

单词 release


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they release
he / she / it releases
past simple released
past participle released
-ing form releasing

    set somebody free

    to let somebody come out of a place where they have been kept or stuck and unable to leave or move释放;放出;放走
    • release somebody to release a prisoner释放囚犯
    • The hostages were released unharmed.人质被释放,未受到伤害。
    • He was released without charge after questioning by police.他经警方审问后被免予起诉并释放了。
    • You will be released on bail and a date for your hearing will be set.您将被保释,听证会的日期也将确定。
    • release somebody from something to release somebody from prison/jail/hospital释放某人出狱;让某人出院
    • Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage.消防队员花了两个小时将司机从汽车残骸中救出来。
    • He was later released from police custody.他后来被警方释放。
    • (figurative) Death released him from his suffering.死亡使他从痛苦中解脱了。
    Extra Examples
    • He was released on his own recognizance and could face up to four years in jail.他在具结保证书后被释放,但他有可能面临最高达 4 年的刑期。
    • She was released from prison last week.她于上周获释出狱。
    • It's been three years since he was released from prison.距离他出狱已经三年了。
    • Several people charged with minor crimes were released without trial.几名被指控犯有轻罪的人未经审判就被释放。
    • She was released immediately when the soldiers realized their mistake.当士兵们意识到他们的错误时,她立即被释放。
    • She was released on bail by the New York police.她保释后让纽约警察当局释放了。
    • The government is insisting that the men are released unconditionally.政府坚持要求无条件释放这些人。
    • The kidnappers have agreed to release the hostages by 12 noon.绑架者已同意中午12时释放人质。
    • They were interrogated before being released.他们在被释放前受到审问。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • quickly
    • immediately
    • eventually
    • from
    • newly released
    • recently released
    • release somebody on bail
  2. stop holding something

    to stop holding something or stop it from being held so that it can move, fly, fall, etc. freely放开;松开;使自由移动(或飞翔、降落等) synonym let go, let loose
    • release something He refused to release her arm.他不肯放开她的胳膊。
    • Intense heat is released in the reaction.反应过程中产生高热。
    • 10 000 balloons were released at the ceremony.典礼上放飞了一万个气球。
    • The chemical reaction releases energy in the form of light.化学反应以光的形式释放能量。
    • release something into something the need to limit the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere限制温室气体排放量的必要性
    • The birds were cleaned and fed and released again into the wild.那些鸟儿经清洗并喂食后给放回到野外。
    Extra Examples
    • How much radiation was released into the air?多少辐射进入到了空气中?
    • The compound slowly releases iron into the bloodstream.这种化合物慢慢将铁释放到血流中。
    • The dam suddenly released millions of gallons of water.大坝突然放出数百万加仑的水。
    • The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.这家工厂意外泄漏大量有毒废物到海中。
    • the gases that are released from aerosols喷雾器喷出的气体
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • accidentally
    • slowly
    • quickly
    • from
    • into
  4. feelings

    release something to express feelings such as anger or worry in order to get rid of them发泄;宣泄
    • She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.她放声大哭,发泄出全部郁积起来的情感。
    • She laughed, the tension inside her suddenly released.她笑了起来,绷紧的神经立刻松弛了下来。
  6. part of machine

    release something to remove something from a fixed position, allowing something else to move or function松开;拉开
    • to release the clutch/handbrake/switch松开离合器/手闸/开关
    • Now release the clutch and move away from the kerb.现在松开离合器,驶离路边。
  8. make available

