- (c. 1829-1909) an Apache who led his people in Arizona against the US Army and the white people who settled there. After fighting for ten years (1876-86), Geronimo surrendered and finally settled in Oklahoma as a farmer. In the Second World War US military paratroopers used to shout his name as they jumped from their planes, to give themselves courage. Today, people often do this when jumping from a high place or doing something dangerous. “Once I moved about like wind. Now I surrender to you and that is all.”
(约 1829-1909 年)一位阿帕奇人,领导他的人民在亚利桑那州对抗美国军队和定居在那里的白人。经过十年的战斗(1876-86 年),杰罗尼莫投降并最终在俄克拉荷马州定居为农民。第二次世界大战期间,美军伞兵从飞机上跳下时常常喊着他的名字,以给自己勇气。如今,人们在从高处跳下或做危险的事情时经常这样做。 “有一次我像风一样四处走动。现在我向你投降,仅此而已。”杰罗尼莫