(comparative rougher, superlative roughest)
Idioms 粗糙的;不平滑的;高低不平的 - rough ground
高低不平的地面 - The skin on her hands was hard and rough.
她手上的皮肤粗糙且没有弹性。 - Trim rough edges with a sharp knife.
Extra Examples- The car is designed for travelling over rough ground.
这款车是专为在崎岖地面上行驶而设计的。 - It has a slightly rough texture.
- rough ground
synonym approximate不确切的;粗略的;大致的 - a rough calculation/estimate of the cost
对成本的粗略计算/估计 - I've got a rough idea of where I want to go.
我大致知道我想去哪里了。 - There were about 20 people there, at a rough guess.
那里约计有 20 人。 - a rough draft of a speech
讲话草稿 - a rough sketch
Extra Examples- It's only a very rough guide.
这只是一个非常粗略的指南。 - We only had his rather rough version of events.
我们只得到了他对事件的相当粗略的描述。 - He gave us a rough estimate of how much the work would cost.
他粗略地估计了这项工作的费用。 - I made a rough sketch of the inside of the church.
- a rough calculation/estimate of the cost
粗暴的;粗野的;猛烈的 - This watch is not designed for rough treatment.
这块手表不可猛烈震动。 - They complained of rough handling by the guards.
他们投诉警卫对他们动粗。 - She doesn't like playing with the rough kids.
她不喜欢和粗野的孩子一起玩耍。 - Don't try any rough stuff with me!
别想对我撒野! - Things got a bit rough, and the police were called.
事情变得有点棘手,于是报了警。 - You don't have to be so rough!
你不必这么粗鲁! - One carer was sacked for being rough with a patient.
- This watch is not designed for rough treatment.
犯罪盛行的;充斥暴力的;危险的 - the roughest neighbourhood in the city
市内最危险的街区 - He had been brought up in a rough area of London.
WordfinderTopics Buildingsb2- isolated
- location
- neighbourhood
- outskirts
- provincial
- residential
- rough
- rural
- suburban
- urban
- the roughest neighbourhood in the city
汹涌的;风浪很大的 - It was too rough to sail that night.
那天夜里风浪太大,无法行船。 - We had a rough passage across to the island.
我们到岛上的路很崎岖。 - They set sail in rough conditions.
他们冒着风浪的危险起航了。 - There's no way he could have swum ashore in such rough weather.
他在这样恶劣的天气无法游上岸。 - There were rough seas in the area at that time.
- It was too rough to sail that night.
- difficult and unpleasant
synonym tough艰难的;艰苦的 - He's had a really rough time recently (= he's had a lot of problems).
他最近真是困难重重。 - We'll get someone in to do the rough work (= the hard physical work).
我们会找个人来干这重活。 - You two are obviously going through a rough patch right now.
Extra Examples- You had to stand in the train all night?—That's a bit rough.
你必须在火车上站一整夜?——这有点残酷。 - Life was rough on the streets.
- He's had a really rough time recently (= he's had a lot of problems).
- (British English) not feeling well
不舒服的;不适的 - You look rough—are you OK?
你看上去不太舒服,你没事吧? - I had a rough night (= I didn't sleep well).
我一夜没睡好觉。 - I'm still feeling a bit rough.
- You look rough—are you OK?
- simply made and not finished in every detail; plain or basic
粗糙的;不够精细的;朴实简单的 - rough wooden tables
粗糙的木桌 - a rough track
凹凸不平的小径 - (British English) rough paper for making notes on
- rough wooden tables
- not smooth or pleasant to taste, listen to, etc.
味道差的;涩的;刺耳的;令人难受的 - a rough wine/voice
Extra Examples- Her voice was rough with emotion.
她的声音因激动而沙哑。 - ‘I suppose you expect me to apologize for this,’ he said in a rough voice.
- a rough wine/voice
not smooth
not exact
not well
not smooth
Word OriginOld English rūh, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch ruw and German rauh.
have a rough/an easy ride | give somebody a rough/an easy ride
- (informal) to experience/not experience difficulties when you are doing something; to make things difficult/easy for somebody
(使)举步维艰(或一帆风顺) - He will be given a rough ride at the party conference.
在党员大会上他会很难过这一关。 - The new teacher was given a rough ride by the class.
- He will be given a rough ride at the party conference.
have a rough ride | give somebody a rough ride
- (informal) to experience difficulties when you are doing something; to make things difficult for somebody
(使)举步维艰(或一帆风顺) - He will be given a rough ride at the party conference.
- He will be given a rough ride at the party conference.
a rough deal
- the fact of being treated unfairly
(have some) rough edges | be rough around the edges
- (to have some) small parts, for example in a performance or in your character, that are not yet as good as they should be
(有)瑕疵;(存在)美中不足之处 - The ballet still had some rough edges.
这段芭蕾舞还有不足之处。 - He had a few rough edges knocked off at school.
他在学校改掉了一些坏毛病。 - The films are very rough around the edges.
- The ballet still had some rough edges.
the rough end of the pineapple
- (Australian English, informal) a situation in which somebody is treated badly or unfairly