

单词 nose


  1. enlarge image
    [countable] the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, used for breathing and smelling things鼻;鼻子
    • She had dark eyes and a long narrow nose.她长着黑色的眼睛和细长的鼻子。
    • He broke his nose in the fight.他打架时打断了鼻梁。
    • She wrinkled her nose in disgust.她厌恶地皱起鼻子。
    • He pressed his nose up against the window.他把鼻子贴在窗户上。
    • through your nose Try to breathe through your nose.试着用鼻子呼吸。
    • He blew his nose (= cleared it by blowing strongly into a handkerchief).他擤了擤鼻子。
    • a blocked/runny nose堵塞的/流鼻涕的鼻子
    • Stop picking your nose! (= removing dirt from it with your finger)别抠鼻孔了!
    • He held his nose as he passed the stinking dustbins.经过臭烘烘的垃圾箱时,他捏着鼻子。
    • (figurative) He held his nose and voted for the bill anyway.不管怎样,他捏着鼻子投票支持了这项法案。
    • He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose (= the hard part near the top).他把眼镜推到鼻梁上方。
    Collocations Physical appearancePhysical appearance
    • A person may be described as having:
    • (bright) blue/​green/(dark/​light) brown/​hazel eyes
    • deep-set/​sunken/​bulging/​protruding eyes
    • small/​beady/​sparkling/​twinkling/(informal) shifty eyes
    • piercing/​penetrating/​steely eyes
    • bloodshot/​watery/​puffy eyes
    • bushy/​thick/​dark/​raised/​arched eyebrows
    • long/​dark/​thick/​curly/​false eyelashes/​lashes
    • a flat/​bulbous/​pointed/​sharp/​snub nose
    • a straight/​a hooked/​a Roman/(formal) an aquiline nose
    • full/​thick/​thin/​pouty lips
    • dry/​chapped/​cracked lips
    • flushed/​rosy/​red/​ruddy/​pale cheeks
    • soft/​chubby/​sunken cheeks
    • white/​perfect/​crooked/​protruding teeth
    • a large/​high/​broad/​wide/​sloping forehead
    • a strong/​weak/​pointed/​double chin
    • a long/​full/​bushy/​wispy/​goatee beard
    • a long/​thin/​bushy/​droopy/​handlebar/​pencil moustache
    Hair and skin
    • pale/​fair/​olive/​dark/​tanned skin
    • dry/​oily/​smooth/​rough/​leathery/​wrinkled skin
    • a dark/​pale/​light/​sallow/​ruddy/​olive/​swarthy/​clear complexion
    • deep/​fine/​little/​facial wrinkles
    • blonde/​blond/​fair/(light/​dark) brown/(jet-)black/​auburn/​red/(British English) ginger/​grey hair
    • straight/​curly/​wavy/​frizzy/​spiky hair
    • thick/​thin/​fine/​bushy/​thinning hair
    • dyed/​bleached/​soft/​silky/​dry/​greasy/​shiny hair
    • long/​short/​shoulder-length/​cropped hair
    • a bald/​balding/​shaved head
    • a receding hairline
    • a bald patch/​spot
    • a side/​centre(British English) parting
    • a long/​short/​thick/​slender/(disapproving) scrawny neck
    • broad/​narrow/​sloping/​rounded/​hunched shoulders
    • a bare/​broad/​muscular/​small/​large chest
    • a flat/​swollen/​bulging stomach
    • a small/​tiny/​narrow/​slim/​slender/28-inch waist
    • big/​wide/​narrow/​slim hips
    • a straight/​bent/​arched/​broad/​hairy back
    • thin/​slender/​muscular arms
    • big/​large/​small/​manicured/​calloused/​gloved hands
    • long/​short/​fat/​slender/​delicate/​bony fingers
    • long/​muscular/​hairy/​shapely/(both informal, often disapproving) skinny/​spindly legs
    • muscular/​chubby/(informal, disapproving) flabby thighs
    • big/​little/​small/​dainty/​wide/​narrow/​bare feet
    • a good/​a slim/​a slender/​an hourglass figure
    • be of slim/​medium/​average/​large/​athletic/​stocky build
    see also Grecian nose, nasal, parson’s nose, Roman nose
    Homophones knows | noseknows   nose
    • knows verb (third person of know)
      • Who knows what the future will bring?谁知道将来会给我们带来什么呢?
