

单词 lip


  1. enlarge image
    [countable] either of the two soft edges at the opening to the mouth嘴唇
    • The assistant pursed her lips.那女助手噘起了嘴。
    • your upper/lower/top/bottom lip你的上/下嘴唇
    • on the lips She kissed him on the lips.她吻了他的嘴唇。
    • He raised the bottle to his lips and took a large swig from it.他把瓶子举到唇边,喝了一大口。
    • She always has a cigarette dangling from her lips.她嘴边总是叼着一支香烟。
    Collocations Physical appearancePhysical appearance
    • A person may be described as having:
    • (bright) blue/​green/(dark/​light) brown/​hazel eyes
    • deep-set/​sunken/​bulging/​protruding eyes
    • small/​beady/​sparkling/​twinkling/(informal) shifty eyes
    • piercing/​penetrating/​steely eyes
    • bloodshot/​watery/​puffy eyes
    • bushy/​thick/​dark/​raised/​arched eyebrows
    • long/​dark/​thick/​curly/​false eyelashes/​lashes
    • a flat/​bulbous/​pointed/​sharp/​snub nose
    • a straight/​a hooked/​a Roman/(formal) an aquiline nose
    • full/​thick/​thin/​pouty lips
    • dry/​chapped/​cracked lips
    • flushed/​rosy/​red/​ruddy/​pale cheeks
    • soft/​chubby/​sunken cheeks
    • white/​perfect/​crooked/​protruding teeth
    • a large/​high/​broad/​wide/​sloping forehead
    • a strong/​weak/​pointed/​double chin
    • a long/​full/​bushy/​wispy/​goatee beard
    • a long/​thin/​bushy/​droopy/​handlebar/​pencil moustache
    Hair and skin
    • pale/​fair/​olive/​dark/​tanned skin
    • dry/​oily/​smooth/​rough/​leathery/​wrinkled skin
    • a dark/​pale/​light/​sallow/​ruddy/​olive/​swarthy/​clear complexion
    • deep/​fine/​little/​facial wrinkles
    • blonde/​blond/​fair/(light/​dark) brown/(jet-)black/​auburn/​red/(British English) ginger/​grey hair
    • straight/​curly/​wavy/​frizzy/​spiky hair
    • thick/​thin/​fine/​bushy/​thinning hair
    • dyed/​bleached/​soft/​silky/​dry/​greasy/​shiny hair
    • long/​short/​shoulder-length/​cropped hair
    • a bald/​balding/​shaved head
    • a receding hairline
    • a bald patch/​spot
    • a side/​centre(British English) parting
    • a long/​short/​thick/​slender/(disapproving) scrawny neck
    • broad/​narrow/​sloping/​rounded/​hunched shoulders
    • a bare/​broad/​muscular/​small/​large chest
    • a flat/​swollen/​bulging stomach
    • a small/​tiny/​narrow/​slim/​slender/28-inch waist
    • big/​wide/​narrow/​slim hips
    • a straight/​bent/​arched/​broad/​hairy back
    • thin/​slender/​muscular arms
    • big/​large/​small/​manicured/​calloused/​gloved hands
    • long/​short/​fat/​slender/​delicate/​bony fingers
    • long/​muscular/​hairy/​shapely/(both informal, often disapproving) skinny/​spindly legs
    • muscular/​chubby/(informal, disapproving) flabby thighs
    • big/​little/​small/​dainty/​wide/​narrow/​bare feet
    • a good/​a slim/​a slender/​an hourglass figure
    • be of slim/​medium/​average/​large/​athletic/​stocky build
    see also cleft lip
    Extra Examples
    • He bit his lip nervously, trying not to cry.他紧张地咬着嘴唇,努力忍着不哭出来。
    • He licked his lips hungrily.他饥渴地舔着嘴唇。
    • He nervously moistened his lips with his tongue.他紧张地用舌头润了润嘴唇。
    • His lips brushed her cheek.他的嘴唇蹭了一下她的面颊。
    • She had a fat lip and a black eye.她嘴唇肿胀,一只眼睛乌青。
    • She has full, pouty lips.她嘴唇丰满微翘。
    • His lips curled contemptuously.他轻蔑地撇了撇嘴。
