

单词 jump


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they jump
he / she / it jumps
past simple jumped
past participle jumped
-ing form jumping
Idioms Phrasal Verbs

    move off/to ground

    [intransitive] to move quickly off the ground or away from a surface by pushing yourself with your legs and feet跳;跃;跳跃
    • ‘Quick, jump!’ he shouted.“赶快,跳!”他大声叫道。
    • jump + adv./prep. She jumped into the water to save them.她跳进水里去救他们。
    • He jumped into the air and started cheering.他跳到空中并开始欢呼。
    • She jumped down from the chair.她从椅子上跳了下来。
    • The children were jumping up and down with excitement.孩子们兴奋得跳来跳去。
    • The pilot jumped from the burning plane (= with a parachute).飞行员从着火的飞机跳伞了。
    • He killed himself by jumping off a bridge.他从桥上跳下自杀了。
    • jump + noun She has jumped 2.2 metres.她跳了 2.2 米。
    Extra Examples
    • He tried to jump back on board.他试图跳回船上。
    • She jumped up onto the table.她跳到了桌子上。
    • Stop jumping on the furniture!不要在家具上跳了!
    • They all jumped for joy and hugged each other.他们全都高兴地跳起来并互相拥抱。
    • The dog kept jumping up at me.那只狗不停地往我身上扑。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • suddenly
    • almost
    • nearly
    verb + jump
    • try to
    • from
    • into
    • off
    • jump for joy
  2. pass over something

    [intransitive, transitive] to pass over something by jumping跳过;跃过;跨越 synonym leap
    • jump over something He jumped over the wall to get away.他跳墙逃跑。
    • jump something Can you jump that gate?你能跳过那篱笆门吗?
    • He jumped the stream and carried on up the hill.他跳过小溪,继续上山。
    • His horse fell as it jumped the last hurdle.他的马在跨越最后一个栏时跌倒了。
    • jump something over something I jumped my horse over all the fences.我纵马跃过了所有的障碍物。
    Topics Sports: other sportsa2
  4. move quickly

    [intransitive] jump + adv./prep. to move quickly and suddenly突然快速移动
    • He jumped to his feet when they called his name.他们叫到他的名字时他一下子就站了起来。
    • She jumped up and ran out of the room.她蓦地跳起来跑出房间。
    • Do you want a ride? Jump in.你想搭车吗?快上来吧。
    • He jumped out of the car and disappeared into the building.他跳下车,消失在大楼里。
    • When she heard the news, she immediately jumped on a plane to France.一听到这个消息,她立刻搭乘飞机飞往法国。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • slightly
    • immediately
    • instantly
    verb + jump
    • make somebody
    • in
    • jump out of your skin
    [intransitive] to make a sudden movement because of surprise, fear or excitement(因吃惊、害怕或激动而)猛地一动,突然一跳
    • A loud bang made me jump.砰的一声巨响吓我一跳。
    • Her heart jumped when she heard the news.听到那消息她的心猛地一跳。
    Extra Examples
    • He crept up behind me and made me jump.他蹑手蹑脚地走到我背后,吓了我一跳。
    • She jumped slightly at the sound of the bell.听到铃声她微微跳了一下。
    Topics Feelingsb1
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadverb
    • slightly
    • immediately
    • instantly
    verb + jump
    • make somebody
    • in
    • jump out of your skin
  7. increase

    [intransitive] to rise suddenly by a large amount陡增;猛涨;迅速上升 synonym leap
    • jump by… Prices jumped by 60% last year.去年,物价暴涨 60%。
    • jump (from…) (to…) Sales jumped from $2.7 billion to $3.5 billion.销售额从 27 亿美元猛增到 35 亿美元。
    • Your interest rate might suddenly jump at the end of the fixed period.您的利率可能会在固定期限结束时突然上涨。
    • jump + noun The FTSE 100 benchmark index jumped 199.9 points.富时 100 指数上涨 199.9 点。
    Extra Examples
    • Profits jumped by 15 per cent during the year.这一年利润增长了 15%。
    • Shares jumped from 2p to 222p.股价从 2 便士跃升至 222 便士。
    Topics Change, cause and effectb2
  9. change suddenly