    to make information available to the public公开;公布;发布
    • release something to release a statement/report/document/poll/study发布声明/报告/文件/民意调查/研究结果
    • to release figures/results/information/data发布数字/结果/信息/数据
    • Police have released no further details about the accident.关于这次事故,警方没有透露更多的细节。
    • release something to somebody The suspect's name has not been released to the public.嫌疑人的姓名尚未向公众公布。
    • The newly released files reveal the extent of his involvement in the scandal.新公布的文件揭示了他卷入丑闻的程度。
    Extra Examples
    • Details of the attack have not yet been released to the public.有关这次袭击的详情还没有向公众发布。
    • Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long-term unemployment is still rising.本周要发布的官方数字表明,长期失业者人数还在增加。
    • Police have refused to release the name of the dead man.警方拒绝公布死者姓名。
    • The committee is expected to release its findings this summer.委员会有望在今年夏天公布其调查结果。
    • The organization has released a report drawing attention to the appalling conditions.该组织发布了一份报告,提请人们注意这一令人震惊的情况。
    • The actual poll was not released to the media. 实际民意调查并未向媒体公布。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • officially
    • commercially
    • publicly
    verb + release
    • refuse to
    • be expected to
    • plan to
    • in
    • on
    • to
    • newly released
    • recently released
    • originally released
    release something to make a film, recording or other product available to the public发行,发布(电影、录音等产品)
    • He's planning to release a solo album.他计划发行一张个人专辑。
    • to release a film/video发行电影/视频
    • They've released a new version of the original film.他们发布了原电影的新版本。
    • There have been a lot of new products released onto the market.已经有很多新产品投放市场。
    • The series has just recently been released on DVD.该系列最近刚刚发行了 DVD 版。
    Extra Examples
    • They have finally released their debut album.他们终于发行了首张专辑。
    • The album was originally released in 1974.这张专辑最初发行于 1974 年。
    • The book has not yet been released in paperback.该书还没有出平装版。
    • The film was never released theatrically in the US.这部电影从来没有在美国的影剧院上映过。
    • The new version is expected to be released shortly.新版本有望不久发布。
    • newly released recordings新发行的唱片
    • When was the film first released?这部影片什么时候首映?
    Topics Film and theatreb2, Musicb2
  11. release something to make something available that had previously been limited开放;放开;解禁
    • The new building programme will go ahead as soon as the government releases the funds.政府一拨付资金,新的建筑项目就动工。
  12. free somebody from duty

  13. to free somebody from a duty, responsibility, contract, etc.免除,解除(某人的职责、责任、合同等);解雇
    • release somebody The club is releasing some of its older players.俱乐部正在解聘一些老队员。
    • release somebody from something The new law released employers from their obligation to recognize unions.新的法律免除了雇主承认工会的义务。
  14. make less tight

  15. release something to make something less tight使不紧张;使松弛;放松
    • You need to release the tension in these shoulder muscles.你需要放松肩部肌肉。
    • to release a catch/a screw/a nut/the clutch/the brakes松开锁扣/螺丝/螺母/离合器/刹车
  16. Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French reles (noun), relesser (verb), from Latin relaxare ‘stretch out again, slacken’, from re- (expressing intensive force) + laxus ‘lax, loose’.



    setting somebody/something free

    [uncountable, singular] the act of setting a person or an animal free; the state of being set free释放;获释
    • release of somebody/something The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages.政府一直在努力争取使人质获释。
    • The judges ordered the release of prisoners who were political opponents of the government.法官下令释放政府政治反对派囚犯。
    • The public demanded her release.公众要求释放她。
    • release from something Following his release from prison, he moved to London.他从监狱获释后搬到了伦敦。
    • release of somebody from something The release of female prisoners from government jails was part of the deal.从政府监狱释放女囚犯是该协议的一部分。
    • He was granted early release (= from prison).他得以提前获释。
    • She can expect an early release from prison.她有望早一点出狱。
    • on/upon somebody's release from something Upon his release from jail he found work in a restaurant kitchen.出狱后,他在一家餐馆的厨房找到了工作。
    • on/upon somebody's release Upon her release, she fled Germany, living first in Geneva, then Paris. 获释后,她逃离德国,先住在日内瓦,然后住在巴黎。
    see also day release, work release
    Extra Examples
    • He negotiated the release of American prisoners of war.他通过谈判解决释放美国战俘的问题。
    • On completing his prison sentence Smith will serve three years of supervised release.服刑期满后,史密斯将接受 3 年的监外看管。
    • There have been calls for his immediate and unconditional release.人们要求立即无条件释放他。
    • his release from hospital他的出院
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • immediate
    • imminent
    • early
    verb + release
    • demand
    • grant somebody
    • secure
    release + noun
    • date
    • release from
    • release somebody on bail
    • release somebody on parole
  2. making something available

