释义 |
- absorbedadjective
c1 - abusenoun
c1 - addictnoun
c1 - adrenalinenoun
c1 - affectionnoun
c1 - affectionateadjective
c1 - aggressionnoun
c1 - agitateverb
c1 - agitatedadjective
c1 - annoyancenoun
c1 - appalledadjective
c1 - apprehensiveadjective
c1 - astonishmentnoun
c1 - astoundverb
c1 - astoundedadjective
c1 - be lost for wordsidiom
c1 - blushverb
c1 - boreverb
c1 - borenoun
c1 - brokenadjective
c1 - broken heartnoun
c1 - broken-heartedadjective
c1 - buzznoun
c1 - channelnoun
c1 - come aliveidiom
c1 - confessionnoun
c1 - contemptuousadjective
c1 - contentadjective
c1 - desolateadjective
c1 - despairnoun
c1 - despairverb
c1 - detestverb
c1 - devastateverb
c1 - devotedadjective
c1 - devotionnoun
c1 - devourverb
c1 - disapprovalnoun
c1 - discomfortverb
c1 - discontentnoun
c1 - discontentedadjective
c1 - disgustnoun
c1 - disgustedadjective
c1 - disillusionedadjective
c1 - distressnoun
c1 - distressverb
c1 - distressedadjective
c1 - distressingadjective
c1 - disturbedadjective
c1 - dreadverb
c1 - dreadnoun
c1 - eageradjective
c1 - eagernessnoun
c1 - eco-anxietynoun
c1 - ecstaticadjective
c1 - embarrassmentnoun
c1 - enthusiastnoun
c1 - envynoun
c1 - envyverb
c1 - exciteverb
c1 - exhaustionnoun
c1 - failverb
c1 - fall forphrasal verb
c1 - fascinationnoun
c1 - fatiguenoun
c1 - fearverb
b1 - fear forphrasal verb
c1 - fierceadjective
c1 - flourishverb
c1 - fondadjective
c1 - foolishadjective
c1 - for fear of something/of doing somethingidiom
c1 - franticadjective
c1 - frightnoun
c1 - frozenadjective
c1 - frustrateverb
c1 - frustratedadjective
c1 - fulfilledadjective
c1 - furynoun
c1 - gaspverb
c1 - glareverb
c1 - glarenoun
c1 - gloomnoun
c1 - gloomyadjective
c1 - go onphrasal verb
c1 - gratitudenoun
c1 - greednoun
c1 - guiltnoun
c1 - hatrednoun
c1 - heartbrokenadjective
c1 - homesicknessnoun
c1 - horrifiedadjective
c1 - horrifyingadjective
c1 - hostileadjective
c1 - hostilitynoun
c1 - hotadjective
c1 - humiliateverb
c1 - humiliatingadjective
c1 - humiliationnoun
c1 - hysterianoun
c1 - idolnoun
c1 - infuriateverb
c1 - infuriatingadjective
c1 - inquisitiveadjective
c1 - insecureadjective
c1 - insecuritynoun
c1 - intrigueverb
c1 - intriguedadjective
c1 - irritateverb
c1 - isolationnoun
c1 - joyfuladjective
c1 - loatheverb
c1 - lonelinessnoun
c1 - lovableadjective
c1 - lovelessadjective
c1 - lovingadjective
c1 - make somebody’s dayidiom
c1 - marvelverb
c1 - merryadjective
c1 - miserynoun
c1 - monotonousadjective
c1 - on top of the worldidiom
c1 - outragenoun
c1 - outrageverb
c1 - overexcitedadjective
c1 - overjoyedadjective
c1 - over the moonidiom
c1 - pigverb
c1 - pitynoun
c1 - predictableadjective
c1 - protectiveadjective
c1 - provocativeadjective
c1 - provokeverb
c1 - pushverb
c1 - ragenoun
c1 - resentverb
c1 - resentfuladjective
c1 - resentmentnoun
c1 - sadadjective
a1 - self-consciousadjective
c1 - self-esteemnoun
c1 - sensationnoun
c1 - sensationaladjective
c1 - sentimentnoun
c1 - sentimentaladjective
c1 - shakenadjective
c1 - shatteredadjective
c1 - shiververb
c1 - sighverb
c1 - solitaryadjective
c1 - sorrownoun
c1 - speechlessadjective
c1 - stimulateverb
c1 - stunverb
c1 - sunnyadjective
c1 - tenseadjective
c1 - thankfuladjective
c1 - thrilledadjective
c1 - torturenoun
c1 - tortureverb
c1 - trembleverb
c1 - unconcernedadjective
c1 - uneasyadjective
c1 - weepverb
c1 - worn outadjective
c1 - worshipnoun
c1 - worshipverb
c1 |