

单词 bear


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they bear
he / she / it bears
past simple bore
past participle borne
-ing form bearing
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    accept/deal with

    [transitive] (used especially with can/could in negative sentences and questions) to be able to accept and deal with something unpleasant承受;忍受 synonym stand
    • bear something The pain was almost more than he could bear.这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受。
    • She bore it all with her usual patience.她以一贯的耐心忍受了这一切。
    • She couldn't bear the thought of losing him.失去他的情景她想都不敢想。
    • bear doing something I can't bear having cats in the house.家里有猫我可受不了。
    • He can't bear being laughed at.他无法忍受遭人嘲笑。
    • bear to do something He can't bear to be laughed at.他无法忍受遭人嘲笑。
    • I can hardly bear to think about it.我简直不敢想。
    • How can you bear to eat that stuff?你怎么能吃得下那种东西?
    • bear somebody doing something I can't bear you doing that.我无法忍受你做那种事。
    Homophones bare | bearbare   bear
    • bare adjective
      • The room looked strangely bare without the furniture.房间里没有一件傢具,空落落的让人觉得不自然。
    • bear noun
      • Staff reported finding polar bear tracks in the snow.工作人员报告说在雪地里发现了北极熊的足迹。
    • bear verb
      • How can you bear this awful noise?你怎么能忍受这种可怕的噪声?
    Synonyms hatehatedislike can’t stand despise can’t bear loathe detestThese words all mean to have a strong feeling of dislike for somebody/​something.hate to have a strong feeling of dislike for somebody/​something. Although hate is generally a very strong verb, it is also commonly used in spoken or informal English to talk about people or things that you dislike in a less important way, for example a particular type of food: He hates violence in any form.I’ve always hated cabbage. dislike (rather formal) to not like somebody/​something. Dislike is a rather formal word; it is less formal, and more usual, to say that you don't like somebody/​something, especially in spoken English: I don’t like it when you phone me so late at night. can’t stand (rather informal) used to emphasize that you really do not like somebody/​something:
    • I can’t stand his brother.他弟弟让我受不了。
    • She couldn’t stand being kept waiting.叫她等着,她会受不了。
    despise to dislike and have no respect for somebody/​something:
    • He despised himself for being so cowardly.他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽。
    can’t bear used to say that you dislike something so much that you cannot accept or deal with it:
    • I can’t bear having cats in the house.家里有猫我可受不了。
    can’t stand or can’t bear?In many cases you can use either word, but can’t bear is slightly stronger and slightly more formal than can’t stand. loathe to hate somebody/​something very much:
    • They loathe each other.他们相互讨厌对方。
    Loathe is generally an even stronger verb than hate, but it can also be used more informally to talk about less important things, meaning ‘really don’t like’: Whether you love or loathe their music, you can’t deny their talent.
    detest (rather formal) to hate somebody/​something very much:
    • They absolutely detest each other.他们完全是相互憎恨。
    • I hate/​dislike/​can’t stand/​can’t bear/​loathe/​detest doing something.
    • I hate/​can’t bear to do something.
    • I hate/​dislike/​can’t stand/​can’t bear it when…
    • I really hate/​dislike/​can’t stand/​despise/​can’t bear/​detest somebody/​something.
    • I absolutely hate/​can’t stand/​loathe/​detest somebody/​something.
    Extra Examples
    • I just can't bear it any more!我再也忍不下去了!
    • Don't leave me alone. I wouldn't be able to bear it.别把我一个人留下,我会受不了的。
    • How can you bear this awful noise?你怎么能忍受这种可怕的噪声?
    • She couldn't bear seeing him so upset.她不忍心看到他如此难过。
    • We could hardly bear to be outdoors in the blinding sunlight.太阳这么刺眼,待在外面真让人受不了。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryverb + bear
    • be able to
    • can
    • be unable to
  2. be responsible for something

    [transitive] bear something (formal) to take responsibility for something承担责任
    • She bore the responsibility for most of the changes.她对大多数变革负责。
    • Do parents have to bear the whole cost of tuition fees?父母是否应当负担全部学费?
    • In the end it's consumers who bear the burden of higher prices.最终是消费者承担了物价上涨的负担。
    • You shouldn't have to bear the blame for other people's mistakes.你本不必代人受过。
    • You must bear at least some responsibility for what has happened.你必须为发生的事至少承担一部份责任。
  4. support weight

    [transitive] bear something to support the weight of somebody/something支撑…的重量
    • The ice is too thin to bear your weight.冰太薄,承受不住你的重量。
  6. show

  7. [transitive] bear something (formal) to show something; to carry something so that it can be seen显示;带有
    • The document bore her signature.文件上有她的签字。
    • He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars.他在战争中负了重伤,现在还留有伤疤。
    • She bears little resemblance to (= is not much like) her mother.她很不像她的母亲。
    • The title of the essay bore little relation to (= was not much connected with) the contents.这篇文章的题目与内容很不相符。
  8. not be suitable

  9. [transitive] not bear to not be suitable for something不适于某事(或做某事)
    • bear something Her later work does not bear comparison with her earlier novels (= because it is not nearly as good).她后期的作品比不上她早期的小说。
    • The plan won't bear close inspection (= it will be found to be unacceptable when carefully examined).这项计划经不起推敲。
    • bear doing something The joke doesn't bear repeating (= because it is not funny or may offend people).这个笑话不可说第二遍(因为不好笑或可能得罪人)。
    • His sufferings don't bear thinking about (= because they are so terrible).他遭受的苦难不堪回首。
  10. negative feeling

