

单词 gun


    [countable] a weapon that is used for firing bullets or shells枪;炮
    • I have never fired a gun in my life.我这辈子从没开过枪。
    • He pointed a gun at her head.他用枪对准了她的头。
    • Should police officers carry guns?警察应该佩枪吗?
    • a toy/replica gun玩具枪;仿真枪
    • Anti-aircraft guns opened fire as the bombers flew overhead.高射炮向从头顶上飞过的轰炸机开火。
    • A loaded gun was found in the vehicle.在车里发现了一把上了膛的枪。
    • Look out, he's got a gun!小心,他有枪!
    • The guard drew his gun (= took it out so it was ready to use).卫兵拔出了枪。
    • She pulled a gun on me (= took out a gun and aimed it at me).她掏出枪来对准了我。
    • The gun went off by accident.枪走火了。
    • The attacker held a gun to the hostage’s head.袭击者用枪指着人质的头部。
    • a gun battle between rival gangs对立帮派间的枪战
    • high levels of gun crime/violence大量的涉枪犯罪/暴力
    • gun owners/ownership枪支拥有者/所有权
    • gun control/laws枪支管制法
    see also airgun, BB gun, handgun, machine gun, ray gun, shotgun, stun gun, sub-machine gun, tommy gun, zip gun
    Extra Examples
    • Enemy ship approaching! Man the guns!敌舰开过来了!枪炮手就位!
    • Guns were firing and grenades going off all around.枪声大作,手榴弹四处爆炸。
    • He grinned and cocked the gun with his thumb.他咧嘴笑着,用拇指扳上扳机。
    • He pulled a gun from his pocket.他从衣袋里拔出枪。
    • She raised her gun, aimed and fired.她举起枪,瞄准并开火。
    • I found myself looking down the barrel of a gun.我发现一支枪的枪口正对着我。
    • I loaded the gun with my last two bullets.我把最后两颗子弹装入枪膛。
    • Jorge quickly holstered his gun.若热迅速地把枪放进枪套。
    • My big brother taught me about gun safety.我的哥哥教我枪支使用安全知识。
    • She brandished the gun menacingly.她意带威胁地挥舞着枪。
    • The gunman turned the gun on himself.持枪者掉转枪口对准了自己。
    • The police pointed to the success of a gun amnesty earlier this year.警方谈到了今年早些时候枪支特赦行动的成功。
    • There were several guns mounted in the back of the vehicle.这辆车的后部架着好几门炮。
    • These kids have grown up in a drugs and gun culture.这些孩子在充斥着毒品和枪支的文化环境中长大。
    • They grudgingly took off their gun belts and holsters.他们很不情愿地摘下枪带和枪套。
    • They succeeded in silencing the enemy guns.他们成功地打哑了敌人的炮火。
    • This new gun shoots a laser beam at the target.这支新枪会向目标物射出激光束。
    • Two armed men held a gun to his head and made him empty the safe.两名武装分子用枪指着他的头,让他把保险柜中的东西全拿了出来。
    • We're very short of guns and ammunition.我们非常缺乏枪支弹药。
    • the powerful gun lobby in the US美国强大的反禁枪游说势力
    • He walked into the bank and pointed his gun at the cashier.他走进银行,用枪指着出纳员。
    • He was injured in a gun battle between rival gangs.他在对立帮派之间的枪战中受伤。
    • Should commercial airline pilots be permitted to carry guns?商业航空公司的飞行员是否应该被允许携带枪支?
    • The battleship fired its main 16-inch guns against enemy coastal positions.战列舰用16英寸主炮向敌方沿海阵地开火。
    Topics War and conflicta2
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • heavy
    • loaded
    verb + gun
    • be armed with
    • carry
    • have
    gun + verb
    • blaze
    • fire
    • go off
    gun + noun
    • control
    • law
    • crime
    • the barrel of a gun
    • guns and ammunition
    • hold a gun on somebody
  2. [countable] a tool that uses pressure to send out a substance or an object喷射器;喷枪
    • a staple gunU 形钉枪
    see also grease gun, snow gun, spray gun
    Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
    • big
    • heavy
    • loaded
    verb + gun
    • be armed with
    • carry
    • have
    gun + verb
    • blaze
    • fire
    • go off
    gun + noun
    • control
    • law
    • crime
    • the barrel of a gun
    • guns and ammunition
    • hold a gun on somebody
  3. the gun
    [singular] the signal to begin a race, that is made by firing a special gun, called a starting pistol, into the air起跑信号;发令枪声Topics Sports: other sportsc1
  4. [countable] (informal, especially North American English) a person who is paid to shoot somebody受雇杀人的枪手
    • a hired gun雇用的枪手
  5. see also big gun, flashgun, laser gun, son of a gun
    Word OriginMiddle English gunne, gonne, perhaps from a pet form of the Scandinavian name Gunnhildr, from gunnr + hildr, both meaning ‘war’.
(with) all/both guns blazing
  1. (informal) with a lot of energy and determination充满活力;精神抖擞
    • The champions came out (with) all guns blazing.优胜者们神采奕奕地登场亮相。
be going great guns
  1. (informal) to be doing something quickly and successfully做得快;顺利;成功
    • Work is going great guns now.目前工作很顺利。
    Topics Successc2
hold/put a gun to somebody’s head
  1. to force somebody to do something that they do not want to do, by making threats威胁某人;胁迫某人就范
jump the gun
  1. to do something too soon, before the right time抢跑;过早行动
spike somebody’s guns
  1. (British English) to cause the plans of an opponent to fail打乱对手的计划
stick to your guns
  1. (informal) to refuse to change your mind about something even when other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong不听别人劝告;坚持己见;一意孤行
under the gun
  1. (North American English, informal) experiencing a lot of pressure承受很大压力
    • I'm really under the gun today.我今天的压力真大。


Verb Forms
present simple I / you / we / they gun
he / she / it guns
past simple gunned
past participle gunned
-ing form gunning
Phrasal Verbs
  1. [intransitive] (North American English) (of an engine) to run very quickly快速运转
    • a line of motorcycles with their engines gunning引擎狂转的一队摩托车
  2. [transitive] gun something + adv./prep. (North American English) to start driving a vehicle very fast使(车辆)加速
    • He gunned the cab through the red light.他猛踩油门,开着出租车闯过了红灯。
    Topics Transport by car or lorryc2
  3. Word OriginMiddle English gunne, gonne, perhaps from a pet form of the Scandinavian name Gunnhildr, from gunnr + hildr, both meaning ‘war’.




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