    • nose noun
      • Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.用鼻子吸气,用嘴呼气。
    Extra Examples
    • Cats have very sensitive noses and rely heavily on scent markings.猫的鼻子非常灵敏,十分依赖气味标记。
    • Charlie pressed his nose against the window.查利把鼻子贴在窗玻璃上。
    • He stuck his bulbous red nose back into his pint of beer.他又把红红的蒜头鼻浸到了啤酒里。
    • He tapped his nose in a knowing gesture.他轻轻地敲着鼻梁,一副了然于心的样子。
    • His nose wrinkled with distaste.他嫌恶地皱起鼻子。
    • I had to wear a black moustache and false nose for the role.为扮演这个角色,我必须戴黑色的小胡子和一个假鼻子。
    • She dressed up as a clown with a white face and red nose.她打扮成小丑, 雪白的脸,红红的鼻子。
    • She walked with her shoulders back and her nose pointing skyward.她抬头挺胸,鼻孔朝天地走 。
    • She was weeping loudly and her nose was running.她大声哭着,鼻涕也流了下来。
    • She wrinkled her nose as if she had just smelled a bad smell.她皱着鼻子,好像刚闻到臭味。
    • The boy sat there with his finger up his nose.男孩坐在那儿,一根指头放在鼻子上。
    • The dog pushed its wet nose into my palm.小狗用它湿湿的鼻头蹭我的手心。
    • The sharp nose and thin lips gave his face a very harsh look.他的尖鼻子和薄嘴唇使他的模样看起来很严厉。
    • a child with a runny nose流着鼻涕的孩子
    Topics Bodya1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • bulbous
    • huge
    verb + nose
    • breathe through
    • blow
    • wipe
    nose + verb
    • wrinkle
    • twitch
    • run
    nose + noun
    • job
    • ring
    • bleed
    • through the nose
    • up your nose
    • the bridge of the nose
    • with your nose in the air
    • look down your nose at somebody
  2. -nosed
    (in adjectives) having the type of nose mentioned有…鼻子的
    • red-nosed红鼻子的
    • large-nosed大鼻子的
    see also hard-nosed, toffee-nosed
    More Like This Compound adjectives for physical characteristicsCompound adjectives for physical characteristics
    • -beaked
    • -bellied
    • -billed
    • -blooded
    • -bodied
    • -cheeked
    • -chested
    • -eared
    • -eyed
    • -faced
    • -fingered
    • -footed
    • -haired
    • -handed
    • -headed
    • -hearted
    • -hipped
    • -lidded
    • -limbed
    • -mouthed
    • -necked
    • -nosed
    • -skinned
    • -tailed
    • -throated
    • -toothed
  3. enlarge image
    the front part of a plane, spacecraft, etc.(飞机、太空船等的)头部,头锥;机头
    • Heat detectors are fitted in the nose of the missile.热探测器安装在导弹的前端。
    Extra Examples
    • He pushed the nose down for the final approach.他压低机头,准备着陆。
    • The plane's nose dipped as it started descending towards the runway.飞机机头降低,开始向跑道降落。
    Topics Transport by airb1
  4. [singular] a nose for something a special ability for finding or recognizing something发现(或辨别)事物的能力;嗅觉 synonym instinct
    • As a journalist, she has always had a nose for a good story.作为一名记者,她总是能够捕捉到好新闻。
  5. [singular] a sense of smell嗅觉
    • a dog with a good nose嗅觉灵敏的狗
    • (figurative) Good noses can always smell a fight brewing.灵敏的鼻子总能嗅到一场战斗正在酝酿之中。
  6. [singular] a smell that is characteristic of a particular wine(酒的)香气
    • This Cote de Beaune has a good nose, with apricot and raisin aromas.这款 Cote de Beaune 酒的香气很好,带有杏子和葡萄干的香气。
    synonym bouquet
  7. Word OriginOld English nosu, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch neus, and more remotely to German Nase, Latin nasus, and Sanskrit nāsā.
by a nose
  1. (informal) (of a victory or defeat) by only a small amount (used mostly when talking about horse racing) 烦扰
    • He lost his first race by a nose but won the next three.他以微弱优势输掉了第一场比赛,但赢得了接下来的三场比赛。
    • Glen's Diamond was declared the winner by a nose from the 11–4 favourite.格伦戴蒙德 (Glen's Diamond) 以微弱优势从 11-4 的热门球队中获胜。
cut off your nose to spite your face
  1. (informal) to do something when you are angry that is meant to harm somebody else but that also harms you(恼怒之下)伤人害己,损人不利己
follow your nose
  1. to be guided by your sense of smell凭嗅觉指引
  2. to go straight forward一直向前走
    • The garage is a mile ahead up the hill—just follow your nose.汽车修理站在前面一英里处的山坡上,一直往前走就可以到。
  3. to act according to what seems right or reasonable, rather than following any particular rules凭感觉行事;凭直觉办事
get/have your nose/snout in the trough
  1. (British English, informal, disapproving) if you say that people have their noses in the trough, you mean that they are trying to get a lot of money for themselves掉进钱眼里;一心发大财
get up somebody’s nose
  1. (British English, informal) to annoy somebody激怒,招惹(某人)
give somebody a bloody nose
  1. to defeat somebody战胜
    • We have to give him a bloody nose in the election.我们必须在选举中战胜他。
    • Voters gave the government a bloody nose in the local elections.选民在地方选举中对政府表现出了极大的不满。
have your head/nose in a book
  1. to be reading埋头读书
    • She always has her nose in a book.她总是在埋头读书。
have your nose in something
  1. (informal) to be reading something and giving it all your attention专心致志地阅读
