K rations
noun/ˈkeɪ ræʃnz/
/ˈkeɪ ræʃnz/
[plural] (North American English)- special meals given to US soldiers during World War II. They were named after Dr Ancel Keys, the leader of the group that created them. The food was supplied in three boxes, one each for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and each contained a healthy number of calories (= units of energy) and vitamins, as well as four cigarettes.
K口粮:第二次世界大战期间给予美国士兵的特殊餐点。它们以创建它们的小组的负责人Ancel Keys博士的名字命名。食物分三盒供应,每盒早餐,午餐和晚餐,每盒都含有健康的卡路里,维生素和四支香烟。