

单词 tear


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they tear
he / she / it tears
past simple tore
past participle torn
-ing form tearing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs


    [transitive, intransitive] to damage something by pulling it apart or into pieces or by cutting it on something sharp; to become damaged in this way撕裂;撕碎;扯破;戳破 synonym rip
    • tear something + adv./prep. I tore my jeans on the fence.我的牛仔裤被篱笆划破了。
    • I tore a hole in my jeans.我的牛仔裤剐了个窟窿。
    • He tore the letter in two.他把信撕成两半。
    • I tore the picture into pieces.我把照片撕成了碎片。
    • The letter had been torn to shreds.这封信已被撕成碎片。
    • tear (something) His clothes were badly torn.他的衣服破烂不堪。
    • Careful—the fabric tears very easily.小心,这种织物一撕就破。
    • tear something + adj. I tore the package open.我把包裹撕开。
    • I tore open the package.我撕开了那个包裹。
    Extra Examples
    • The fabric snagged and tore at the seams.布料钩破了,接缝处裂开了。
    • His jacket had been torn to shreds on the barbed wire.他的夹克被带刺铁丝网撕成一条条的。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • badly
    • easily
    • almost
    verb + tear
    • threaten to
    • at
    • from
    • off
    • tear free
    • tear loose
    • tear something in half
  2. [transitive] tear something in something to make a hole in something by force撕开,划成,刺出,扯开(裂口或洞) synonym rip
    • The blast tore a hole in the wall.墙被炸开了个洞。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • badly
    • easily
    • almost
    verb + tear
    • threaten to
    • at
    • from
    • off
    • tear free
    • tear loose
    • tear something in half
  3. remove from something/somebody

    [transitive] tear something + adv./prep. to remove something from something else by pulling it roughly or violently拉掉;撕掉;拔掉;扯掉 synonym rip
    • The storm nearly tore the roof off.暴风雨差一点儿把屋顶掀掉。
    • I tore another sheet from the pad.我从本子上又撕下一张纸。
    • He tore his clothes off (= took them off quickly and carelessly) and dived into the lake.他把衣服从身上扯下,一头跳入湖中。
    Extra Examples
    • an article torn from a magazine从杂志上撕下的一篇文章
    • Several pages had been torn out of the book.有几页被从书中撕掉了。
    • She tore the label off the suitcase.她扯掉了手提箱上的标签。
    • Our posters were torn down as quickly as we could put them up.我们的海报一贴出来就被撕掉了。
  5. [transitive] to pull yourself/somebody away by force from somebody/something that is holding you or them挣开;拽开;夺去;揪走
    • tear yourself/somebody from somebody/something She tore herself from his grasp.她挣脱了他紧紧抓着她的手。
    • tear yourself/somebody + adj. He tore himself free.他挣脱了。
    • One error and he would have been torn loose and hurled overboard by the squalling wind.稍出差错,咆哮的狂风就会把他扯开,从船上抛入水中。
  6. injure muscle

  7. [transitive] tear something to injure a muscle, etc. by stretching it too much拉伤;拽伤
    • a torn ligament/muscle拉伤的韧带/肌肉
    • She's torn a ligament in her right hand.她右手的一处韧带拉伤了。
    • She tore a calf muscle playing squash.她打壁球时小腿肌肉撕裂。
    Topics Health problemsc1
  8. move quickly

  9. [intransitive] + adv./prep. to move somewhere very quickly or in an excited way飞跑;狂奔;疾驰
    • He tore off down the street.他沿大街飞奔。
    • A truck tore past the gates.卡车从大门前疾驰而过。
    Extra Examples
    • The girls looked at each other and tore off towards the house.女孩们看了看对方,接着向房子飞奔而去。
    • A dog was tearing along the road beside the truck.一只狗在卡车旁边的路上撕扯。
  10. -torn

