(comparative blinder, superlative blindest)
Idioms 瞎的;失明的 - Doctors think he will go blind.
医生们认为他会失明。 - She went blind at the age of ten.
她 10 岁的时候失明了。 - blind and partially sighted people
盲人和弱视者 - One of her parents is blind.
她的父母有一个是盲人。 - She has been legally blind since birth.
她从出生起就是法定盲人。 - The accident left her blind in one eye.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs- be
- be born
- be registered (as)
- …
- completely
- totally
- almost
- …
- as blind as a bat
- be blind in one eye
- Doctors think he will go blind.
- the blindnoun [plural] (old-fashioned) people who are blind
盲人 - recorded books for the blind
为盲人制作的录音书 - guide dogs for the blind
More Like This Plural adjectival nounsPlural adjectival nouns- the blind
- the deaf
- the destitute
- the dead
- the dying
- the elderly
- the faithful
- the homeless
- the injured
- the insane
- the jobless
- the middle aged
- the old
- the poor
- the rich
- the sick
- the squeamish
- the wealthy
- the wicked
- the wounded
- the young
- recorded books for the blind
- blind (to something) not noticing or realizing something
(对某事)视而不见的,未察觉的 - She is blind to her husband's faults.
她对丈夫的过错毫无察觉。 - I must have been blind not to realize the danger we were in.
当时我一定是眼瞎了,竟然没有意识到我们所处的危险。 - They seem to be totally blind to reality.
他们似乎对现实完全视而不见。 - The government is not blind to the fact that the national debt is increasing.
Extra Examples- His own problems have made him completely blind to the sufferings of others.
他自己的烦恼使他完全看不见别人的痛苦。 - Is the public wilfully blind to what is going on?
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs- be
- seem
- become
- …
- completely
- totally
- wilfully/willfully
- …
- She is blind to her husband's faults.
- [usually before noun] (of strong feelings) seeming to be unreasonable, and accepted without question; seeming to be out of control
盲目接受的;不能自制的 - blind faith/obedience
盲目的信念;盲从 - It was a moment of blind panic.
- blind faith/obedience
- [usually before noun] (of a situation or an event) that cannot be controlled by reason
无理性的 - blind chance
盲目的偶然性 - the blind force of nature
- blind chance
- that a driver in a car cannot see, or cannot see around
汽车司机看不见的;隐蔽的 - a blind driveway
视线有盲区的车道 - a blind bend/corner
- a blind driveway
- -blindthat does not make a difference between people on the basis of the quality mentioned, or favour one group over another
不区分…的;没有歧视的 - In a piece of gender-blind casting, Hamlet is played by British actress Maxine Peake.
在一出选角不分性别的戏剧中,哈姆雷特由英国女演员马克辛·皮克扮演。 - She is very suspicious of anyone who claims to be race-blind.
- In a piece of gender-blind casting, Hamlet is played by British actress Maxine Peake.
Word OriginOld English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German blind.
(as) blind as a bat
- (humorous) not able to see well
看不清的;视力差的;模糊的 - She’s as blind as a bat without her glasses.
More Like This Similes in idiomsSimiles in idioms- (as) bald as a coot
- (as) blind as a bat
- (as) bright as a button
- (as) bold as brass
- as busy as a bee
- as clean as a whistle
- (as) dead as a/the dodo
- (as) deaf as a post
- (as) dull as ditchwater
- (as) fit as a fiddle
- as flat as a pancake
- (as) good as gold
- (as) mad as a hatter/a March hare
- (as) miserable/ugly as sin
- as old as the hills
- (as) pleased/proud as Punch
- as pretty as a picture
- (as) regular as clockwork
- (as) quick as a flash
- (as) safe as houses
- (as) sound as a bell
- (as) steady as a rock
- (as) thick as two short planks
- (as) tough as old boots
- She’s as blind as a bat without her glasses.
the blind leading the blind
- a situation in which people with almost no experience or knowledge give advice to others who also have no experience or knowledge
Topics Suggestions and advicec2盲人教盲人;盲人引导瞎子
love is blind
- (saying) when you love somebody, you cannot see their faults
not a blind bit/the blindest bit of…
- (British English, informal) not any
丝毫没有 - He didn't take a blind bit of notice of me (= he ignored me).
他压根儿没理睬我。 - It won't make the blindest bit of difference (= it will make no difference at all).
- He didn't take a blind bit of notice of me (= he ignored me).
turn a blind eye (to something)
- to pretend not to notice something bad that is happening, so you do not have to do anything about it
(对某事)佯装不见,睁一只眼闭一只眼 - The authorities were either unaware of the problem or they turned a blind eye to it.
- The authorities were either unaware of the problem or they turned a blind eye to it.