释义 |
print verb /prɪnt/ /prɪnt/ Idioms Phrasal Verbs letters/pictures [transitive, intransitive] to produce letters, pictures, etc. on paper using a machine that puts ink (= coloured liquid) on the surface打印- print (something) I'm printing a copy of the document for you.我正在给你印一份这个文件。
- Do you want your address printed at the top of the letter?你要不要把地址印在信的顶端?
- (computing) Click on the icon when you want to print.你想打印时就点击一下这个图标。
- be printed with something Each card is printed with a different message.每张卡片都印着不同的信息。
Wordfinder- copy
- data
- delete
- file
- folder
- icon
- menu
- open
- password
- print
Extra Examples- I couldn't get the graphics to print correctly.我无法将图表正确地打印出来。
- The images are scanned onto computers and digitally printed.图像扫描到电脑后再数字打印出来。
- The message was printed in blue ink.信息用蓝色墨水印刷。
- printing from a file打印文档
Topics Computersa2Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverbpreposition books/newspapers [transitive] print something to produce books, newspapers, etc. by printing them in large quantities印刷- They printed 30 000 copies of the book.这本书他们印了 3 万册。
- The firm specializes in printing calendars.这家公司专门印制日历。
Extra Examples- She had the memoir privately printed in a limited edition.她自费出版了这部回忆录,印数有限。
- The book is beautifully printed on good quality paper.那本书纸质优良,印刷精美。
- We had the first issue of the newsletter professionally printed.我们有专业印刷的第一期简报。
- a leaflet printed on recycled paper用再生纸印刷的传单
- He was handing out cheaply printed business cards.他在分发便宜印制的名片。
Topics Literature and writinga2Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverbpreposition publish print something [transitive] to publish something in printed form登载;刊登;发表- The photo was printed in all the national newspapers.这张照片被刊登在所有全国性报纸上。
- The magazine was sued for printing a libellous article about her family.这家杂志因刊登了诽谤她家人的文章而被起诉。
photograph- [transitive] print something (from something) to produce a photograph on paper from a digital file or from film洗印;冲洗
- Photographs can be printed from a digital file or from a negative.数字文档或底片均可打印出照片。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverbpreposition write- [transitive, intransitive] print (something) to write without joining the letters together用印刷体写(字母之间笔画不相连接)
- Print your name and address clearly in the space provided.请用印刷体在空白处清晰填写你的姓名和住址。
- He had printed his name in capitals at the bottom of the picture.他在照片的底部用大写字母写下了自己的名字。
- In some countries children learn to print when they first go to school.在有些国家,儿童刚上学时学习用印刷体书写。
make mark- [transitive] print something (in/on something) to make a mark on a soft surface by pressing(在松软的表面)压印,印出
- The tracks of the large animal were clearly printed in the sand.这只大动物的足迹清晰地印在沙滩上。
- (figurative) The memory of that day was indelibly printed on his brain.那天的记忆永不磨灭地深印在他的脑海里。
make design- [transitive] to make a design on a surface or cloth by pressing a surface against it which has been coloured with ink or dye印(图案);印染
- print A on B They had printed their own design on the T-shirt.他们在 T 恤衫上印了自己设计的图案。
- print B with A a T-shirt printed with their own design印有他们自己设计的图案的 T 恤衫
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverbpreposition Word OriginMiddle English (denoting the impression made by a stamp or seal): from Old French preinte ‘pressed’, feminine past participle of preindre, from Latin premere ‘to press’. Idioms - (disapproving) used to describe a business that makes a lot of money with little effort不费劲挣大钱的机会;一本万利的生意;摇钱树
not worth the paper it’s written/printed on - (of an agreement or official document) having no value, especially legally, or because one of the people involved has no intention of doing what they said they would(尤指在法律上)毫无价值
- what is published in books, newspapers, etc.印在书报上的文字;书刊文字;印刷品
- the power of the printed word书刊文字的力量
print noun /prɪnt/ /prɪnt/ Idioms letters/numbers [uncountable] letters, words, numbers, etc. that have been printed onto paper印刷的文字- The tiny print was hard to read without my glasses.字体太小,我不戴眼镜很难看清。
- in… print in large/bold print 大号/粗体印刷
- The terms of delivery appear at the bottom of the invoice in small print.交货条款以小字显示在发票底部。
- The print quality of the new laser printer is superb.新激光打印机的打印质量好极了。
- the print edition/version of the dictionary词典的纸质版
- television and print ads电视和平面广告
see also fine print, small printExtra Examples- I had to squint to read the tiny print on the screen.我要瞇着眼睛才能看清屏幕上的小字。
- They make more money from online subscriptions than from selling the print version.他们通过网上订购挣的钱比销售印刷版多。
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjectiveverb + printprint + nounpreposition newspapers/books [uncountable] used to refer to the business of producing newspapers, magazines and books印刷行业;出版界- the print media印刷媒体
- print unions出版业工会
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjectiveverb + printprint + nounpreposition mark- [countable, usually plural] a mark left by your finger, foot, etc. on the surface of something指纹;手印;脚印;足迹
- His prints were found on the gun.在枪上发现了他的指纹。
- There were paw prints everywhere.到处都是爪印。
see also fingerprint, footprint picture- [countable] a picture that is cut into wood or metal then covered with ink (= coloured liquid for printing, drawing, etc.) and printed onto paper; a picture that is copied from a painting using photography版画;影印画
- a framed set of prints一组镶框的版画
- a Renoir print一张雷诺阿画作的影印件