  11. (in adjectives) very badly affected or damaged by something深受…之苦的;饱经…摧残的
    • to bring peace to a strife-torn country给一个饱经变乱创伤的国家带来和平
    • a strike-torn industry深受罢工困扰的行业
    see also war-torn
  12. Word OriginOld English teran, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch teren and German zehren, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek derein ‘flay’. The noun dates from the early 17th cent.
be torn (between A and B)
  1. to be unable to decide or choose between two people, things or feelings(在两者间)难以选择,左右为难
    • I was torn between my parents and my friend.我在父母和朋友之间左右为难。
pick/pull/tear somebody/something to pieces/shreds
  1. (informal) to criticize somebody, or their work or ideas, very severely把某人(或其作品、观点)批驳得体无完肤
tear somebody/something apart, to shreds, to bits, etc.
(also tear somebody up)
  1. to destroy or defeat somebody/something completely or criticize them or it severely彻底毁灭;彻底打败;严厉批评
    • We tore the other team apart in the second half.我们在下半场把对方球队打得落花流水。
    • The critics tore his last movie to shreds.影评家把他最近的一部影片说得一无是处。
tear at your heart | tear your heart out
  1. (formal) to strongly affect you in an emotional way使伤心;使心如刀绞;使愁肠寸断
tear your hair (out)
  1. (informal) to show that you are very angry or anxious about something(因发怒、焦急而)撕扯自己的头发
    • She's keeping very calm—anyone else would be tearing their hair out.她依旧泰然自若,换作别人早急坏了。
    • I felt like tearing my hair out in frustration.我沮丧得想把头发扯下来。
tear/rip the heart out of something
  1. to destroy the most important part or aspect of something摧毁…的核心
    • Closing the factory tore the heart out of the community.工厂的关闭让社区的心都碎了。
(be in) a tearing hurry/rush
  1. (especially British English) (to be) in a very great hurry匆忙;急匆匆;风风火火
tear/rip somebody limb from limb
  1. (often humorous) to attack somebody very violently猛烈攻击某人
tear somebody off a strip | tear a strip off somebody
  1. (British English, informal) to speak angrily to somebody who has done something wrong怒斥;把…骂得狗血喷头
that’s torn it
  1. (British English, informal) used to say that something has happened to cause your plans to fail(表示计划受挫)这可糟了


  1. a hole that has been made in something by tearing破洞;裂口;裂缝
    • This sheet has a tear in it.这条床单上有个破洞。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + tear
    • have
    • make
    • fix
    • tear2 in
    • wear and tear
    Word OriginOld English teran, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch teren and German zehren, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek derein ‘flay’. The noun dates from the early 17th cent.
be on a tear
  1. (informal) to be enjoying great success享受巨大的成功
    • Business confidence has soared and the economy is on a tear.商业信心飙升,经济蓬勃发展。
    • The team has been on a tear since defeating the Red Sox in May.自从五月份击败红袜队以来,球队一直在泪流满面。
    Topics Successc2
wear and tear
  1. the damage to objects, furniture, property, etc. that is the result of normal use(正常使用造成的)磨损,损耗,损坏
    • The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.保险单不保正常使用所造成的坏损。
    • The living-room carpet has to stand up to the combined wear and tear of two dogs and three children.客厅地毯必须能够承受两只狗和三个孩子的共同磨损。
    More Like This Rhyming pairs in idiomsRhyming pairs in idioms
    • doom and gloom
    • fair and square
    • high and dry
    • huff and puff
    • name and shame
    • slice and dice
    • thrills and spills
    • wear and tear
    • wheel and deal
    • wine and dine


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they tear
he / she / it tears
past simple teared
past participle teared
-ing form tearing
Phrasal Verbs


