

单词 the-tower-of-london

the Tower of London

/ðə ˌtaʊər əv ˈlʌndən/
/ðə ˌtaʊər əv ˈlʌndən/
  1. one of the oldest and most famous buildings in London. It is an ancient fortress (= strong castle) on the north bank of the Thames to the east of the city, and is a popular tourist attraction. It was made a World Heritage Site in 1988. The building of the Tower was begun in the 11th century by William the Conqueror, and completed in the 13th century. At various times it was a royal palace, the last monarch to live there being James I in the early 17th century. It is best known, however, as a prison in which many famous people accused of crimes against the king or queen were kept. These included Anne Boleyn and Thomas More. The Tower of London has many well-known features. These include the White Tower, which is the oldest part, the Bloody Tower, where some prisoners were kept, and Traitor's Gate, an entrance for prisoners on the bank of the river. The Crown Jewels have been kept there since 1303 and are on public display. Perhaps the most famous image associated with the Tower is that of the Yeoman Warders, the official guards, who are also known as beefeaters. They were established in the 16th century and still wear costume of the Tudor period.伦敦塔:伦敦最古老,最著名的建筑之一。它是泰晤士河北岸城市东部的一座古老堡垒,是受欢迎的旅游胜地。它于1988年被列为世界遗产。塔的建造始于11世纪,征服者威廉(William the Conqueror)于13世纪完成。在任何时候,它都是皇宫,是17世纪初期詹姆士一世居住的最后一个君主。然而,最著名的是一所监狱,其中关押着许多因控告国王或王后而犯罪的名人。其中包括Anne Boleyn和Thomas More。伦敦塔有许多著名的功能。其中包括最古老的怀特塔(White Tower),一些囚犯被关押的血腥塔(Bloody Tower)和叛徒之门(Traitor's Gate),在河岸上的囚犯入口。自1303年以来,皇冠上的宝石就一直保存在那里,并在公众面前展出。与塔相关的最著名的图像也许是官方卫兵Yeoman Warders的肖像,他们也被称为食肉者。他们成立于16世纪,至今仍穿着Tudor时期的服装。




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