  10. [intransitive] jump (about/around) (from something to something) to change suddenly from one subject to another突然改变,突然转换(话题、题目)
    • I couldn't follow the talk because he kept jumping about from one topic to another.我听不明白他的讲话,因为他老是转换话题。
    • The story then jumps from her childhood in New York to her first visit to London.故事接着从她在纽约的童年一下子转到她第一次去伦敦。
  11. leave out

  12. [transitive] jump something to leave out something and pass to a further point or stage略去;略过;跳过
    • You seem to have jumped several steps in the argument.你在论证中似乎略去了好几个步骤。
  13. of machine/device

  14. [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to move suddenly and unexpectedly, especially out of the correct position突然跳出正常位置;意外地离开正常位置
    • The needle jumped across the dial.指针突然从刻度盘的一端跳到另一端。
  15. attack

  16. [transitive, intransitive] jump (on) somebody (informal) to attack somebody suddenly突然袭击(某人);猛地扑向(某人)
    • The thieves jumped him in a dark alleyway.一伙盗贼在一条漆黑的小巷里突然扑向他。
  17. vehicle

  18. [transitive] jump something (North American English) to get on a vehicle very quickly, especially in a way that is dangerous or illegal跳上(车)(尤指行为危险或违法)
    • to jump a bus跳上公共汽车
  19. (North American English)
    (also jump-start British and North American English)
    jump something to start the engine of a car by connecting the battery to the battery of another car with jump leads用跨接引线启动(汽车发动机)
  20. (North American English)
    (also jump-start British and North American English)
    jump something to put a lot of energy into starting a process or an activity or into making it start more quickly全力启动;加快开展
  21. be lively

  22. be jumping
    [intransitive] (informal) to be very lively欢跃;雀跃
    • The bar's jumping tonight.今晚酒吧里气氛活跃。
  23. Word Originearly 16th cent. (in the sense ‘be moved or thrown with a sudden jerk’): probably imitative of the sound of feet coming into contact with the ground.
be jumping up and down
  1. (informal) to be very angry or excited about something暴跳如雷;欢欣雀跃
    • The local residents are jumping up and down complaining about the noise.当地居民上蹿下跳,抱怨噪音。
climb/jump on the bandwagon
  1. (informal, disapproving) to join others in doing something that is becoming fashionable because you hope to become popular or successful yourself赶时髦;追随潮流
    • politicians eager to jump on the environmental bandwagon急于随大溜加入环保行列的政客们
    Topics Successc2
jump/skip bail
  1. to fail to appear at your trial after you have paid money to be allowed to go free until the trial弃保潜逃
    • He skipped bail and went on the run for two weeks.他弃保潜逃了两个星期。
jump/be thrown in at the deep end
  1. (informal) to start or be made to start a new and difficult activity that you are not prepared for(使)陷入未曾料到的艰难处境,一筹莫展
    • Junior hospital doctors are thrown in at the deep end in their first jobs.医院的初级医生开始工作时会遇上未曾料到的困难。
    • The company believes in throwing new employees in at the deep end with no training.该公司认为应该不经培训就让新员工从困难的部份做起。
jump down somebody’s throat
  1. (informal) to react very angrily to somebody愤怒地反驳;猛烈回击某人
jump the gun
  1. to do something too soon, before the right time抢跑;过早行动
jump the lights (British English)
(also run a (red) light, run the lights especially in North American English)
  1. (informal) to fail to stop at a red traffic light闯红灯Topics Crime and punishmentc2, Transport by car or lorryc2
jump out of your skin
  1. (informal) to move violently because of a sudden shock大吃一惊;吓一大跳
    • She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw me.她见到我时大吃一惊。
jump the queue (British English)
(North American English cut in line, jump the line)
  1. to go to the front of a line of people without waiting for your turn插队;加塞儿;不按次序排队
    • She jumped the queue at the ticket counter.她买票时插队。
    • (figurative) Because he had money, he was able to jump the queue and get treatment that was not available to other people.因为他有钱,所以他能够插队,得到其他人无法获得的治疗。
jump the rails
  1. (of a train) to leave the track suddenly出轨;脱轨
jump the shark
  1. (used especially about a television series, etc.) to include something that is very hard to believe as an attempt to keep people watching, usually a sign that the show is not as good as it used to be (尤指电视剧等)为抓人眼球而加入荒诞内容(通常标志着节目质量滑坡)
    • Has the show finally jumped the shark?这档节目为刺激收视,最终加入荒诞不经的内容了吗?
jump ship
  1. to leave the ship on which you are serving, without permission擅自弃职离船Topics Transport by waterc2
  2. to leave an organization that you belong to, suddenly and unexpectedly擅自离队;擅离职守
jump through hoops
  1. to do something difficult or complicated in order to achieve something(为达到目的而)经受磨难
    • You have to jump through so many hoops to get a job like this.你必须克服很多困难才能找到这样的工作。
    Topics Successc2
jump/leap to conclusions | jump/leap to the conclusion that…
  1. to make a decision about somebody/something too quickly, before you know or have thought about all the facts匆忙下结论;贸然断定
    • There I go again—jumping to conclusions.我又犯老毛病了——匆忙草率地下结论。
    Extra Examples
    • Don't jump to conclusions.别匆忙下结论。
    • We don't want to jump to the wrong conclusion.我们不想因匆忙而得出错误结论。
jump to it
(North American English also hop to it)
  1. (informal) used to tell somebody to hurry and do something quickly(用来催促某人)赶快,快点




