

单词 believe


not used in the progressive tenses
Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they believe
he / she / it believes
past simple believed
past participle believed
-ing form believing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    feel certain

    [transitive] to feel certain that something is true or that somebody is telling you the truth相信;认为真实
    • believe somebody I don't believe you!我不相信你的话!
    • The man claimed to be a social worker and she believed him.该男子自称是社会工作者,她相信了他。
    • Do you really believe her?你真的相信她吗?
    • Believe me, she's not right for you.相信我,她不适合你。
    • believe something I believed his lies for years.我很多年都对他的谎话信以为真。
    • I find that hard to believe.我对此感到难以相信。
    • Don't believe a word of it (= don't believe any part of what somebody is saying).一点也不要相信那些话。
    • believe (that)… People used to believe (that) the earth was flat.人们一度认为地球是平的。
    • He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs.他不愿相信他的儿子沾染毒品。
    • I do believe you’re right (= I think something is true, even though it is surprising).我的确相信你是对的。
    Extra Examples
    • I'm inclined to believe you.我比较相信你。
    • It's hard to believe that this campaign has been going on for ten years.很难相信这场运动已持续了 10 年。
    • It was generally believed that evil spirits lived in the forest.人们普遍认为森林里住着邪灵。
    • The ad led us to believe (= made us think) that all prices had been cut.广告引导我们相信所有货品都降价了。
    Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintya1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • deeply
    • fervently
    • firmly
    verb + believe
    • cannot
    • be hard to
    • give somebody to
    • can hardly believe something
    • can scarcely believe something
    • not believe a word of something
  2. think possible

    [intransitive, transitive] to think that something is true or possible, although you are not completely certain把(某事)当真;认为有可能
    • ‘Where does she come from?’ ‘Spain, I believe.’“她是哪里人?”“我想是西班牙人。”
    • ‘Does he still work there?’ ‘I believe so/not.’“他还在那里工作吗?”“我想是/不是。”
    • believe (that)… Police believe (that) the man may be armed.警方认为那个人可能携有武器。
    • Experts believe that the diamond is the only one of its kind.专家认为,这颗钻石是同类中唯一的一颗。
    • l firmly believe that she is still alive.我坚信她还活着。
    • There is no reason to believe he is dangerous.没有理由相信他是危险的。
    • it is believed (that)… It is believed that the couple have left the country.据信那对夫妇已经离开了这个国家。
    • It is widely believed that he was forced to resign.人们普遍认为他是被迫辞职的。
    • believe something Few people believe the claim that the cost of living has not risen since last year.很少有人相信去年以来生活成本没有上涨的说法。
    • be believed to be, have, etc. something The vases are believed to be worth over $20 000 each.那些花瓶据估计每个价值都超过 2 万美元。
    • be believed + adj. Three sailors are missing, believed drowned.有三位船员失踪,相信是淹死了。
    Synonyms thinkthinkbelieve feel reckon be under the impressionThese words all mean to have an idea that something is true or possible or to have a particular opinion about somebody/​something.think to have an idea that something is true or possible, although you are not completely certain; to have a particular opinion about somebody/​something:
    • Do you think (that) they’ll come?你认为他们会来吗?
    • Well, I like it. What do you think?嗯,我喜欢这个。你认为怎么样?
    believe to have an idea that something is true or possible, although you are not completely certain; to have a particular opinion about somebody/​something:
    • Police believe (that) the man may be armed.警方认为那个人可能携有武器。
    think or believe?When you are expressing an idea that you have or that somebody has of what is true or possible, believe is more formal than think. It is used especially for talking about ideas that other people have; think is used more often for talking about your own ideas: Police believe…I think… When you are expressing an opinion, believe is stronger than think and is used especially for matters of principle; think is used more for practical matters or matters of personal taste.feel to have a particular opinion about something that has happened or about what you/​somebody ought to do:
    • We all felt (that) we were unlucky to lose.我们都认为我们输了是运气不好。
    reckon (informal) to think that something is true or possible:
    • I reckon (that) I’m going to get that job.我认为我会得到那份工作。
    be under the impression that… to have an idea that something is true:
    • I was under the impression that the work had already been completed.我还以为已经完工了呢。
    • to think/​believe/​feel/​reckon/​be under the impression that…
    • It is thought/​believed/​reckoned that…
    • to be thought/​believed/​felt/​reckoned to be something
    • to think/​believe/​feel something about somebody/​something
    • to sincerely/​honestly/​seriously/​mistakenly think/​believe/​feel
    Extra Examples
    • We have reason to believe that the escaped prisoner may be hiding in this house.我们有理由相信越狱犯可能就躲在这幢房子里。
    • No one seriously believes that this war will happen.没有人真的相信这场战争会发生。
    • Paul says he's happy, but his mother believes otherwise.保罗说他很幸福,但他的母亲却不这么认为。
    Topics Opinion and argumenta1, Doubt, guessing and certaintya1
  4. have opinion

