(North American English, informal)- a person from New York. The word comes from the imaginary Dutch name of Diedrich Knickerbocker used by the writer Washington Irving as the pretended author of his History of New York (1809). Knickerbockers (also called knickers in the US) are also an old-fashioned type of loose trousers ending just below the knee where they fit closely.
尼克博克:来自纽约的人。这个词来自虚构的荷兰名字Diedrich Knickerbocker,作家华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)将其用作“纽约历史”(1809)的伪装。紧身裤(在美国也被称为紧身裤)也是一种老式的宽松裤子,在紧贴膝盖的地方结束。