释义 |
- abbreviationnoun
b1 - activeadjective
b1 - activenoun
b1 - advancedadjective
b1 - adverbialadjective
b1 - apostrophenoun
b1 - articlenoun
b1 - auxiliarynoun
b1 - beginnernoun
b1 - clausenoun
b1 - communicationnoun
b1 - conjunctionnoun
b1 - continuousadjective
b1 - contractionnoun
b1 - definingadjective
b1 - definite articlenoun
b1 - determinernoun
b1 - direct objectnoun
b1 - direct speechnoun
b1 - exclamationnoun
b1 - exclamation marknoun
b1 - fluentadjective
b1 - gerundnoun
b1 - grammaticaladjective
b1 - imperativeadjective
b1 - imperativenoun
b1 - indefinite articlenoun
b1 - indirect objectnoun
b1 - indirect speechnoun
b1 - interrogativeadjective
b1 - intonationnoun
b1 - Irishnoun
b1 - main clausenoun
b1 - native speakernoun
b1 - objectnoun
b1 - part of speechnoun
b1 - passiveadjective
b1 - passivenoun
b1 - periodnoun
b1 - pointnoun
b1 - prefixnoun
b1 - prepositionaladjective
b1 - progressiveadjective
b1 - proper nounnoun
b1 - quotation marksnoun
b1 - quoteverb
b1 - reflexiveadjective
b1 - relativeadjective
b1 - reported speechnoun
b1 - sayingnoun
b1 - the past perfectnoun
b1 - suffixnoun
b1 - tag questionnoun
b1 - transitiveadjective
b1 - vocabularynoun
a1 - Welshnoun
b1 |