

单词 los-angeles

Los An·ge·les

/ˌlɒs ˈændʒəliːz/
/ˌlɔːs ˈændʒələs/
(also also informal LA
/ˌel ˈeɪ/
/ˌel ˈeɪ/
  1. the second largest city in the US and the largest in California. It covers a very large area in the southern part of the state on the Pacific coast, and is connected by the world's largest road system. The city is famous for Hollywood and Beverly Hills and its tourist attractions include Sunset Boulevard, the Hollywood Bowl, Universal Pictures and Rodeo Drive. Los Angeles is one of the busiest US ports and is an important industrial centre. The US captured the town from the Mexicans in 1846, and oil was discovered there at the end of the 19th century.美国第二大城市,加州第一大城市。它覆盖了该州南部太平洋沿岸的一大片地区,并由世界上最大的道路系统连接起来。该市以好莱坞和比佛利山庄而闻名,其旅游景点包括日落大道、好莱坞露天剧场、环球影业和罗迪欧大道。洛杉矶是美国最繁忙的港口之一,也是重要的工业中心。 1846 年,美国从墨西哥人手中夺取了这座城镇,并于 19 世纪末在那里发现了石油。 see also UCLA




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