Idioms 固体的;坚硬的 - The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.
木星表面可能根本就不是固体的。 - The boat bumped against a solid object.
船撞到了硬物。 - She had refused all solid food.
所有的固体食物她都不肯吃。 - the collection and disposal of solid waste
固体废弃物的收集与处理 - It was so cold that the stream had frozen solid.
天气很冷,小河冻得结成冰了。 - The boiler uses solid fuel (= for example, coal).
Extra Examples- The ice felt solid enough.
这块冰摸起来足够硬实了。 - Under her bare toes the floor felt real and solid.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs- be
- feel
- look
- …
- extremely
- fairly
- very
- …
- The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.
无空隙的;非中空的;实心的 - They were drilling through solid rock.
他们正在把实心岩钻通。 - He flung open the solid wood door.
他猛地打开实木门。 - The stores are packed solid (= very full and crowded) at this time of year.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs- be
- feel
- look
- …
- extremely
- fairly
- very
- …
- They were drilling through solid rock.
- (of a line) without spaces; continuous
连续的;实的 - The national boundary is shown on the map as a solid line.
- The national boundary is shown on the map as a solid line.
纯质的;纯…的;全…的 - a solid gold bracelet
纯金手镯 - Each piece is individually made in solid silver.
- a solid gold bracelet
- strong and made well
结实的;坚固的;牢固的 - These chains seem fairly solid.
这些链子看着挺结实。 - The door was solid as rock.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs- be
- feel
- look
- …
- extremely
- fairly
- very
- …
- These chains seem fairly solid.
- that you can rely on; having a strong basis
可靠的;可信赖的;坚实的 - As yet, they have no solid evidence.
他们至今没有任何可靠的证据。 - His advice was always solid and practical.
他的建议总是扎实而实用。 - This provided a solid foundation for their marriage.
这为他们的婚姻提供了坚实的基础。 - We've established a really solid base for our products.
我们已经为我们的产品建立了真正坚实的基础。 - The Irish team were solid as a rock in defence.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverbs- appear
- be
- look
- …
- extremely
- fairly
- very
- …
- As yet, they have no solid evidence.
- definitely good and steady but perhaps not excellent or special
相当不错(但谈不上出色或独特)的 - 2017 was a year of solid achievement.
2008 年是颇有成绩的一年。 - Both leading actors put in a solid performance.
两位主演都演得相当不错。 - He's a good solid player.
Extra Examples- The songwriting quality is consistently solid.
歌曲创作的质量一直很可靠。 - Trade remained solid throughout the year.
- 2017 was a year of solid achievement.
- (informal) without a break; continuous
连续的;不间断的;整整的 - The essay represents a solid week's work.
这篇文章是用整整一星期写出来的。 - It rained for two hours solid this afternoon.
- The essay represents a solid week's work.
- of the colour mentioned and no other colour
纯色的;单色的 - One cat is black and white, the other solid black.
- One cat is black and white, the other solid black.
- (geometry) a shape that is solid has length, width and height and is not flat
enlarge image
立体的;立方的 - A cube is a solid figure.
- A cube is a solid figure.
- in complete agreement; agreed on by everyone
一致的;意见统一的 - The department was solid against the changes.
该部门坚决反对这些变化。 - The strike was solid, supported by all the members.
see also rock solid - The department was solid against the changes.
not liquid/gas
without holes or spaces
good but not special
period of time
in agreement
Word Originlate Middle English: from Latin solidus; related to salvus ‘safe’ and sollus ‘entire’.
be on firm/solid ground
- to be in a strong position in an argument, etc. because you know the facts
(在辩论等中)立场坚定,对事实确信无疑 - Everyone agreed with me, so I knew I was on firm ground.
每个人都同意我的意见,所以我知道自己立场稳固了。 - He is probably on solid ground when he says we need more training.
- Everyone agreed with me, so I knew I was on firm ground.