

单词 the-harlem-renaissance

the Harlem Renaissance

/ðə ˌhɑːləm rɪˈneɪsns/
/ðə ˌhɑːrləm ˈrenəsɑːns/
(also Renaissance
  1. a movement in African American culture in the 1920s which began in the New York district of Harlem. Achievements were made in literature, music, art and the theatre. Among the writers involved were Countee Cullen, Jean Toomer and Zora Neale Hurston, and the musicians included 'Duke' Ellington. The movement ended with the Great Depression.哈林复兴运动:1920年代在纽约哈林区开始的非裔美国人文化运动。在文学,音乐,艺术和戏剧方面取得了成就。参与其中的作家包括Countee Cullen,Jean Toomer和Zora Neale Hurston,音乐家包括'Duke'Ellington。运动以大萧条结束。




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