Scap·a Flow
/ˌskɑːpə ˈfləʊ/
/ˌskɑːpə ˈfləʊ/
- an area of the North Sea surrounded by several of the Orkney Islands and used as a base by the British navy until 1956. Two famous incidents happened there: in 1919 a number of captured German ships were sunk by their own crews, and in 1939 a German submarine sank a British ship, the Royal Oak.
斯卡帕流(Scapa Flow):北海的一个地区,被奥克尼群岛的数个群岛所包围,直到1956年为止一直被英国海军用作基地。在那里发生了两次著名的事件:1919年,许多被俘的德国船只被他们的船员击沉, 1939年,德国潜艇击沉了英国皇家橡树号战舰。