National Forest
noun/ˌnæʃnəl ˈfɒrɪst/
/ˌnæʃnəl ˈfɔːrɪst/
- any of 155 forests in the US protected and managed by the USDA Forest Service. Unlike National Parks, they are used for commercial activities but in a controlled way.
国家森林:受美国农业部森林服务局保护和管理的美国155种森林中的任何一种。与国家公园不同,它们被用于商业活动,但以受控方式进行。 - a forest which is being created in an area of 200 square miles/520 square kilometres in central England, across Leicestershire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire. The project, which is managed by the National Forest Company, was started in 1990 to encourage planting of more trees so that one third of the area, much of which was used in the past for mining, will be covered by trees. The National Forest links several ancient forests. The aim of the project is to plant around 20 million trees.
国家森林公园:一种在英格兰中部,横跨莱斯特郡,德比郡和斯塔福德郡的200平方英里/ 520平方公里的地区正在创建的森林。该项目由国家森林公司(National Forest Company)管理,始于1990年,目的是鼓励种植更多的树木,以使三分之一的土地被树木覆盖,该土地过去曾用于采矿。国家森林将几个古老的森林联系在一起。该项目的目的是种植约2000万棵树。