New Am·ster·dam
/ˌnjuː ˌæmstəˈdæm/
/ˌnuː ˈæmstərdæm/
- the name of what is now New York City when it was the Dutch capital of New Netherlands in the 17th century. It was a small town at the southern end of Manhattan. The British captured it in 1664 and named it New York. Dutch forces took it again in 1673 for 15 months and called it New Orange.
新阿姆斯特丹(New Amsterdam):现在的纽约市的名称,当时它是17世纪荷兰新荷兰的首都。那是曼哈顿南端的一个小镇。英国人于1664年占领了它,并将其命名为纽约。荷兰军队在1673年将其重新使用了15个月,并将其称为“新橙”。