Quantrill's Raiders
noun/ˌkwɒntrəlz ˈreɪdəz/
/ˌkwɑːntrəlz ˈreɪdərz/
[plural]- a small independent military group that fought for the Confederate States in Missouri and Kansas during the American Civil War. It was led by Captain William Quantrill (1837-65), a former criminal, and included Jesse and Frank James and the Younger brothers. The Raiders attacked the town of Lawrence, Kansas, on 21 August 1863, and murdered 150 men and boys who were not soldiers. Quantrill was later killed in a gun fight with US soldiers in Kentucky.
Quantrill的突袭者:一个小型独立军事集团,在美国内战期间为密苏里州和堪萨斯州的同盟国作战。它由前罪犯威廉·坎特里尔(William Quantrill)上尉(1837-65)领导,其中包括杰西(Jesse)和弗兰克·詹姆斯(Frank James)和弟弟。突袭者于1863年8月21日袭击了堪萨斯州的劳伦斯镇,并杀死了150名非士兵的士兵。Quantrill随后在肯塔基州与美国士兵的枪战中丧生。