    [uncountable, singular] the act of making a film, recording or other product available to the public公开;发行;发布
    • The new software is planned for release in April.新软件计划四月份发行。
    • It is very difficult for a Brazilian film to get an American release.巴西电影要在美国上映非常困难。
    • The film never received a theatrical release (= was not shown in cinemas).这部电影从未在影院上映(=未在电影院上映)。
    • The movie goes on general release (= will be widely shown in cinemas) next week.这部电影将于下周公开上映。
    • I hadn't seen the movie since its original release.自从这部电影最初上映以来我就没有看过它了。
    • the release of a film/report电影/报告的发行
    • upon (something's) release Upon its release, the film received considerable acclaim.影片上映后,获得了广泛好评。
    • It's still seven weeks till the film's official release.距离电影正式上映还有七周。
    • A release date has not been announced yet.发布日期尚未公布。
    Extra Examples
    • With its release on DVD, fans now have a chance to re-evaluate their initial impressions.随着 DVD 的发行,粉丝们现在有机会重新评估他们的最初印象。
    • The film will go on general release in November.这部电影将在 11 月份公映。
    • The controversy threatens to delay the movie's release.这场争论有可能导致该电影推迟发行。
    • The film never got a theatrical release but went straight to DVD.这部电影从未在院线上映,而是直接发行了 DVD。
    • The judge authorized the release of the information.法官授权发布消息。
    • The senator demanded the immediate release of the full report.参议员要求立即发布完整的报告。
    • Under the current release schedule, the series will be available on DVD early next year.按照目前的发行时间表,该连续剧的数字影碟将于明年年初面世。
    • a publicity tour for the upcoming release of her autobiography为她即将发行的自传进行的巡回宣传
    • I am anxiously awaiting the release of the next volume.我正在热切盼望下一卷的发行。
    • He has announced the release of his new album.他宣布发行自己的新专辑。
    Topics Musicb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • latest
    • new
    • recent
    verb + release
    • authorize
    • demand
    • announce
    release + verb
    • be out
    • come out
    release + noun
    • date
    • schedule
    • release on
    • in general release
    • on general release
    [countable] a thing that is made available to the public, especially a new film or music recording新发行的东西;(尤指)新电影,新专辑
    • recent/new releases最近发行的/新发行的产品
    • the latest releases最新发行的产品
    • There are several interesting album releases due out on Friday.有几张有趣的专辑将于周五发行。
    • This is a debut release that'll simply take your breath away.这是一个让您惊叹不已的首次发布。
    Topics Film and theatreb2, Musicb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • latest
    • new
    • recent
    verb + release
    • authorize
    • demand
    • announce
    release + verb
    • be out
    • come out
    release + noun
    • date
    • schedule
    • release on
    • in general release
    • on general release
    [uncountable, singular] the act of making information available to the public公开;发行;发布
    • the release of the report报告的公开发布
    • The company issued a news release after the board meeting.公司在董事会会议后发布了新闻稿。
  6. of gas/chemical

    [uncountable, countable] the act of letting a gas, chemical, etc. move or flow freely(气体、化学物质等的)释放,排放
    • Release of these hormones gives the body a temporary increase in strength and energy.这些激素的释放能使力量和体能短时间内增加。
    • disasters resulting from accidental releases of toxic substances有毒物质意外泄漏造成的灾难
    • The aim is to control the risks of exposure to chemicals by preventing release at source.目的是通过防止源头释放来控制接触化学品的风险。
    • release of something into something the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere二氧化碳向大气层的排放
    • to monitor radiation releases监测辐射的释放
    see also time-release
  8. from unpleasant feeling

  9. [uncountable, singular] the feeling that you are free from pain, worry or some other unpleasant feeling解脱;轻松感
    • a sense of release after the exam考试后的解脱感
    • I think her death was a merciful release.我认为她的死是一种幸运的解脱。
    • It’s just a release of tension.这只是一种压力的释放。
    Extra Examples
    • She saw death as a welcome release from pain.她把死亡看作一种摆脱痛苦的好方式。
    • Sometimes we just need some release from the pressure.有时我们只是需要缓解一下压力。
    • Laughter is an important release valve for feelings of frustration.笑是缓解挫折感的重要工具。
    • Crying gave some emotional release.哭泣缓解了一些痛苦的情绪。
    • All societies have social mechanisms for the release of tension.每一个社会都有释放压力的机制。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • welcome
    • emotional
    • sexual
    verb + release
    • give (somebody)
    • need
    release + noun
    • valve
    • release from
    • a feeling of release
    • a sense of release
    • a release of tension
  10. see also press release, shutter release
    Word OriginMiddle English: from Old French reles (noun), relesser (verb), from Latin relaxare ‘stretch out again, slacken’, from re- (expressing intensive force) + laxus ‘lax, loose’.




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