Lom·bard Street
/ˈlɒmbɑːd striːt/
/ˈlɑːmbɑːrd striːt/
- a street in the centre of London, which is the city's main financial district, containing branches of many of Britain's major banks. The street's name comes from Lombardy, the area in northern Italy from which many bankers came to settle in London in the late 13th century.
compare Threadneedle Street伦巴底街(Lombard Street):位于伦敦市中心的一条街道,这是伦敦的主要金融区,包含许多英国主要银行的分支机构。这条街的名字来自伦巴第大区,伦巴第大区是意大利北部的地区,许多银行家在13世纪末开始从伦敦定居。