

单词 still


    continuing until a particular point in time and not finishing还;还是;仍然;依旧
    • I am very happy that you all are still alive and well.我很高兴你们都还健在。
    • Tickets are still available for the 8 o'clock performance.8 点演出的票还有。
    • He's still very young and has a lot to learn. 他还年轻,要学的还很多。
    • She still has a chance to win the title.她还有赢得冠军的机会。
    • If you still need help next week, contact me.如果下周你还需要帮助,就联系我。
    • I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply.我上个月给他们写了信,到现在还在等回音。
    • There's still time to change your mind.你还有时间改变主意。
    Extra Examples
    • I've been playing for 12 years but I still get excited about going to practice.我已经打球12年了,但我仍然对去训练感到兴奋。
    • It's still too early to tell how this will end. 现在判断这一切将如何结束还为时过早。
    • Do you still live at the same address?您还住在同一个地址吗?
    • It was, and still is, my favourite movie.它过去是,现在仍然是我最喜欢的电影。
    • Mum, I'm still hungry!妈妈,我还饿呢!
    despite what has just been said但是;然而
    • Although he promised faithfully to come, I still didn't think he would.尽管他忠实地答应会来,但我仍然认为他不会来。
    • We searched everywhere but we still couldn't find it.我们四处找,但还是没找到。
    • The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time.天气又冷又潮,不过我们仍旧玩得很开心。
    • I know it's not rational, but I still feel terribly guilty.我知道这很不理智,但我还是非常内疚。
    • He was wounded but he was still able to paint.他受了伤,但仍能作画。
  3. used for making a comparison stronger(加强比较级)还要,更
    • The next day was warmer still.第二天更暖和了。
    • If you can manage to get two tickets that's better still.要是你能设法弄到两张票,那就更好了。
  4. still more/another even more还有(更多)
    • There was still more bad news to come.随后还传来了其他的坏消息。
  5. Word Originadverb Old English stille (adjective and adverb), stillan (verb), of West Germanic origin, from a base meaning ‘be fixed, stand’.
it's still early days | it's early days (yet)
  1. (British English) used to say that it is too soon to be sure how a situation will develop为时尚早;言之过早
    • It's still early days. We don't know if the play will be a success.现在还为时尚早。不知道这部剧能否成功。
much/still less
  1. and certainly not更不用说;更何况
    • No explanation was offered, still less an apology.连个解释都不给,就更不用说道歉了。
    • He’s too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people.他太害羞了,不敢向陌生人询问时间,更不用说和一屋子人说话了。


    not moving; calm and quiet静止的;平静的;安静的;寂静的
    • A fallen tree floated in the still water.一棵倒下的树漂浮在静止的水中。
    • Keep still while I brush your hair.我给你梳头时你不要动。
    • The kids found it hard to stay still.孩子们觉得待着不动很难做到。
    • Can't you sit still?你就不能老老实实坐一会儿吗?
    • We stayed in a village where time has stood still (= life has not changed for many years).我们待在一个时间似乎凝滞了的村子里。
    see also stock-still
    Extra Examples
    • Hold still a minute while I pin your dress up.别动,我把你的连衣裙别起来。
    • I held the cat still while the vet gave the injection.兽医给猫打针时,我抱住它不让它动。
    • Please sit still!请坐着别动!
    • Suddenly everything went still.突然间一切都沉寂了下来。
    • Hold the ladder still while I try to get over the wall.我试着翻墙的时候你要扶稳梯子。
    • I wish you'd keep still.我希望你不要动。
    • Keep your head still.你的头不要动。
    • Stand still when I'm talking to you!我跟你说话,站着别动!
    • Stay absolutely still.保持绝对静止。
    • The cat remained perfectly still.猫一动不动。
    • The surface of the lake was calm and still.湖面上风平浪静。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • become
    • go
    • very
    • completely
    • strangely
  2. [not before noun] a still photograph or image does not move, in contrast to a moving image from a film or video定格的;静态的
    • At this time cinema began to influence both still photography and painting.此时,电影开始影响静态摄影和绘画。
  3. with no wind无风的
    • a still summer’s day无风的夏日
    • the still night air夜间宁静的空气
    Extra Examples
    • It was a completely still, warm evening.那是一个十分宁静、温暖的夜晚。
    • The air was strangely still and silent.没有一点儿风,空气静得有些异样。
    • Her voice carried on the still air.她的声音在静空中飘荡
    • It was a still night and the tall trees stood silently against the stars.这是一个寂静的夜晚,高大的树木静静地矗立在星星的映衬下。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs
    • be
    • become
    • go
    • very
    • completely
    • strangely
  4. (British English) (of a drink) not containing bubbles of gas; not fizzy不含碳酸气的;不起泡的
    • still mineral water无汽矿泉水
    Topics Drinksc1
  5. Word Originadjective Old English stille (adjective and adverb), stillan (verb), of West Germanic origin, from a base meaning ‘be fixed, stand’.
a/the still small voice
  1. (literary) the voice of God or your conscience, that tells you to do what is morally right上帝的教示;良心的呼唤
still waters run deep
  1. (saying) a person who seems to be quiet or shy may surprise you by knowing a lot or having deep feelings静水流深;木讷寡言者也许胸藏丘壑


  1. a photograph of a scene from a film or video(电影或视频的)定格画面,剧照
    • a publicity still from his new movie他的新电影的宣传剧照
    • The police studied the stills from the security video.警方研究了安全视频中的剧照。
    Topics Film and theatrec2
  2. a piece of equipment that is used for making strong alcoholic drinks(制酒的)蒸馏器
    • a whisky still威士忌蒸馏器
    see also distil
  3. Word Originnoun sense 1 Old English stille (adjective and adverb), stillan (verb), of West Germanic origin, from a base meaning ‘be fixed, stand’. noun sense 2 mid 16th cent.: from the rare verb still ‘extract by distillation’, shortening of distil.
the still of the night
  1. (literary) the time during the night when it is quiet and calm万籁俱寂的夜晚;夜阑人静


[intransitive, transitive] (literary)
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they still
he / she / it stills
past simple stilled
past participle stilled
-ing form stilling
  1. to become calm and quiet; to make something calm and quiet(使)静止,平静,安静
    • The wind stilled.风停了。
    • still somebody/something She spoke quietly to still the frightened child.她轻声安慰受到惊吓的孩子。
    • (figurative) to still somebody’s doubts/fears消除某人的疑虑/恐惧
    • His words stilled my fears.他的话消除了我的恐惧。
    Word Originverb Old English stille (adjective and adverb), stillan (verb), of West Germanic origin, from a base meaning ‘be fixed, stand’.




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