    [transitive] believe (that)… to have the opinion that something is right or true认定;看作
    • The party believes (that) education is the most important issue facing the government.该党把教育视为政府面临的最重要的问题。
    • She believes that killing animals for food or fur is completely immoral.她认为,为获取食物或皮毛而杀害动物是完全不道德的。
    • I strongly believe that competition is a good thing. 我坚信竞争是好事。
    • She truly believes that love can change the world.她笃信爱能够改变世界。
    Language Bank according toaccording toReporting somebody’s opinion
      • Photography is, according to Vidal, the art form of untalented people.据维达尔所言,摄影是没有天赋的人的艺术形式。
      • For Vidal, photography is the art form of untalented people.对维达尔来说,摄影是没有天赋的人的艺术形式。
      • His view is that photography is not art but merely the mechanical reproduction of images.他的观点是摄影不是艺术,而只是机械地复制图像。
      • Smith takes the view that photography is both an art and a science.史密斯所持的观点是:摄影既是一门艺术也是一门科学。
      • In Brown’s view, photography should be treated as a legitimate art in its own right.在布朗看来,摄影本身就应该被视为一种正当的艺术。
      • James is of the opinion that a good painter can always be a good photographer if they so decide.詹姆斯认为,如果他们决定的话,一个好的画家总是可以成为一个好的摄影师。
      • Emerson believed that a photograph should only reflect what the human eye can see.埃默森认为照片应该只是反映人们肉眼所能见到的东西。
    Language Bank opinionopinionGiving your personal opinion
      • In my opinion, everyone should have some understanding of science.依我看,每个人都应该懂一点科学。
      • Everyone should, in my opinion, have some understanding of science.依我看,每个人都应该懂一点科学。
      • It seems to me that many people in this country have a poor understanding of science.在我看来,这个国家许多人都不太懂科学。
      • This is, in my view, the result of a failure of the scientific community to get its message across.依我看,这是科学界未能清楚传达讯息所致。
      • Another reason why so many people have such a poor understanding of science is, I believe, the lack of adequate funding for science in schools.我认为,如此多的人对科学缺乏认识的另一个原因是学校对科学教育投入的资金不足。
      • Smith argues that science is separate from culture. My own view is that science belongs with literature, art, philosophy and religion as an integral part of our culture.史密斯认为科学与文化是互不相干的。我的观点是科学与文学、艺术、哲学以及宗教一起都是我们文化的不可或缺的一部分。
      • In this writer’s opinion, the more the public know about science, the less they will fear and distrust it.在这个作家看来,公众对科学了解得越多,他们就越不会惧怕科学并且会更加相信科学。
    Extra Examples
    • I personally believe that it's important.我个人认为这很重要。
    • I've long believed that a good reputation is the most valuable asset you can have in business.我一贯认为好声誉是经商最珍贵的资本。
    • I believe that we have a responsibility towards the less fortunate in society.我认为我们对社会的弱势群体负有责任。
    Topics Opinion and argumenta1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • deeply
    • fervently
    • firmly
    verb + believe
    • cannot
    • be hard to
    • give somebody to
    • can hardly believe something
    • can scarcely believe something
    • not believe a word of something
  6. be surprised/annoyed

    [transitive] don’t/can’t believe used to say that you are surprised or annoyed at something(表示对某事吃惊或恼怒)
    • believe (that)… She couldn’t believe (that) it was all happening again.她简直无法相信整件事又在重演。
    • I don't believe I'm doing this!我不相信我会这样做!
    • believe how, what, etc… I can't believe how much better I feel.真想不到我觉得好多了。
    • I couldn't believe what I was hearing.我无法相信自己所听到的。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • deeply
    • fervently
    • firmly
    verb + believe
    • cannot
    • be hard to
    • give somebody to
    • can hardly believe something
    • can scarcely believe something
    • not believe a word of something
  8. religion

  9. [intransitive] to have a religious faith有宗教信仰
    • The god appears only to those who believe.信神则神在。
    Topics Religion and festivalsa1
  10. Word Originlate Old English belȳfan, belēfan, alteration of gelēfan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch geloven and German glauben.
believe it or not
  1. (informal) used to introduce information that is true but that may surprise people信不信由你
    • Believe it or not, he asked me to marry him!信不信由你,他向我求婚了!
believe (you) me
  1. (informal) used to emphasize that you strongly believe what you are saying我敢保证
    • You haven't heard the last of this, believe you me!我敢保证你没听说过最新的消息。
don’t you believe it!
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody that something is definitely not true绝对不正确(不可相信)
    • ‘She wouldn’t do a thing like that.’ ‘Don’t you believe it!’“她不会做那样的事。”“你不相信吗!”
give somebody to believe/understand (that)…
  1. [often passive] (formal) to make somebody believe/understand something使某人相信;使某人理解
    • I was given to understand that she had resigned.我得知她已经辞职了。
I don’t believe it!
  1. (informal) used to say that you are surprised or annoyed about something(表示吃惊或恼怒)我简直无法相信
    • I don't believe it! What are you doing here?我简直无法相信!你在这里干什么?
if you believe that, you’ll believe anything
  1. (informal) used to say that you think somebody is stupid if they believe that something is true你要是连这都相信,还有什么不信的
    • ‘He promised not to do it again.’ ‘Sure, and if you believe that, you’ll believe anything.’“他保证不再这样做。”“当然,如果你相信这一点,你就会相信任何事情。”
make believe (that…)
  1. to pretend that something is true假装 related noun make-believe
not believe your ears/eyes
  1. (informal) to be very surprised at something you hear/see不相信自己的耳朵(或眼睛);对所闻(或所见)非常吃惊
    • I couldn't believe my eyes when she walked in.她走进来时我简直不相信自己的眼睛。
seeing is believing
  1. (saying) used to say that somebody will have to believe that something is true when they see it, although they do not think it is true now眼见为实;百闻不如一见
would you believe (it)?
  1. (informal) used to show that you are surprised and annoyed about something(表示惊讶或气愤)你能相信吗
    • And, would you believe, he didn't even apologize!而且,可气的是,他连个道歉都没有!
you/you’d better believe it!
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody that something is definitely true当然没错;千真万确
    • ‘He’s not a bad player, is he?’ ‘You’d better believe it!’“他打得不错,是吗?”“没错!”




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