    an act of jumping跳;跃;跳跃
    • to do a parachute jump跳伞
    • jump of… a jump of over six metres六米多的一跳
    • jump from something Somehow he survived the jump from the third floor of the building.不知怎么的,他从四楼跳下来竟然没摔死。
    see also broad jump, bungee jump, high jump, long jump, ski jump, triple jump
    Extra Examples
    • She managed a jump of 1.6 metres.她成功跳过了1.6米。
    • Cats can clear six feet with a standing jump.猫纵身一跳可以跃出 6 英尺。
    • She made a jump for the river bank.她跳向河岸。
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • little
    • running
    • standing
    verb + jump
    • make
    • take
    • do
    • in the… jump
    • with a jump
    • jump into
  2. barrier

  3. enlarge image
    a barrier like a narrow fence that a horse or a runner has to jump over in a race or competition(比赛中需跳过的)障碍物
    • The horse fell at the last jump.那匹马在跨越最后一个障碍物时跌倒了。
    see also water jumpTopics Sports: other sportsa2
  4. increase

    a sudden increase in amount, price or value突升;猛涨;激增
    • unusually large price jumps非同寻常的大幅度涨价
    • jump in something a 20 per cent jump in pre-tax profits税前利润 20% 的大幅增长
    Extra Examples
    • The sportswear company reports a jump in sales since the Olympics.这家运动服装公司的报告显示自奥运会以来销量猛增。
    • There's been no sudden jump, but a steady increase year on year.没有出现过骤增,而是每年稳步增长。
    Topics Change, cause and effectb2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • quantum
    • sharp
    verb + jump
    • make
    • jump in
  6. change

  7. jump + adv./prep. a large or sudden change巨变;突变
    • Is he good enough to make the jump into Formula One?他是否足够优秀,可以跳级进入一级方程式?
    • The story takes a jump back in time.这故事一转又回到以前发生的事情。
    • The negotiations took a jump forward yesterday (= they made progress).谈判昨天取得进展。
    • The new law is a jump into the unknown.这部新法律效果如何还是个未知数。
  8. sudden movement

  9. a sudden movement caused by shock or surprise(受惊吓引起的)猛的一动,突然一跳
    • I sat up with a jump.我惊得一下子坐了起来。
    • Her heart gave a little jump at his smile.她看到他微笑时心里扑腾了一下。
  10. Word Originearly 16th cent. (in the sense ‘be moved or thrown with a sudden jerk’): probably imitative of the sound of feet coming into contact with the ground.
be for the high jump
  1. (British English, informal) to be going to be severely punished将遭到严厉惩罚
    • If I catch you cheating, you’ll be for the high jump.如果我发现你作弊,你就参加跳高。
(go and) take a running jump
  1. (old-fashioned, informal) used to tell somebody in a rude way to go away滚开;走开
    • Why didn’t you just tell him to take a running jump?你为什么不直接告诉他跑跳呢?
to keep, etc. one jump ahead (of somebody)
  1. to keep your advantage over somebody, especially your competitors, by taking action before they do or by making sure you know more than they do(尤指竞争中比某人)有优势的地位,优先一步,略胜一筹




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