    • She wiped her lips with the back of her hand.她用手背擦了擦嘴。
    • Their lips met and the kiss was soft.他们的嘴唇贴在了一起,吻得很温柔。
    • There was a slight smile on her lips.她唇边挂着一丝淡淡的微笑。
    Topics Bodyb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • top
    • upper
    • bottom
    verb + lip
    • bite
    • chew
    • press together
    lip + verb
    • move
    • part
    • meet
    • around your lip
    • round your lip
    • between your lip
  2. -lipped
    (in adjectives) having the type of lips mentioned嘴唇…的
    • thin-lipped嘴唇薄的
    • thick-lipped嘴唇厚的
    see also tight-lipped
  3. enlarge image
    lip (of something) the edge of a container or a hollow place in the ground(容器或凹陷地方的)边,边沿 synonym rim
    • He ran his finger around the lip of the cup.他用手指沿杯口抹了一下。
    • Lava bubbled a few feet below the lip of the crater.熔岩在火山口下几英尺处沸腾。
  4. [uncountable] (informal) words spoken to somebody that are rude and show a lack of respect for that person粗鲁无礼的话 synonym cheek
    • Don't let him give you any lip!不要让他对你说粗鲁无礼的话!
    • I’ve just about had enough of your lip!我刚刚受够了你的嘴唇!
  5. Word OriginOld English lippa, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch lip and German Lippe, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin labia, labra ‘lips’.
bite your lip
  1. to stop yourself from saying something or from showing an emotion忍住话;抑制情感的流露
    • I bit my lip and forced myself to be calm.我咬着嘴唇,强迫自己冷静下来。
lick your lips
  1. to move your tongue over your lips, especially before eating something good(尤指在吃好东西前)舔嘴唇
  2. (also smack your lips)
    (informal) to show that you are excited about something and want it to happen soon迫不及待;渴望
    • They were licking their lips at the thought of clinching the deal.他们一想到马上要做成这笔交易就显得急不可待了。
my lips are sealed
  1. used to say that you will not repeat somebody’s secret to other people(表示不会说出某人的秘密)我把嘴封住,我绝口不提
not pass your lips
  1. if words do not pass your lips, you say nothing未说话;未开口
  2. if food or drink does not pass your lips, you eat or drink nothing未吃;未喝;(水米)未沾
on everyone’s lips
  1. if something is on everyone’s lips, they are all talking about it大家都在谈论
read my lips
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody to listen carefully to what you are saying请听清楚;请注意听
    • Read my lips: no new taxes (= I promise there will be no new taxes).注意听我说:不会征新税。
smack your lips
  1. to move your lips, apart noisily, especially before eating something good移动你的嘴唇,大声地张开,尤其是在吃东西之前
  2. (also lick your lips)
    (informal) to show that you are excited about something and want it to happen soon迫不及待;渴望
    • They were smacking their lips at the thought of clinching the deal.一想到要达成这笔交易,他们就咂嘴。
(keep) a stiff upper lip
  1. to keep calm and hide your feelings when you are in pain or in a difficult situation(面对痛苦或困境)不动声色,沉着而不外露
    • He was taught to keep a stiff upper lip and never to cry in public.他被教导要保持​​上嘴唇紧绷,永远不要在公共场合哭泣。
    • Their reaction contrasts sharply with the stiff upper lip of the English.他们的反应与英国人的僵硬的上唇形成鲜明对比。
there’s many a slip ’twixt cup and lip
  1. (saying) nothing is completely certain until it really happens because things can easily go wrong到嘴的鸭子也会飞走(指没有十拿九稳的事)Topics Doubt, guessing and certaintyc2




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