[usually plural]Idioms
  1. a drop of liquid that comes out of your eye when you cry眼泪;泪珠;泪水
    • A tear rolled down his face.一滴眼泪沿他的面颊流下来。
    • I shed a tear (= cried a little) during the final episode of the show.演出的最后一幕我流泪了。
    • in tears She left the room in tears (= crying).她哭着离开了房间。
    • He suddenly burst into tears (= began to cry).他突然放声大哭起来。
    • tears of something He was crying tears of joy.他高兴得大哭。
    • The memory brought a tear to her eye (= made her cry).她想起这事便热泪盈眶。
    • As he listened to the music, his eyes filled with tears.他听着音乐,眼睛里噙着泪水。
    • Their story will move you to tears (= make you cry).他们的故事会使你感动得落泪。
    • They reduced her to tears (= made her cry, especially by being cruel or unkind).他们弄得她哭起来了。
    • Most of the audience was on the verge of tears (= very close to crying).大多数观众都快流泪了。
    • I was close to tears as I told them the news.我告诉他们这一消息时都快要哭了出来。
    • Desperately she fought back the tears (= tried not to cry).她竭力忍住没让眼泪流出来。
    • The tears welled up (= appeared and started to flow) in his eyes.他热泪盈眶。
    • We were in floods of tears (= crying a lot) at the end of the film.电影结束时我们都泪如泉涌。
    Extra Examples
    • Emily wiped a tear from her eye.艾米丽擦掉眼角的泪水。
    • He could never read the letter without tears coming to his eyes.他每次读这封信都热泪盈眶。
    • He turned away to hide his tears.他转过身去,不想让别人看到他的泪水。
    • Her cheeks were wet with tears.她泪痕满面。
    • Her tears brimmed over and fell on her cheek.她泪水盈眶, 沿 面颊流下来。
    • His eyes filled with sudden tears.他的双眼突然充满了泪水。
    • His eyes were bright with unshed tears.他眼里噙着晶莹的泪水。
    • I picked the little girl up and helped dry her tears.我抱起那个小女孩,帮她擦干眼泪。
    • I saw it all through a mist of tears.我透过蒙矓的泪眼看着这一切。
    • I wiped a stray tear from my eye.我擦去眼中流出的一滴泪。
    • I won't shed any tears when Frank retires.当弗兰克退休时我不会流任何眼泪。
    • It brings tears to your eyes to see the children having such fun.看到孩子们这般高兴,你会感动得流泪。
    • It turned out to be a lot of tears over nothing.到头来白白流了许多泪。
    • More than once I came near to tears.我不止一次差点儿落泪。
    • She broke down in tears in court.她在法庭上突然泪如泉涌。
    • She felt tears pricking her eyelids.她感到泪水刺痛了眼睑。
    • She ran out of the room, tears streaming from her eyes.她跑出房间,泪如雨下。
    • She tried to smile through her tears.她流着泪,强颜欢笑。
    • She wept silent tears when she heard his name.听到他的名字,她默默流泪。
    • Tears blurred his vision.泪水模糊了他的视线。
    • Tears stood in Oliver's eyes.奥利弗双眼噙着泪。
    • Tears streaked her face.她脸上是道道泪痕。
    • There were angry tears in Lily's eyes.莉莉眼中含着愤怒的泪水。
    Word OriginOld English tēar, of Germanic origin; related to German Zähre, from an Indo-European root shared by Old Latin dacruma (Latin lacrima) and Greek dakru.
blood, sweat and tears
  1. very hard work; a lot of effort血汗;艰苦奋斗
    • The only way to succeed is through old-fashioned blood, sweat and tears.成功的唯一途径还是老办法:艰苦奋斗。
bored stiff/silly | bored to death/tears | bored out of your mind
  1. (informal) extremely bored厌烦透了的;极其厌倦的
    • I remember being bored stiff during my entire time at school.我记得整个学校生活使人厌烦得要命。
    • She enjoys it. Everyone else is bored silly.她很享受。其他人都无聊傻了。
    • He walked along, bored out of his mind.他一路走着,心烦意乱。
    • She was alone all day and bored to death.她整天自己一个人待着,无聊得要死。
    Extra Examples
    • You must be bored stiff stuck at home all day.整天困在家里你一定闷坏了。
    • Personally, I was bored to death.就我个人而言,我无聊得要死。
crocodile tears
  1. if somebody sheds (= cries) crocodile tears, they pretend to be sad about something, but they are not really sad at all鳄鱼的眼泪;假慈悲
    • Let’s have no more politicians shedding crocodile tears for the unemployed.让我们不再有政客为失业者流鳄鱼的眼泪。
end in tears
  1. (British English, informal) if you say that something will end in tears, you are warning somebody that what they are doing will have an unhappy or unpleasant result(告诫时说)以痛苦而告终,结局悲惨
    • After all that excitement the day was bound to end in tears.在所有的兴奋过后,这一天注定要以不快而结束。
    • Needless to say, it ended in tears.不用说,它以泪水结束。
    • He warned us it would all end in tears.他警告我们这一切都会以泪水结束。




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