2 - heterodoxynoun
c2 - high groundnoun
c2 - hogwashnoun
c2 - hokumnoun
c2 - hold againstphrasal verb
c2 - hold/stand your groundidiom
c2 - hold your peace/tongueidiom
c2 - hot buttonnoun
c2 - hot stuffnoun
c2 - huenoun
c2 - hunker downphrasal verb
c2 - I beg to differidiom
c2 - ill/bad feelingidiom
c2 - IMHOabbreviation
c2 - IMOabbreviation
c2 - impassenoun
c2 - implicit biasnoun
c2 - in accord (with something/somebody)idiom
c2 - in (all) honestyidiom
c2 - inclineverb
c2 - in conformity with somethingidiom
c2 - inconsistencynoun
c2 - inconsistentadjective
c2 - inconsistentlyadverb
c2 - incontestableadjective
c2 - incontestablyadverb
c2 - incontrovertibleadjective
c2 - incontrovertiblyadverb
c2 - indisputableadjective
c2 - indisputablyadverb
c2 - infightingnoun
c2 - inflexibilitynoun
c2 - inflexiblyadverb
c2 - in keeping (with something)idiom
c2 - in my bookidiom
c2 - interjectverb
c2 - in the sight of somebody/in somebody’s sightidiom
c2 - in the wrongidiom
c2 - intransigencenoun
c2 - intransigentadjective
c2 - invalidateverb
c2 - invalidationnoun
c2 - irreconcilableadjective
c2 - (it) sounds like a plan (to me)idiom
c2 - I’m easyidiom
c2 - joustnoun
c2 - joustverb
c2 - justadverb
c2 - keep your own counselidiom
c2 - keystonenoun
c2 - knock-down-drag-outadjective
c2 - lay outphrasal verb
c2 - leading articlenoun
c2 - leaningnoun
c2 - lean tophrasal verb
c2 - lean towardphrasal verb
c2 - lean towardsphrasal verb
c2 - left fieldnoun
c2 - lend your name to somethingidiom
c2 - lockverb
c2 - lock horns (with somebody) (over something)idiom
c2 - mainstreamverb
c2 - make mincemeat of somebodyidiom
c2 - make your voice heardidiom
c2 - mano a manoadverb
c2 - mano-a-manoadjective
c2 - maverickadjective
c2 - mavericknoun
c2 - middle groundnoun
c2 - minority reportnoun
c2 - misjudgeverb
c2 - misjudgementnoun
c2 - mix it (with somebody)idiom
c2 - moldverb
c2 - monkey in the middlenoun
c2 - moralizeverb
c2 - mouldverb
c2 - mouthyadjective
c2 - muzzleverb
c2 - my way or the highwayidiom
c2 - negationnoun
c2 - negativeverb
c2 - niggleverb
c2 - no hard feelingsidiom
c2 - non-committaladjective
c2 - non-committallyadverb
c2 - non-controversialadjective
c2 - not halfidiom
c2 - not hold wateridiom
c2 - noticenoun
c2 - not likely!idiom
c2 - OKverb
c2 - okey-dokeexclamation
c2 - on second thoughtsidiom
c2 - (on) the balance of evidence/probabilityidiom
c2 - on the face of itidiom
c2 - opineverb
c2 - opinionatedadjective
c2 - oppositionaladjective
c2 - out of handidiom
c2 - out of keeping (with something)idiom
c2 - out of kilteridiom
c2 - out of sympathy with somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - out of syncidiom
c2 - out of whackidiom
c2 - overrateverb
c2 - pacepreposition
c2 - part company (with/from somebody)idiom
c2 - pick a fight/quarrel (with somebody)idiom
c2 - piggy in the middlenoun
c2 - pig-headedadjective
c2 - pig-headednessnoun
c2 - pitchnoun
c2 - platformnoun
c2 - play alongphrasal verb
c2 - play your aceidiom
c2 - point takenidiom
c2 - polaritynoun
c2 - polarizationnoun
c2 - polarizeverb
c2 - polemicnoun
