Noah Webster
/ˌnəʊə ˈwebstə(r)/
/ˌnəʊə ˈwebstər/
- (1758-1843) a US teacher and author, best known for his American Dictionary of the English Language (1828). He also helped to establish a standard American spelling of English with The Elementary Spelling Book (1783). His name is now used on many dictionaries published by different US companies.
诺亚·韦伯斯特(Noah Webster):(1758-1843)是一位美国老师和作家,最著名的是他的《美国英语词典》(1828年)。他还通过《基本拼写书》(1783年)帮助建立了标准的英语英语拼写。现在,他的名字被美国不同公司出版的许多词典中使用。