  11. [transitive] to have a feeling, especially a negative feeling心怀(感情,尤指坏心情)
    • bear something He bears no resentment towards them.他对他们毫无怨恨。
    • He's borne a grudge against me ever since that day.从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。
    • bear somebody something He's borne me a grudge ever since that day.从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。
    • She bore him no ill will.她对他没有恶意。
  12. name

  13. [transitive] bear something (formal) to have a particular name有(某个名称)
    • a family that bore an ancient and honoured name名门世家
  14. carry

  15. [transitive] bear somebody/something (old-fashioned or formal) to carry somebody/something, especially while moving携带
    • three kings bearing gifts三个带着礼品的国王
    Extra Examples
    • Guests starting arriving, mostly bearing gifts.客人陆续抵达,大多都带着礼物。
    • He returned bearing a basket of vegetables.他提着一篮子蔬菜回来了。
    • Her two sons helped bear the coffin.她的两个儿子帮忙抬着灵柩。
    • His parents had borne the child across the mountains.他的父母带着这个孩子翻山越岭。
  16. yourself

  17. [transitive] bear yourself well, etc. (formal) to move, behave or act in a particular way举止;表现
    • He bears himself (= stands, walks, etc.) proudly, like a soldier.他昂首阔步,像个军人。
    • She bore herself with dignity throughout the funeral.整个葬礼过程中她都保持着尊严。
  18. child

  19. [transitive] (formal) to give birth to a child生(孩子)
    • bear something She was not able to bear children.她不能生育。
    • bear somebody something She had borne him six sons.她为他生了六个儿子。
  20. of trees/plants

  21. [transitive] bear something (formal) to produce flowers or fruit开(花);结(果实)
    • These trees take a long time to bear fruit.这些树要很长时间才结果实。
  22. turn

  23. [intransitive] bear (to the) left, north, etc. to go or turn in the direction mentioned转向(左或北等)
    • When you get to the fork in the road, bear right.走到岔道时向右拐。
  24. Word Originverb Old English beran, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit bharati, Greek pherein, and Latin ferre.
bear arms
  1. (old use) to be a soldier; to fight当兵;打仗
bear fruit
  1. to have a successful result成功;取得成果Topics Successc2
bear hard, heavily, severely, etc. on somebody
  1. (formal) to be a cause of difficulty or worry to somebody使为难;使焦虑
    • Taxation bears heavily on us all.赋税给我们大家带来沉重的负担。
    • The burden of the tax bore most heavily on the poor.纳税的重担主要压在穷人身上。
    Topics Difficulty and failurec2
bear/keep somebody/something in mind | bear/keep in mind that…
  1. to remember somebody/something; to remember or consider that…将…记在心中;记住;考虑到
    • You don't have to do anything about it now… just bear it in mind.你现在不需要做任何事情......只要记住它即可。
    Extra Examples
    • Here are some important points to keep in mind…这里有几个要点需要记住⋯
    • I'll keep what you say in mind.我会记住你说的话。
    • Try to keep safety in the forefront of your mind at all times.任何时候都务必把安全放在首位。
bear, take, etc. the brunt of something
  1. to receive the main force of something unpleasant承受某事的主要压力;首当其冲
    • Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending.政府削减开支,学校将首当其冲受到影响。
bear/give witness (to something)
  1. to provide evidence of the truth of something为…作证;证明
    • The crowd of mourners at his funeral bore witness to the great affection in which he was held.葬礼上默哀的人群见证了他生前受到的爱戴。
    • The ancient temples bear silent witness to the passing dynasties.这些古剎默默见证了历代的兴亡。
be borne in on somebody
  1. (formal, especially British English) to be realized by somebody, especially after a period of time(逐渐被某人)认识到
    • It was gradually borne in on us that defeat was inevitable.我们逐渐认识到,失败是不可避免的。
bring something to bear (on somebody/something)
  1. (formal) to use energy, pressure, influence, etc. to try to achieve something or make somebody do something把精力用于;对…施加压力(或影响等)
    • We must bring all our energies to bear upon the task.我们必须全力以赴不辱使命。
    • Pressure was brought to bear on us to finish the work on time.我们得按时完成工作,没有回旋余地。
    Topics Successc2
grin and bear it
  1. (only used as an infinitive and in orders) to accept pain or bad luck without complaining默默忍受;忍气吞声
    • There's nothing we can do about it. We'll just have to grin and bear it.对此我们无能为力,只好默默地忍受。
have a (heavy) cross to bear
  1. to have a difficult problem that makes you worried or unhappy but that you have to deal with有本难念的经;有苦难要忍受
    • We all have our crosses to bear.家家有本难念的经。


    a heavy wild animal with thick fur and sharp claws (= pointed parts on the ends of its feet). There are many types of bear.
    • a black bear黑熊
    • A little bear cub ran right across the road in front of us. 一只小熊崽跑过我们前面的马路。
    see also grizzly bear, polar bear, teddy bear
    Homophones bare | bearbare   bear
    • bare adjective
      • The room looked strangely bare without the furniture.房间里没有一件傢具,空落落的让人觉得不自然。
    • bear noun
      • Staff reported finding polar bear tracks in the snow.工作人员报告说在雪地里发现了北极熊的足迹。
    • bear verb
      • How can you bear this awful noise?你怎么能忍受这种可怕的噪声?
    Topics Animalsa2
  2. (finance) a person who sells shares in a company, etc., hoping to buy them back later at a lower price(在证券市场等)卖空的人 compare bull
  3. see also bearish
    Word Originnoun Old English bera, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch beer and German Bär.
like a bear with a sore head
  1. in a bad mood; in an angry way没好气;脾气差
    • I should keep out of his way. He’s like a bear with a sore head this morning.我应该远离他。今天早上他就像一头头疼的熊。




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