c2 - polemicaladjective
c2 - pontificateverb
c2 - positverb
c2 - pour/heap scorn on somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - preconceptionnoun
c2 - prejudicedadjective
c2 - press something homeidiom
c2 - presuppositionnoun
c2 - prognosisnoun
c2 - prongnoun
c2 - pronouncementnoun
c2 - pronounce onphrasal verb
c2 - pronounce uponphrasal verb
c2 - provocationnoun
c2 - pugnaciousadjective
c2 - pugnaciouslyadverb
c2 - pugnacitynoun
c2 - pussyfootverb
c2 - put in your two cents’ worthidiom
c2 - put in your two penn'orthidiom
c2 - put in your two pennyworthidiom
c2 - put it to somebody that…idiom
c2 - put/stick your oar inidiom
c2 - quarrelnoun
c2 - quarrelverb
c2 - quarrelsomeadjective
c2 - quarrel withphrasal verb
c2 - quibbleverb
c2 - quiteadverb
c2 - ram something homeidiom
c2 - ratherexclamation
c2 - ratiocinationnoun
c2 - reappraiseverb
c2 - reassessverb
c2 - reassessmentnoun
c2 - reconsiderationnoun
c2 - re-evaluateverb
c2 - re-evaluationnoun
c2 - registerverb
c2 - rehearseverb
c2 - representverb
c2 - representationnoun
c2 - reputenoun
c2 - reputedadjective
c2 - reputedlyadverb
c2 - riftnoun
c2 - right-mindedadjective
c2 - right-onadjective
c2 - rivenadjective
c2 - rownoun
c2 - rowverb
c2 - row backphrasal verb
c2 - rowbacknoun
c2 - ruckusnoun
c2 - ructionsnoun
c2 - run-innoun
c2 - scenenoun
c2 - schemeverb
c2 - schismnoun
c2 - schizophrenicadjective
c2 - score a point/points (off/against/over somebody)idiom
c2 - score offphrasal verb
c2 - scornnoun
c2 - scornverb
c2 - scrapnoun
c2 - see-sawverb
c2 - self-opinionatedadjective
c2 - self-regardnoun
c2 - self-regardingadjective
c2 - set-tonoun
c2 - shadenoun
c2 - shift your groundidiom
c2 - shindynoun
c2 - shit stirrernoun
c2 - shit stirringnoun
c2 - shitstormnoun
c2 - shoot downphrasal verb
c2 - shotnoun
c2 - shouldmodal verb
b2 - shoulder to shoulder (with somebody)idiom
c2 - shouting matchnoun
c2 - showdownnoun
c2 - shrewishadjective
c2 - side withphrasal verb
c2 - signalverb
c2 - sing a different tuneidiom
c2 - sing from the same hymn/song sheetidiom
c2 - size upphrasal verb
c2 - skirmishnoun
c2 - skirmishverb
c2 - skirmishingnoun
c2 - slanging matchnoun
c2 - slantverb
c2 - slantnoun
c2 - slugfestnoun
c2 - slurnoun
c2 - small-mindedadjective
c2 - small-mindednessnoun
c2 - solidadjective
c2 - solidlyadverb
c2 - somedeterminer
c2 - somebody can take it or leave itidiom
c2 - somebody isn’t having any (of it)idiom
c2 - somebody’s blood is upidiom
c2 - sophistnoun
c2 - sophistrynoun
c2 - sound offphrasal verb
c2 - sound/strike a note (of something)idiom
c2 - sparverb
c2 - spark upphrasal verb
c2 - sparring partnernoun
c2 - spatnoun
c2 - speak/talk the same languageidiom
c2 - special pleadingnoun
c2 - split hairsidiom
c2 - squabbleverb
c2 - squabblenoun
c2 - squareadjective
c2 - square withphrasal verb
c2 - stake outphrasal verb
c2 - stalematenoun
c2 - standverb
c2 - stand byphrasal verb
c2 - stand fast/firmidiom
c2 - stand-offnoun
c2 - stand patidiom
c2 - standpointnoun
c2 - stand-upadjective
c2 - stand up and be countedidiom
c2 - statementnoun
