

a feather in your cap a-feather-in-your-cap a few/couple of steps a-few-couple-of-steps a few well-chosen words
a-few-well-chosen-words affability affable affably affair
affairs of state affairs-of-state affect affectation affect balance
affected affected area affected individual affected joint affected limb
affectedly affected party affected patient affected person affected population
affected region affected relative affecting affection affectionate
affectionately affections affective affective component affective dimension
affective state affectivity afferent afferent input affidavit
affiliate affiliated affiliated hospital affiliated organization affiliated stations
affiliated union affiliate link affiliate-link affiliate marketing affiliate-marketing
affiliating affiliation affiliation order affiliation-order affiliative
affinal affine affinity affinity card affinity-card
affinity group affirm affirmation affirmative affirmative action
affirmative-action affirmatively affirmed affirmed gender affirmed-gender
affirming affix affixed affixing afflict
afflicted afflicted person afflicting affliction affluence
affluent affluent area affluent background affluent society affluent suburb
affluenza afford affordability affordable affordable accommodation
affordable alternative affordable price affordance afforded affording
afforestation affray affricate affront affronted
affronting Afghan Afghan hound afghan-hound Afghanistan
aficionado afield a fifth/third wheel a-fifth-third-wheel a fifty-fifty chance
a fight to the finish a-fight-to-the-finish a figment of your imagination a fine figure of a man/woman a-fine-figure-of-a-man-woman
a fine line a-fine-line afire a firm hand a-firm-hand
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