    • Peter always has his nose in a book.彼得总是埋头读书。
have a nose round
  1. (British English, informal) to look around a place; to look for something in a place环视(某地);在(某地)寻找
    • I’ll have a nose round and see what I can find.我会仔细观察,看看能找到什么。
it’s no skin off my, your, his, etc. nose
  1. (informal) used to say that somebody is not upset or annoyed about something because it does not affect them in a bad way(指某人没有受到不良影响)这不关某人的事,这跟某人没关系
keep your nose clean
  1. (informal) to avoid doing anything wrong or illegal循规蹈矩;不做违法的事
    • Since leaving prison, he's managed to keep his nose clean.自从出狱以来,他已做到规规矩矩。
keep your nose out of something
  1. to not become involved in things that should not really involve you不插手,不介入(他人的事)
keep your nose to the grindstone
  1. (informal) to work hard for a long period of time without stopping连续辛勤地工作
lead somebody by the nose
  1. (informal) to make somebody do everything you want; to control somebody completely牵着某人的鼻子走;完全操纵(或控制)某人
look down your nose at somebody/something
  1. (informal, especially British English) to behave in a way that suggests that you think that you are better than somebody or that something is not good enough for you对…不屑一顾;蔑视
    • People who live in that area tend to look down their noses at their poorer neighbours.住在那个地区的人往往瞧不起比他们穷的邻居。
    • They tend to look down their noses at people who drive small cars.他们往往看不起开小型汽车的人。
    synonym look down on somebody
nose to tail
  1. (British English) if cars, etc. are nose to tail, they are moving slowly in a long line with little space between them(汽车等)首尾相连(缓缓行进)
    • The traffic was nose to tail for miles.车辆头尾相连,绵延数英里。
    Topics Transport by car or lorryc2
on the nose
  1. (informal, especially North American English) exactly准确地;恰好地
    • The budget should hit the $136 billion target on the nose.预算应该正好达到 1 360 亿美元的目标。
pay through the nose (for something)
  1. (informal) to pay too much money for something(为…)付过高的价
(as) plain as a pikestaff | (as) plain as day | (as) plain as the nose on your face
  1. very obvious一清二楚;一目了然;显而易见
poke/stick your nose into something
  1. (informal) to try to become involved in something that should not involve you多管闲事;插手(他人的事)
    • He’s always poking his nose into other people’s business.事情进展不顺利。
powder your nose
  1. (old-fashioned) a polite way to say that somebody goes to the toilet礼貌地表示有人去厕所了
    • I'm just going to powder my nose.我想去补补妆。
put somebody’s nose out of joint
  1. (informal) to upset or annoy somebody, especially by not giving them enough attention(冷落)使难堪;惹恼
rub somebody’s nose in it
  1. (informal) to keep reminding somebody in an unkind way of their past mistakes揭疮疤;不断恶意提起某人以往的过失
thumb your nose at somebody/something
  1. (informal) to make a rude sign with your thumb on your nose; to show that you have no respect for somebody/something嗤之以鼻;蔑视
    • The company just thumbs its nose at the legislation on pollution.这家公司完全不把污染立法放在眼里。
    • They thumb their noses at all of our traditions.他们对我们所有的传统都嗤之以鼻。
turn your nose up at something
  1. (informal) to refuse something, especially because you do not think that it is good enough for you拒绝;看不上;看不起
    • The children turn up their noses at almost everything I cook.孩子们几乎瞧不上我烹制的任何东西。
under somebody’s nose (informal)
  1. if something is under somebody’s nose, it is very close to them but they cannot see it就在某人面前(却看不见)
    • I searched everywhere for the letter and it was under my nose all the time!我到处找这封信,可它一直就在我面前。
  2. if something happens under somebody’s nose, they do not notice it even though it is not being done secretly当着某人的面,就在某人眼皮底下(却没有被察觉)
    • The police didn't know the drugs ring was operating right under their noses.警方不知道贩毒集团就在他们的眼皮底下运作。
with your nose in the air
  1. (informal) in a way that is not friendly and suggests that you think that you are better than other people傲慢;看不起人;鼻孔朝天,自高自大
    • She walked in with her nose in the air, ignoring everyone.她傲慢地走进来,谁也不理。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they nose
he / she / it noses
past simple nosed
past participle nosed
-ing form nosing
Phrasal Verbs
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to move forward slowly and carefully小心翼翼地向前移动
    • + adv./prep. The plane nosed down through the thick clouds.飞机穿过厚厚的云层慢慢向下降落。
    • He nosed the boat slowly across the water.他把船慢慢地划过水面。
    • nose your way + adv./prep. The taxi nosed its way back into the traffic.出租车慢慢地又汇入车流。
  2. [intransitive] + adv./prep. (of an animal) to search for something or push something with its nose(用鼻子)嗅,拱,顶
    • Dogs nosed around in piles of refuse.一群狗在垃圾堆上嗅来嗅去。
  3. Word OriginOld English nosu, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch neus, and more remotely to German Nase, Latin nasus, and Sanskrit nāsā.




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