a1 - sticking pointnoun
c2 - stirverb
c2 - stir upphrasal verb
c2 - stormyadjective
c2 - straw pollnoun
c2 - streetnoun
c2 - strifenoun
c2 - stripenoun
c2 - strongadjective
c2 - strong-mindedadjective
c2 - stubbornlyadverb
c2 - stubbornnessnoun
c2 - summing-upnoun
c2 - surelyadverb
c2 - sustainverb
c2 - syllogismnoun
c2 - sympatheticallyadverb
c2 - sympathizeverb
c2 - syndromenoun
c2 - takeverb
b2 - takenoun
c2 - take a dim view of somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - take, claim, seize, etc. the moral high groundidiom
c2 - takedownnoun
c2 - take issue with somebody (about/on/over something)idiom
c2 - take sidesidiom
c2 - take somebody/something to the matidiom
c2 - tanglenoun
c2 - tangle withphrasal verb
c2 - tear apartphrasal verb
c2 - tendentiousadjective
c2 - tendentiouslyadverb
c2 - tendentiousnessnoun
c2 - that makes two of usidiom
c2 - the battle lines are drawnidiom
c2 - the gloves are offidiom
c2 - there’s something, not much, etc. to be said for something/doing somethingidiom
c2 - think (the) better of somebodyidiom
c2 - think the world, highly, a lot, poorly, little, etc. of somebody/somethingidiom
c2 - thornyadjective
c2 - thoughtcrimenoun
c2 - thought policenoun
c2 - thrustnoun
c2 - tie inphrasal verb
c2 - tiffnoun
c2 - to beard the lion in his denidiom
c2 - to my way of thinkingidiom
c2 - touchéexclamation
c2 - tub-thumpingadjective
c2 - tub-thumpingnoun
c2 - turbulencenoun
c2 - turbulentadjective
c2 - turf warnoun
c2 - turnaroundnoun
c2 - turnroundnoun
c2 - tusslenoun
c2 - tussleverb
c2 - unanimitynoun
c2 - unanimousadjective
c2 - unanswerableadjective
c2 - unarguableadjective
c2 - unarguablyadverb
c2 - unbendingadjective
c2 - unbridgeableadjective
c2 - unchallengeableadjective
c2 - uncommunicativeadjective
c2 - unconscious biasnoun
c2 - uncontestedadjective
c2 - underpinverb
c2 - underpinningnoun
c2 - under protestidiom
c2 - unequivocaladjective
c2 - unlikeverb
c2 - unpleasantnessnoun
c2 - unprejudicedadjective
c2 - unsettledadjective
c2 - unsympatheticadjective
c2 - unsympatheticallyadverb
c2 - uproarnoun
c2 - upvoteverb
c2 - upvotenoun
c2 - vacillateverb
c2 - vacillationnoun
c2 - value-freeadjective
c2 - value judgementnoun
c2 - value-ladenadjective
c2 - vendettanoun
c2 - ventilateverb
c2 - virtue signallingnoun
c2 - vociferousadjective
c2 - volte-facenoun
c2 - vox popnoun
c2 - wade inphrasal verb
c2 - wade intophrasal verb
c2 - weakadjective
c2 - weigh inphrasal verb
c2 - weigh upphrasal verb
c2 - welcomenoun
c2 - well said!idiom
c2 - whatever you sayidiom
c2 - who says (…)?idiom
c2 - wilcoexclamation
c2 - wipe/mop the floor with somebodyidiom
c2 - with one accordidiom
c2 - with one voiceidiom
c2 - with pleasureidiom
c2 - with respectidiom
c2 - worstverb
c2 - wranglenoun
c2 - wrangleverb
c2 - wranglingnoun
c2 - write inphrasal verb
c2 - …my foot!idiom
c2 - yeah, rightidiom
c2 - yessirexclamation
c2 - you, he, she, etc. started itidiom
c2 - your considered opinionidiom
c2 - you said it!idiom
c2 - you’re telling me!idiom
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