see also screen printSynonyms picturepicturepainting ▪ drawing ▪ portrait ▪ print ▪ sketchThese are all words for a scene, person or thing that has been represented on paper by drawing, painting, etc.picture a scene, person or thing that has been represented on paper using a pencil, a pen or paint:- The children were drawing pictures of their pets.孩子们在画他们的宠物。
painting a picture that has been made using paint:- a collection of paintings by American artists美国艺术家的绘画作品集
drawing a picture that has been made using a pencil or pen, not paint:- a pencil/charcoal drawing铅笔画;炭笔画
portrait a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, especially of the head and shoulders:- Vermeer’s ‘Portrait of the artist in his studio’弗美尔的 “艺术家在工作室的肖像”
- a self-portrait (= a painting that you do of yourself)自画像
print a picture that has been copied from a painting using photography:- a Renoir print一张雷诺阿画作的影印件
sketch a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details:- I usually do a few very rough sketches before I start on a painting.我开始作画之前通常会画几幅草图。
Patterns- to draw a picture/portrait/sketch
- to paint a picture/portrait
- to make a painting/drawing/portrait/print/sketch
- to do a painting/drawing/portrait/sketch
Collocations Fine artsFine artsCreating art- make a work of art/a drawing/a sketch/a sculpture/a statue/engravings/etchings/prints
- do an oil painting/a self-portrait/a line drawing/a rough sketch
- create a work of art/an artwork/paintings and sculptures
- produce paintings/portraits/oil sketches/his most celebrated work/a series of prints
- paint a picture/landscape/portrait/mural/in oils/in watercolours/(US English) in watercolors/on canvas
- draw a picture/a portrait/a cartoon/a sketch/a line/a figure/the human form/in charcoal/in ink
- sketch a preliminary drawing/a figure/a shape
- carve a figure/an image/a sculpture/an altarpiece/reliefs/a block of wood
- sculpt a portrait bust/a statue/an abstract figure
- etch a line/a pattern/a design/a name into the glass
- mix colours/(US English) colors/pigments/paints
- add/apply thin/thick layers of paint/colour/(US English) color/pigment
- use oil pastels/charcoal/acrylic paint/a can of spray paint
- work in bronze/ceramics/stone/oils/pastels/watercolour/a wide variety of media
Describing art- paint/depict a female figure/a biblical scene/a pastoral landscape/a domestic interior
- depict/illustrate a traditional/mythological/historical/religious theme
- create an abstract composition/a richly textured surface/a distorted perspective
- paint dark/rich/skin/flesh tones
- use broad brush strokes/loose brushwork/vibrant colours/a limited palette/simple geometric forms
- develop/adopt/paint in a stylized manner/an abstract style
Showing and selling art- commission an altarpiece/a bronze bust of somebody/a portrait/a religious work/an artist to paint something
- frame a painting/portrait
- hang art/a picture/a painting
- display/exhibit modern art/somebody’s work/a collection/original artwork/drawings/sculptures/a piece/a painting
- be displayed/hung in a gallery/museum
- install/place a sculpture in/at/on something
- erect/unveil a bronze/marble/life-size statue
- hold/host/mount/open/curate/see an exhibition (especially British English)/(North American English usually) an exhibit
- be/go on (British English) exhibition/(North American English) exhibit
- feature/promote/showcase a conceptual artist/contemporary works
- collect African art/modern British paintings/Japanese prints
- restore/preserve a fresco/great works of art
Topics Artc1 photograph- [countable] a photograph produced from film(用底片洗印的)相片
- How many sets of prints would you like?你想洗几套照片?
- a colour print一张彩色照片
Synonyms photographphotographpicture ▪ photo ▪ shot ▪ snapshot/snap ▪ printThese are all words for a picture that has been made using a camera.photograph a picture that has been made using a camera:- a photograph of the house这座房子的照片
- Can I take a photograph?我可以拍个照吗?
picture a photograph:- We had our picture taken in front of the hotel.我们在旅馆前照了相。
photo a photograph: photograph, picture or photo?Photograph is slightly more formal and photo is slightly less formal. Picture is used especially in the context of photographs in newspapers, magazines and books.shot a photograph:- I tried to get a shot of him in the water.我试着给他拍一张在水中的照片。
Shot often places more emphasis on the process of taking the photograph, rather than the finished picture.snapshot/snap an informal photograph that is taken quickly, and not by a professional photographer:print a copy of a photograph that is produced from film or from a digital camera:Patterns- a colour photograph/picture/photo/snap/print
- to take a photograph/picture/photo/shot/snapshot
cloth- [uncountable, countable] cotton cloth that has a pattern printed on it; this pattern印花棉布(或图案);花样
- a cotton print dress花布连衣裙
- a floral print花卉图案
see also blueprint Word OriginMiddle English (denoting the impression made by a stamp or seal): from Old French preinte ‘pressed’, feminine past participle of preindre, from Latin premere ‘to press’. Idioms - to be published被出版;被发表
- By the time this gets into print, they'll already have left the country.这篇东西发表的时候,他们将已经离开这个国家了。
Topics Literature and writingc1 - (of a book) still available from the company that publishes it继续印行
- Is this edition still in print?这一版本仍在印行吗?
- (of a person’s work) printed in a book, newspaper, etc.已刊印;已出版
- It was the first time he had seen his name in print.那是他第一次见到自己的名字被刊印出来。
- (of a book) no longer available from the company that publishes it绝版;不再印行
- Her first novel is now out of print.她的第一部小说已经绝版了。
- The shop specializes in out-of-print books.这家店专营绝版书。